February 2022

ROCK Resources
Many new language media gospel tools (video, radio, audio, books) are in the works – each with their own set of challenges. Several new KING of GLORY languages are nearing the finish line – others feel like they will never get there. But they will! Several have been in the works for over 5 years. Pray for wisdom as we work with partners around the world. Pray that each language translation would be meaning-based, accurate, clear, and natural. Pray too for quality recordings. Last month, the Spanish Spiritual Warfare video was completed.  (https://rockintl.org/spiritual-warfare-in-the-amazon-jungle). Amid intense obstacles, we are also working to create this video in Creole for Haiti. A new translation and printing of the Marathi KoG picture book should soon come off the press in India and be shipped to 38 regions. YOUR STORY booklets are now available in Dari and should soon be making their way into the hands of Afghan refugees in the U.S. and Central Asia. Pray for open doors and hearts! Thousands of Spanish KoG books are being delivered in Latin America to equip believers. In the past four months more than a million Spanish-speakers have watched REY de GLORIA on YouTube. We can no longer keep track of how many are watching KING of GLORY online since, praise God, an increasing number of other ministries are using it on social media platforms. Last month, ROCK’s YouTube channel alone (with 40+ languages) had more than 250,000 views with 200,000 hours of view time. Hundreds of comments are being posted that reveal God’s ongoing work of transformation in lives. The work is endless. “So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (Matthew 9:38)

Thank you for your continued prayers and part in God’s work in and through His servants where ROCK is a channel for projects. Pray for the printing ministry and computer classes in Niger, radio broadcasts and youth ministries in Senegal, KoG thumb-drive distributions in South Africa, printing and distribution of ROCK’s Arabic resources combined with food relief in Lebanon, the New Hope secondary school for girls in Tanzania which still has many needs before it can open its doors, and for the developing vision and preparations for Bangladesh.

February 2022