KING of GLORY Picture Book

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The Story in 70 Scenes

With plain yet profound text alongside 70 bright and bold illustrations, KING of GLORY tells the story of the Creator-Owner of the universe and His plan to rescue His rebellious subjects from the kingdom of darkness. For a worldwide audience of all ages. In many languages (see below).

“This magnificent book is God’s story of romance and redemption, broken down into 70 scenes, each with it’s own beautiful full-page painting. The seriousness of sin and how it separates us from our Creator is not sugar glossed over. The first 19 scenes gets us up to Adam and Eve being banished from the garden. Did you catch that? 19 pages (out of 70!) to tell us about God’s plan for creating the world and the fall of mankind. If there is one thing I want my sons to understand it is their complete and utter need for a Savior. Those first 19 scenes clearly and brilliantly pave the way into the rest of the story – the story of a King who is romancing and wooing a fallen and broken world back to Himself.” — Jessica, Amazon review


  • This isn’t just for kids. It’s for adults too. My wife is 85 and I am 86 and we love it!

    Chuck F., Florida
  • Just wanted to let you know that we purchased the King of Glory book from Amazon and it is sitting on Brian's bedside table. Nearly every night one of the kids picks up the book and look through it as we are reading before bed. They are captivated by the pictures and often pose questions about them.

    Michelle, Senegal
  • A wonderful tool to be used all over the world! It could be used to help someone learn the English language, teach a chronological Bible study for children or adults, given as a gift to parents for a church baby dedication, or, of course, as a gift to children and grandchildren. We loved the pictures!

    Dr. Bill and Carol M., educators, Iowa
  • The stories flow together and everything forms a wonderful, cohesive whole.

    Sara Grace H., student/teacher, California
  • The pictures are terrific. Both the text and pictures make you want to curl up by the fire and listen to the story.

    Rachel K., nurse, New England
  • I have read and enjoyed it very much. I have also begun reading it to our grandson. The pictures have kept his attention and at nearly 5 years old has been very attentive to the reading.

    Mark D., grandfather in Georgia
  • It is a marvelous message, told in a clear, concise and captivating manner. Easy to read and pleasing to the eye!

    Ivy P., French translator, Quebec
  • I was reading it with a young woman I disciple and she was so enticed she didn’t want to put it down after we read two scenes. She read it well into the night.

    Holly, Philippines
  • What a treasure! We are enthralled with the beauty and simplicity of the message in each episode!

    Terry & Patricia L., Cup of Cold Water, Washington
  • Another 12-year old boy wrote the following email to his grandfather:] “Thank you so much for the book. I read it on the way home [a 3-hour trip] and loved it! I like the point Mr. P. D. Bramsen made about the first perfect man leading us into Satan’s kingdom and the second perfect man leading us out…

    Christian D., 7th grader, Georgia
  • It is beautiful, inside and out. I can see where it would be very valuable and instructive to both new and mature Christians. I can’t imagine all the love and thought and detail that went into this worthy project.

    Jeanne, South Carolina
  • I am reading your book carefully again. I cannot wait for the DVD to become available. It is such a wonderful story telling style and I can even imagine myself with a group of young Muslims, reading to them directly from the book – in story telling sessions. I am praying that this may be possible until the DVD is ready.

    Bryan, South Africa
  • Thank you for "King of Glory". My husband was a missionary in Venezuela for 59 years and much of what he read was from small print, profound commentaries. Now that he is 91 year old, suffering from dementia and failing eyesight, he is reading page by page your book "King of Glory". So it is truly for all ages.

    Rhoda C., email correspondent
  • I was reading King of Glory to my niece and nephew a couple weeks ago for their bedtime story and they were totally captivated by it! They’re only 4 and 2!!

    Heather H., business manager, California
  • I didn’t feel preached to at all. It isn’t preachy.

    M. H., writer/professor, California
  • Helped me a lot. it clears up a lot of things.

    Grace G., email correspondent
  • A preliminary look blew me away. What a fantastic production! All of the hard work has paid off.

    Tom T., magazine publisher/editor, New Jersey
  • The combination of concisely written scenes along with great artwork will draw in readers of all ages.

    Ken W., international mission representative

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Mwenye jwa Lumbili – KING of GLORY – ChiYaochiYaoMwenye jwa Lumbilichiyao
پادشاه جلال – KING of GLORY – FarsiFarsiپادشاه جلالfarsi
Roi de Gloire – KING of GLORY – FrenchFrenchRoi de Gloirefrench
KING of GLORY – EnglishEnglishKING of GLORYenglish
영광의 왕 – KING of GLORY – KoreanKorean영광의 왕korean
پاشای شكۆمهندی – KING of GLORY – Kurdish SoraniKurdish Soraniپاشای شكۆمهندیkurdish-sorani
Rey de Gloria – KING of GLORY – SpanishSpanishRey de Gloria (Book)spanish
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KING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide & Answer KeyEnglishKING of GLORY Illustrated Study Guide & Answer Keyenglish
वैभवशाली राजा – KING of GLORY – MarathiMarathiवैभवशाली राजाmarathi
മഹത്വത്തിന്റെ രാജാവ് – KING of GLORY – MalayalamMalayalamമഹത്വത്തിന്റെ രാജാവ്malayalam
KING bilong GLORI – KING of GLORY – Pidgin (Melanesian)Pidgin (Tok Pisin)KING bilong GLORIpidgin-tok-pisin
Boqorka Ammaanta – KING of GLORY – SomaliSomaliBoqorka Ammaantasomali
KING of GLORY Picture Book – YanomamoYanomamöBada Bälöamö Cätäyanomamo
Haitian Creole – WA de GLWA – KING of GLORYHaitian CreoleWA de GLWAhaitian-creole

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KING of GLORY Picture Book