December 2023

ROCK Resources

Last month, ten new-language resources were released: Eight of these (for about 275 million native speakers) were The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS ( 100-program radio series. The other two projects were the KING of GLORY (KoG) movie in Yemeni Arabic (heart language of 30 million Muslims on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula), and in Sambalpuri (language of a despised people group on the east side of India). Amid many challenges, each of these KoG projects took about 6 years to reach their finish (start!) lines. 

Due to the Russia/Ukraine and Hamas/Israel wars, we felt led to produce KING of GLORY in Ukrainian and Hebrew (already have it in Russian and 7 Arabic dialects). The Ukrainian version took 8 months to complete; the Hebrew translation, started last month, is slated to be recorded in Jerusalem in January. Pray for multiple open doors for this film to unveil “the mystery of Christ” (Colossians 4:3-4) throughout these suffering regions.


Rachel wrote this update for the Tumaini Jipya [New Hope] School in Tanzania: “Friends, we are thankful. Thankful that after years of prayer, tears, and holding out hope – we witnessed this year’s opening with the first class of girls. What a joy! Since the school year runs with the calendar year, the first class of students in Form 1 are preparing to move on to Form 2. We will also welcome a new class of students in January. The girls are happy, learning, growing, and thriving. Thank you for your part in making this school become a reality. 

“While we are thankful, we confess that we also struggle with moments of anxiety. How are we going to keep building more buildings? Add more students? Get computers? The questions can be overwhelming. Recently I was reminded of a song I used to sing in Sunday school, “He owns the cattle on a thousand hills! The wealth in every mine!” We can trust God to provide all that is needed in His perfect timing. He is faithful!

God is at work in Senegal, but more about that next time. Meanwhile in Niger, following the July coup, while the people continue to suffer from it, conditions are stable enough for foreign workers to get visas and return. One of the recently-returned ROCK-connected couples wrote: We are seeing in a fresh way that it is not “our” work, but God’s work; that it is much more His concern than our concern, and that our task is “simply” to make ourselves and all we have available to Him; to obey and trust the God who says of Himself: “The heart of a king is like streams of water in the hand of the Lord; wherever he wills he will bend it.” (Proverbs 21:1)

December 2023