June 2019

ROCK Resources

In addition to the already completed Modern Standard Arabic, Lebanese Arabic, and Moroccan Arabic, the KING of GLORY movie is being produced in several other Arabic dialects, including Yemeni Arabic which is presently in translation. We praise God that the recording of Egyptian Arabic was recently completed and is ready to be dubbed. Pray for wisdom and diligence for the teams working on these productions and for the distribution of ROCK’s many multi-language chronological gospel tools. Recently, a church leader in Uganda wrote, “This is my favourite Christian movie. I use it to train others and through it many have come to really understand the Word of God. My family and children like to watch it almost every day.” The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS radio programs continue to be produced and aired in new languages. Here are the latest additions: Kirundi (Congo, Tanzania, Uganda), Tigrinya (Eritrea and Ethiopia), and Kotokoli (West Africa). These programs are being broadcast into these regions by TransWorld Radio. Thank you for your prayers and part in the production of such resources.


In Tanzania, construction on the secondary school for high-risk girls continues as the Lord supplies through His people. In Jesus’ name, we thank each of you who have given recently. The Niger team is restarting the kids’ club at the youth center. Pray for God’s mighty working in lives. In Senegal, a believer is planning to move his family from the capital to the northern region of the country to establish a business so that he and his family can minister to village youth and their families in years to come. Pray for provision, strength, wisdom, and courage for the Lord’s servants in these three nations.

June 2019