October 2021

ROCK Resources: Amid worldwide horror and heartache, God is at work in lives. A few examples: 1.) Last week in a South American hospital, an unconscious man to whom a stranger read the Spanish YOUR STORY booklet, testified 3 days later, after regaining consciousness, that he had heard, understood, and believed the gospel! 2.) More than 300,000 people have watched KING of GLORY videos in 40+ languages on YouTube this past month. 3.) We hear reports of God using WHAT IF JESUS MEANT WHAT HE SAID? and PROSPER: ENJOYING INTIMACY WITH GOD to stir up His people in churches and small groups in North America and beyond.

Two days ago, we received this report: Please be praying for our team of guys evangelizing their way up the border of Afghanistan. They are engaging the Taliban and others they encounter by sharing the gospel verbally and by distributing SD cards with the film King of Glory.’ Yesterday they were in a village where the Taliban and our country had been fighting the day before. They were heartbroken as they saw Taliban drive up in Humvees and execute a group of refugees that had been sent back to the Afghani side. Pray for our guys as they minister Life amid death. Pray that multitudes of Afghans, Taliban included, will encounter Christ (Acts 9).

In Afghan refugee camps in the USA, believers are sharing God’s love and truth. KoG QR code business cards (see pic) and micro-SD cards are being distributed with clothing, etc. In partnership with the team in Central Asia, ROCK is preparing the Your Story booklet in Dari and Pashto for Afghans on both sides of the globe.

ROCKids: This month a ROCK board member and his wife will spend time with the believers in northern Senegal, visit neighbors, and see first-hand the growing media and youth ministries. • Pray for a time of encouragement for all. • Please pray for the next steps in Tanzania to register the school with the government and for the process to find godly and gifted personnel. • Pray too for the KoG flash drive distribution in South Africa. We leave you with this just in from Niger. Please pray: • For the organization of new computer courses at the Youth Development Center. • For relationships with people open to the gospel. • For growth and devotion of the brothers & sisters in the church. • For God’s work in hearts so that many will seek & find Him.

October 2021