May 2024

ROCK Resources
We thank you in Jesus’ all-sufficient name for your prayers and gifts which are blessing untold millions. Following last year’s October 7th attack on Israel, God put it into our hearts to contact partners in the Middle East to see if they also had it in their hearts to translate and record KING of GLORY in Hebrew. They did.

Up to that point, by working with partners in the Middle East and Africa, the movie had already been produced in 7 Arabic dialects and in 20 other Muslim-majority languages, but ROCK International had nothing in the Hebrew language of the “nation from which [came] the prophets, the Scriptures, and the Savior of the world.” – Quote from KING of GLORY, Scene 28 of 70

Amid many challenges, over 6 months, מלך הכבוד KING of GLORY in Hebrew was translated, recorded, dubbed, field-tested, and released on April 23rd, KoG’s 60th language. One of its special touches is the background music during the end credits, played and sung by Joshua Aaron, who granted us rights to use his Hebrew rendition of “How Great is Our God (Gadol Elohai).” Here’s his video from which we used part of the audio. As you enjoy Joshua’s music, pray for Jewish people in Israel and around the world – that they will (1) watch and understand this chronological presentation about their true Messiah, and (2) that the Spirit of God will touch their minds and hearts in a way similar to what their prophet Zechariah foretold that the LORD will do for Israel when Messiah returns: I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son…”  (Zech. 12:10). Finally, praise God, one week after the movie was released, as I write, exactly 1,100 visitors have watched the full movie for an average of 1 hour+ per click. Pray. Pray for all the peoples of this region. Their pain is off the charts. But so is the gospel’s power.

We thank God for the sacrificial gifts given in April to projects that will bless youth and their families in West and East Africa. In Niger, “renovations on the third floor for the Youth Development Center are underway for making the wall higher and the space safe for all ages. Additional projects include rebuilding the roof on the prayer room and making a sun cover for the porch area.”  Meanwhile in Tanzania, staff and students are thanking God for “the generous gifts from the many who care about the girls and teachers of Tumaini Jipya (New Hope). These funds will allow the school to begin construction on a block of four teacher houses this summer once the rainy season is over. We thank the Lord too that the school has been gifted with 17 laptops, allowing the girls to soon be able to take computer classes.”

May 2024