August 2024

“Pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1

Dr. Rachel reports: “In May, I had the opportunity to bring students and friends to Tanzania from Samford University to the Tumaini Jipya {New Hope} Girls’ Secondary {Boarding} School. We engaged with the girls through Bible studies, games, arts and crafts, while teaching local girls hygiene and safety. We also hosted a two-day conference for local women studying 1 John. Our prayers for Tumaini Jipya to serve both educational and ministry purposes are being beautifully answered!

“At this same time, the students took a major exam alongside three other schools in the area. Out of all the students taking the exams, Tumaini Jipya had 7 out of 10 top performers in Form 2 (2nd year students) and 6 of 10 top performers in Form 1! The girls have a sweet community and enjoy being together. All are learning to garden and raise chickens – projects that add nutrition to the girls’ diet and a small income for the school. We thank God too for His provision of sufficient funds to start Phase 1 of the teacher housing construction: the foundation, framework, and roof. Thank you for your prayers and share in this.” 

Meanwhile in Niger, terrorists are creating much suffering, displaced peoples, and increased poverty – and opportunities for believers to show Christ’s compassion. As the Lord provides, ROCK has been a channel to help believers help displaced peoples with agricultural projects to provide for them a food source in the coming harvest. Another hard place where designated gifts can be invested for the gospel is in gang-invaded Haiti

ROCK Resources
Endless are the opportunities to equip the saved to reach the lost. For example, a few days ago ROCK shipped 7 cases of multi-language gospel tools to church leaders in New York City, who are in a church located among West African migrants. Last week, 75 Senegalese attended a community meal hosted by that church. The local imam was angry, “Why did you attend the church?” Their answer? “They gave us a meal.” An open door.

August 15th marks 3 years since Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. In one border-country, many Afghan refugees are being transformed by the gospel as local believers share with them Christ’s love (in practical ways) and truth (often using ROCK’s Afghan-language gospel tools). Authorities are increasingly arresting and beating many of these former Muslims, accusing them of proselytizing – and threatening their families with deportation. Two of the persecutors, talking in a hallway, were overheard speaking of a Christian who was severely beaten, “How can he endure this? What he believes is real.” The Word of the Lord is being honored.

August 2024