April 2022

ROCK Resources
What a world! What opportunities! What a responsibility-privilege is ours to be where we are “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14)! Today (March 31) the printing of 10,000 Marathi KING of GLORY books was completed. These chronological gospel resources will now be shipped to 38 regions in India to equip God’s people to make God’s good news “clear as [they] ought” (Col. 4:4). Also, as of today, after years of work, the Pidgin KoG picture book for Papua New Guinea is ready to send to the printer. Meanwhile, last week, this comment was posted on the REY de GLORIA (Spanish KoG) movie: “Perfecto. Now I understand God’s plan. This movie should go around the world.” Another wrote, “I really liked the movie, what I like the most is that it sticks to God’s word.” And yet another, “This film changed my life.” The full Spanish movie on YouTube now has more than a million views with an average view-time of 47 minutes per click. On the day before Ramadan begins, believers in a nearby state are giving out friendship/food baskets to Afghan refugees. They will also invite them to watch KING of GLORY in their heart languages of Dari and Pashto. One lady who pours herself into refugees, writes: “Pray for a harvest among the Afghan people here in the States and Muslims worldwide.”

n a village in Senegal where a few Christians live, ROCK is financing the construction of a much-needed wall around the village grade school. This month, 100 French KoG picture books will be given out to the older students. Meanwhile in Ecuador, we just received this report from a children’s worker: “Our Sundays are extra full these days, having added a Bible study after each service. Kids under 12 have their own Bible study. The course, Rey de Gloria (King of Glory) covers Genesis to Jesus in book form with beautiful pictures. We watch a short video for each lesson, followed by a group reading, each taking a turn to read a paragraph, and then do a worksheet. Many of the 35 young people who signed up for this course are not regular church attenders, yet they are coming on Sundays faithfully, even hiking through the rain. For those that don’t make the Sunday class, they can come by during the week to do the makeup session, which gives us more one-on-one time. It’s fun to teach such interested students. Pray they will understand the Word, believe the truth, and grow.”

April 2022