June 2024

ROCK Resources
But the word of God grew and multiplied… and prevailed” (Acts 12:24; 19:20). The book of The Acts has been called “The Unfinished Work of Christ.” For all of us who rest and rejoice in Christ’s finished work at the cross and empty tomb, our Lord continues to work in, thru, and with us as He causes His word to grow, multiply, and prevail. Daily. Here are a few stories of His Word and Spirit at work in the most unlikely of places.

Grow. Central Asia. Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban in 2021 produced millions of refugees. We hear regularly of God’s work among Afghan refugees in the surrounding “stan-lands.” A recent text reports: “Big praise, we had 10 more Afghanis come to faith in Jesus Christ this week and they were all in church services today. The family grows! … pray for the believers to stand strong amid the storms and that God would be glorified.”

Multiply. South America (where KING of GLORY has 8 million+ views on YouTube in Spanish and Portuguese). Do you remember the interview “Spiritual Warfare in the Amazon Jungle” we released in 2021? God continues to multiply His gospel in that same Venezuelan rainforest. Michael Dawson and his wife just returned with 1000 more “Torches” (solar-powered flashlight-lantern audio devices) loaded with Yanomamö audio with the New Testament and KING of GLORY audiobooks, along with loads of other gospel and discipleship recordings. Be amazed by this 4-minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGONtEyDMjI And as I write, Michael sent this: “Tomorrow a group is leaving heading for the headwaters of the Ocamo river. They hope to get to some of the new faraway villages we discovered using our Sat Map. Prayers appreciated.”

Prevail. Middle East. In Yemen, one of our partners (www.ArabicBible.com) reports an average of 150 new correspondents logging in daily to watch KING of GLORY’s 70 scenes in Yemeni Arabic. And serving them are 3 faithful Arabic believers, each doing 4-hour-shifts daily (6 days a week) for a total of 12 hours a day. Last week alone these guys dialogued with 377 Yemenis on Facebook. Some are doing online Bible courses, and some are placing their faith in Christ and His finished work! As one of these workers commented on a recent Zoom call, “God’s Word is a sledgehammer (that breaks the rock in pieces. – Jeremiah 23:29)!” Praise and pray on.

Here’s a fresh word just in from Dr. Rachel who, along with a team of university students, recently returned from Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School in Tanzania. “The girls are thriving, working hard in their studies, and happily learning other tangible skills – such as how to garden and raise chickens. National exams will take place this year for 2nd year students. Please pray that their hard work will pay off. The highlight in being with them the last week was hearing them raise their voices in worship with these words: ‘What the LORD has done for me, I cannot tell it all!’” Praise Him! 

June 2024