July 2020

ROCK Resources

Thank you for your part in what God is doing through ROCK’s media ministry worldwide. We are blessed to receive regular stories of individuals and families being touched and transformed as they come into a clear understanding of the gospel. A worker in Nairobi, Kenya wrote to us a few days ago telling us that the Swahili version of KING of GLORY is being shown on television. They receive a lot of feedback. A man named Musa said that he and his sisters are able to relate to the stories because of what they were taught in the madrasa (Islamic school). A newly converted couple told how they watched the movie together with their two small children. They loved it so much and it made them understand the Bible. Another man commented that the Bible is answering their questions as they watch KING of GLORY on television and their children are very excited. He wants to introduce his Muslim friend to it. During COVID, Christians have been giving out food parcels along with SC cards and thumb drives with the movie on it. One who received a parcel wrote: “I was continuously listening to the King of Glory movie on the SD Card. My three siblings thank you for it. It’s so interesting. Those I gave the SD cards too are really enjoying it and saying ‘Thanks-a-lot.’” This week we received requests from workers in 3 language groups that want to produce the movie in their languages.


Thank you too for your continued prayers and support for what God is doing in Senegal, Niger, and Tanzania. Concerning the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School on the island of Ukerewe on Lake Victoria, the construction of the dining hall and kitchen are close to complete. The government required science rooms will be next as the Lord provides. Thank you for your prayers for God’s provision and for wisdom in putting together the staff of Christian ladies who will invest themselves into this ministry to girls at risk. Amid the chaos, God is at work.

July 2020