May 2020

ROCK Resources

Thank you for your prayers and part in what God is doing through ROCK International. Last month, in one of the stan countries in Central Asia, amid strong opposition, God opened the way for the entire KING of GLORY movie to be broadcast twice on national TV. Individuals and communities are being impacted as the film captures their attention and communicates to them in their heart language God’s story and message revealed in the Scriptures of the prophets. One of the believers wrote: I've been rejoicing all day. During this time of quarantine, Muslims are exceptionally open right now it seems. Those with whom I am dialoging (on social media) haven't even been arguing, just listening and asking questions.

Please join us in looking to the Lord to touch minds and hearts worldwide during this year’s Ramadan (April 23 – May 23), which is like no other in history due to the imposition of social distancing. Typically, after breaking the day’s fast, Muslims spend evenings going to the mosque and socializing in their neighborhoods or in town, but not this year. Here’s another report from Central Asia: Though the world remains in quarantine, the gospel is not bound. The country is severely locked down, nobody is on the streets, so even the believers’ already outlawed underground church services are impossible. Yet, praise God for the trials, although no one can be out, we have found ways to continue meeting and evangelizing on almost a nightly basis. Over the last two weeks we have seen six Muslims come to Christ. Thank you for your prayers. God is being magnified.


Thanks too for praying for Niger, Senegal and Tanzania, where believers face like challenges and opportunities.
Pray too for the ROCK team members who have had to make quick and difficult decisions to return to their
homelands for a time. As one wrote, “We trust in the Lord’s sovereignty and His perfect peace….”

May 2020