July 2021

ROCK Resources
Thank you for your prayers and part in what God is doing. “As workers together with Him” (2 Cor. 6:1), each day, the multi-language media ministry takes us (remotely) to various nations. Here are some of the countries we “worked in” today (June 30th). Germany: To bless this nation’s vast refugee and immigrant population, ROCK International is working with a ministry that has the vision to publish and distribute ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE in 10 languages. Northern Ireland: A 70+ year-old printing ministry is working with us to produce a color-picture version of the YOUR STORY booklet for worldwide distribution—and will also soon print 55,000 Spanish KING of GLORY picture books and ship them to many locations in Latin America. Myanmar: In the nation with the world’s longest ongoing civil war (70+ years), a small, gifted team has been quietly working to translate, field-test, and record KoG in Burmese (45 million speakers). Central Asia: A colleague texted: “Pray for the ongoing soccer camp with 47 Afghanis. 3 Hazara Afghani men have come to Christ.” And from another location: “3 Uzbek men and 1 Kyrgyz young lady turned from dead religion to the living Savior. Next week, 19 new followers of Christ will be baptized. Praising God for our growing family!”

In a Senegalese village, located in front of the basketball training court, the multi-service building is completed. It will provide a venue from which the local couple will run their small business, sell sports equipment, repair computers, sell and install solar panels, etc. It will also include a boutique, which “will give us more contact with young men and women and opportunities to build relationships and discuss life’s great themes from the perspective of the Scriptures.” In Tanzania, the believers hope to soon begin Phase 3 of the Girls’ Secondary School’s science labs, which will include plumbing, electrical, and finish work, along with the required lab installations. In Niger, the team hopes to soon print and field-test the KING of GLORY picture book in Zarma.

July 2021