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It is YOUR STORY. Do You Know It?

YOUR STORY offers a panoramic view of the Bible and shows how your own story can be forever linked to your Creator’s story. This illustrated 36-page booklet summarizes the best story and message ever told.

This is not a book. Your Story does not replace One God One Message, a 432-page book designed to help truth seekers overcome scores of obstacles as they take an unhurried journey through the Scriptures of the prophets and encounter God’s unalterable plan for mankind.

This is not a tract. For believers accustomed to giving out 3-page gospel tracts, a common first reaction when they see Your Story is: “It’s too long.” But once they understand its design, many remark: “It’s so concise!” To orient givers and recipients alike, the inside cover states:

About this booklet: Have you read the world’s best seller—The Holy Bible— the Book that records the past, present, and future of the human race? The Bible takes about 70 hours to read. Your Story encapsulates its amazing Story and Message—and takes just 40 minutes to read.

  • The booklet is wonderful... the most comprehensive evangelistic tool I've read. It is well written and I'm sure it has been used to draw people to the truth about Jesus.

    SA, Witness in Texas
  • I like the narrative approach better than the four spiritual laws or such.

    JM, Christian worker to Liberia
  • Thanks for giving me the opportunity to review your upcoming booklet. In my view, it is constructed with unmistakable logic and clarity. Its link with One God One Message reinforces both.

    Executive Director, International Charity
  • The PICTURES are perfect, so that even a little child may understand.

    J, Lady in North Carolina
  • This fills a real void. I don’t like and don’t use most tracts. I’m tired of seeing them in urinals, etc. I encounter people who express an interest in learning the Bible. I think Your Story will be a good first step.

    Guy Lee IV, Professional Engineer in North Carolina
  • Thank you for producing such an outstanding product, both in content and quality! There are so many little details about this tract that I appreciate regarding the theological content (that contribute to presenting a clear gospel). The tract also has a sturdy look and feel. I have been engaging in evangelism for many years and have used various tracts during that time. But I have realized that with the lack of biblical literacy in America, there needed to be more content that laid the foundation for understanding the person and work of Jesus Christ. This tract does a superb job. I think it’s also great that one can transition from the YOUR STORY tract right into ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE and/or KING of GLORY for further amplification.

    Max C., Airline Pilot
  • I am very pleased that there is now a gospel booklet available that truly lays out a clear presentation from beginning to end.

    K, Customer in North Carolina
  • I've been giving out YOUR STORY, but just read it for the first time. Wow, it's great. It is sweetly written. It expresses poetically God's character in the method and manner in which He loves us, also it is brutally blunt about His refusal to entertain us as sinners. Then it goes back to sweetness.

    Max, Witness in Arizona
  • Have just had a look at the latest booklet and hasten to communicate my enthusiastic approval. It is very well conceived and delivered. Your target readership is clear yet it also communicates a message that any individual should be able to respond to.

    Professor Schwertfeger
  • It looks great, and reads even better. I'm thrilled that there are new and fresh approaches to propagating the good news—it’s encouraging and challenging!

    Dr. Phil Golson, Professor of Music/Conductor
  • What an excellent resume of One God One Message. You have done a superb job again on this one. I look forward to using it!

    Retired French Teacher/Chaplain to prisoners
  • After reading 'Your Story' and the introduction to it on the website, my first thought was 'I like how this guy thinks'. ... I think you hit the nail on the head. I think we have a debt to the world to make available the WHOLE story of the Gospel, not the McDonalds' fast food version. Thank you for the breath of fresh air.

    Reader in Pennsylvania


List Result ItemTitleDisplay LanguageNative Titlelanguage_hfilter
আপনার জীবন কাহিনী – YOUR STORY – Bengali (Bangladesh)Bengaliআপনার জীবন কাহিনী (Bangladesh)bengali
Your Story – EnglishEnglishYour Storyenglish
আপনার জীবন কাহিনী – YOUR STORY – Bengali (West.Bengal)Bengaliআপনার জীবন কাহিনী - Bengali (West.Bengal)bengali
Ton Histoire – Your Story – FrenchFrenchTon Histoirefrench
Tu Historia – Your Story – SpanishSpanishTu Historiaspanish
Habari Zako – Your Story – SwahiliSwahiliHabari Zakoswahili
Sa Cosaan – Your Story – WolofWolofSa Cosaanwolof
قصتك – Your Story – ArabicArabicقصتكarabic
Senin Öykün – Your Story – TurkishTurkishSenin Öykünturkish
Your Story ( Photocopy-friendly version )EnglishYour Story ( Photocopy-friendly version )english
Sheekadaada – Your Story – SomaliSomaliSheekadaadasomali
ستاسو کیسه – Your Story – DariDariداستان شماdari
داستان شما – Your Story – PashtoPashtoستاسو کیسهpashto

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List Result ItemTitleDisplay LanguageNative Titlelanguage_hfilter
داستان شما – Your Story – DariDariداستان شماdari
ستاسو کیسه – Your Story – PashtoPashtoستاسو کیسهpashto
Your Story – SomaliSomaliستاسو کیسهsomali

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Your Story – Impact Canada

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Perfect for Sharing

Photocopy-friendly version:

YOUR STORY is ideal for sharing with inmates—except that the booklet has a staple. Most prisons forbid staple-bound literature. So ROCK International has created a 6-page (3-page double-sided) option, which can be printed or photocopied on standard-size paper, and then folded like a letter.

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