July 2024

“Who has despised the day of small things?” —Zechariah 4:10
“A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness in a little thing is a great thing.” —Hudson Taylor, 19th Century, China

The infinitely great works of God through His people flow from “small things” done in obedience to Him. Thank you for your prayers and part in His work. Here’s a sampling of some “small things” connected with ROCK projects: ROCK Resources & ROCKids

  • Over many years, amid endless challenges, a husband-and-wife team have been applying themselves to learn ASL and integrate with a deaf community in their state. They are also working with ROCK International to produce “Where is the Lamb?” – an experimental short film for the Deaf. Pray the Lord to create in the hearts of the Deaf a hunger to understand His redemptive plan and to know and sign The Truth who is Jesus Christ.
  • Last week, God opened a door for ROCK International’s founder to speak in a Central Asian stan-land at a conference for 1000+ youth from all around that “closed” nation. Behind the news headlines, Christ is building His church.
  • Month after month, two sisters in Christ work remotely in high-tech ways with worldwide partners to segment the multi-language KING of GLORY movie into its short, social-media-friendly 70-scene format. To enhance viewership, a strategic, daily, one-scene-per-day, YouTube-algorithm-responsive method is used, which increases views and helps a worldwide audience progressively grasp the gospel’s story and message, “precept upon precept… here a little, there a little” (Isaiah 28:10; Luke 24:27,32).
  • Each year, thousands of hours and dollars are invested to translate, format, print, ship, and distribute ROCK’s multi-language books. These initiatives would not happen apart from the “small things” being done by hidden, faithful servants of God. At present, 18,000 KoG books in French and Haitian Creole are on their way to ten nations. Lord willing, we hope to have 50,000 books in Pidgin and English printed and shipped to Papua New Guinea later this year, “a big, coordinated effort to get the chronological gospel into schools and tribes.” 
  • The regular packing and mailing of ROCK resources (Packing tutorial: https://vimeo.com/456776868) to equip believers is another small thing with big impact. Last month, a student in Nigeria wrote: “After my school friends told me of Jesus and I saw their godly lives, I decided to turn from my religion to HIM. This beautiful book I received helped me to know more about Christ and stand on my ground. Thanks for leading me from darkness to light.”
  • For the Girls’ New Hope Secondary School in Tanzania, we praise God for each sacrificial gift, from $10 to $40,000, received last month, which has wonderfully provided for construction on the staff housing to begin. 
  • In Niger and South Asia, ongoing visa restrictions can create obstacles, but, to the glory of God who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens, these too are “small things!”
July 2024