September 2024

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
Colossians 3:23

ROCK Resources
Between 2011 and 2015, while working on the KING of GLORY movie, I came across an anonymous quote from a movie director/editor, confirming what we needed to do before we could release the original (English) movie:

“[Making] a movie is like the Tour de France: It’s not necessary to win all the stages. It’s more important to resolve the worst situationsmaintain the consistency, and then arrive in Paris as the winner.”

This director/editor’s practical advice (with spiritual application as well) also summarizes the tasks we (ROCK’s partners & coworkers) seek to fulfill daily from our many locations, e.g., communicate, translate, proof, record, edit, dub, maintain quality, design, print, distribute, ship, finance, update websites, work through problems, etc.

After the English movie’s release in 2015, some asked, “So what is your next project now that this is done?” With a chuckle, we answered, “Done? The work to translate, record, and distribute it in other languages has only just begun!” To the glory of God, nine years later, KoG is now in 60 languages and counting…

On Dec. 6, 2014, KING of GLORY had an Advanced Screening Premiere in a South Carolina theatre. Once the movie ended, an elderly gentleman across the aisle came over to me with tears in his eyes, saying, “Thank you. I believe God will use this movie to reach millions with the gospel!” Praise God, he was right. To illustrate, last month, the movie in its 60 languages on ROCK’s YouTube channel had 126,000+ views with an average of 1 hour per click. And in the past year? 6.47 million views with 1 hour, 21 min. per click. Lots of feedback too. A sample from last month: “Absolutely phenomenal. I will be sharing this with others…”. And this: “I just watched this video, 7 years after you posted it. Thank you for helping me on my journey to find God.” Pray for our worldwide audience. Watch/download ROCK’s videos & podcasts here: 

Last month, we featured the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School in Tanzania. This month in Niger and in “our” South Asian country, amid turmoil and flooding, in answer to prayer, God is opening many special doors of opportunity. In Haiti, a faithful brother with others continue to go to hard areas to show KoG in Haitian Creole. And in Senegal, in the village where ROCK financed a wall for their school (Nov. 2022), the ROCK-connected Senegalese worker (with his family) has formed and is coaching a soccer team with local youth. Just days ago, they won the first match against a good team. All for the blessing of precious people – for time and eternity,

September 2024