November 2020

ROCK Resources

We praise God who is doing “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20-21) in opening doors for ROCK’s resources to equip believers and evangelize the lost. For example, this report just came in from a worker in Central Asia: We are planning a wide scale evangelistic push [for 7 language groups in 5 “closed” countries]. This project will meet physical needs which will open doors for local believers to share the gospel. We will distribute packages of food basics: rice, beans, flour, oil, and sugar. In these bags we will add a copy of the film King of Glory as well as a MP3 player loaded and protected with the audio New Testament. These packages will be distributed to families with whom our national church planters have contact. They will endeavor to sit down with the recipients and share the plan of Salvation with them. One of our partners in [one of these countries] has been doing this for the last two weeks and has led about 13 Muslims to Christ. The fact is that COVID is a huge open door for the Gospel of Jesus Christ as people are hurting. 


Thank you for partnering with us through your prayers and gifts to enable ROCKids projects to move forward. In Tanzania, our prayer is that the last buildings needed to open the Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School for Girls will soon be completed. We still have quite a way to go before we have the designated funding needed to break ground to build the science labs required by the government. Please join us in prayer to the Lord to provide all that is needed in His perfect time. Praise Him for all that He has provided so far. We are especially grateful for the faithful partnership with the churches in the region. Pray too that the local believers will not grow weary in the waiting. To watch a fresh video about this project, visit: Pray too for our Niger workers who have just returned to their ministries since evacuating earlier this year; for strength and blessing in their many opportunities.

November 2020