August 2023

ROCK Resources
We thank you in Jesus’ name for your part in making the gospel available to the world’s untold billions.

ধন্যবাদ, বাংলা ভাষায় তাওরাত, জবুর,নবীদের কিতাব, ইঞ্জিল কিতাবের সারমর্ম তুলে ধরবার জন্য

Can you read the above language? How would you feel if God’s story and message were only available in languages you don’t understand? The above comment is one of many posted last month on the KING of GLORY YouTube channel with its 54 (& counting) languages ( This comment is in the Bengali language of Bangladesh, written by a truth-seeker by the name of Assad. English translation: Thank you for highlighting and clarifying the essence of the Torah, Psalms, Prophets, and Injil (the gospel [book]) in Bengali.” 

Also last month, a Spanish listener, impacted by the chronological gospel (Luke 24:27,32) wrote, “Wonderful! It was the most beautiful movie I’ve ever seen.” And from Romania: “I like it so much, continue your videos, don’t stop.” And from Germany, “Beautifully beautiful. This film should be shown in every religious education class.” (In this month alone, the movie received 15 comments from German-speakers. God is doing something special!) And from a listener of The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS ( radio series in Indonesia, aired on 36 FM stations, wrote: I’m so grateful for the program. I get new understanding every time I listen to it.” 

In French-speaking West African countries, where ROCK has media & kids’ projects, in the past 3 years, 6 coup d’états have taken place. The most recent is in Niger (where, in 2014-2015, ROCK was the channel for the construction of the Youth Development Center). On July 26th a coup was carried out by Niger’s military against the current president. Meanwhile in Senegal, a nation known for its democratic stability in the region, is going through great political tension. And that’s just a sample of our hurting, troubled world. Thank you for praying for truth seekers and the Lord’s servants in the countries and language groups mentioned in this update.

This just in from Tanzania: At Tumaini Jipya [Swahili for “New Hope”] Secondary School, the girls returned from their summer break at the beginning of July. Practice exams have shown that most girls are doing fairly well in their studies, though some still struggle, especially those who are behind in their English acquisition. Please pray they will be able to catch up to their peers. While the girls were out on break, construction on the school wall (behind the dorms), two classrooms, and the chicken house (which will provide more diverse nutrition for the school and a source of income). Thank you for your part in the high-quality education the girls are receiving where they are also hearing the truth of the gospel daily.

August 2023