Dim the Lights    Official Trailer    One-Minute Trailer How to Download


To download from Vimeo:

  • Hover your mouse over the video and click on the Share (paper airplane) icon.
  • Then click on the “vimeo.com” address under the social media icons. This will open the video on the Vimeo website.
  • Click on the Download button (under the Vimeo video player, on the right side).
  • Click on the resolution (quality) of your choice. The mp4 file will begin downloading.
  • Once done, you will probably find it in your Downloads folder.
  • Further information can be found Here


About the Movie:

  • FOR THIS REASON is adapted from KING of GLORY.
  • KING of GLORY  {222 minutes} was made as a 15-episode SERIES.
  • FOR THIS REASON {100 minutes} is made to be watched in ONE SITTING.
  • Neither replaces the other.

Available Languages:


To condense the 15-episode KING of GLORY epic into this feature-length movie, more than 40 vital stories had to be cut. So what’s left? A one-sitting, dot-connecting wild ride through the Scriptures of the prophets that lets you meet the One who said, “FOR THIS REASON  I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (Gospel of John 18:37)

Christmas Trailer

This Christmas:
The Complete Story.

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FOR THIS REASON is a fast-paced animated journey through the Scriptures of the prophets, the world’s best seller, the Bible. Beginning at the dawn of time, it reveals why God sent the Messiah-Savior-King into the world, who He is, and what He has done for us so that we can know our Creator-Owner and enjoy a close relationship with Him forever.

This feature-length movie helps its worldwide audience of all ages to connect the dots of history and grasp the big picture of God’s plan for mankind – for time and eternity.

  • A preliminary look blew me away. What a fantastic production! All of the hard work has paid off.

    Tom T., magazine publisher/editor, New Jersey
  • I was moved to tears throughout the movie. This movie is unique in that it really can reach all ages from children to adults.

    Heather, Amazon Review
  • “This film is touching people.”

    Andrew Harmon, Computer Cinematographer for KING of GLORY
  • This isn’t just for kids. It’s for adults too. My wife is 85 and I am 86 and we love it!

    Chuck F., Florida
  • A wonderful tool to be used all over the world! It could be used to help someone learn the English language, teach a chronological Bible study for children or adults, given as a gift to parents for a church baby dedication, or, of course, as a gift to children and grandchildren. We loved the pictures!

    Dr. Bill and Carol M., educators, Iowa
  • My cousin's children (Hindu family) enjoyed hearing stories from KING of GLORY. It is such a useful resource for sharing the Gospel.

    Vanessa, Social worker/Counselor
  • Explains in such a loving way what the Lord did for us on the cross. Beautifully put together.

    James, Amazon Review
  • It took us about 9 weeks to get through the movie, because we watched 1 to 2 episodes per week (there are 15 episodes and each is approx. 15 minutes long), so it's just perfect for children! At first I wasn't sure how the kids would react to it, since children these days are so used to cartoon-y entertainment-driven TV, but my kids absolutely LOVED it! Each week they couldn't wait to watch more.

    Heather, Amazon Review
  • We used KING of GLORY for our summer program. It allowed the kids to grasp the Old Testament and New Testament in vivid display.

    Mr. & Mrs. Biskup, Sunday School Superintendents, Chicago
  • “It can be difficult to tell the enormity of the Gospel in a conversation or even in a series of Bible lessons, but this movie intricately and broadly portrays the entirety of the Gospel in a beautiful and understandable way. The music and sound effects are AMAZING and moving, and the art is just astounding. I can't say enough good things about it!!!

    Heather, Amazon Review
  • Perfect movie for all who want to learn about the God of the universe.

    Scout, Amazon Review
  • What a treasure! We are enthralled with the beauty and simplicity of the message in each episode!

    Terry & Patricia L., Cup of Cold Water, Washington
  • Amazing - love it!!

    Julie, Amazon Review
  • I watched the movie with my Muslim friend and she really enjoyed it. We had previously gone through the KING of GLORY book, but I had the feeling that she only understood the message fully when we watched the video.

    Hannah, Kenya

For This Reason