November 2022

ROCKids & ROCK Resources

Writing from the Sahel region of Senegal: Last week, yet another door was opened to share God’s love and truth – this time in the context of the recognition ceremony of the ROCK-funded village school wall (see last month’s update) with about 150 kids, plus teachers and guests, seated under the school’s central shade tree. Many officials expressed their profound thankfulness. The school principal told of endless problems without a surrounding wall: of snakes and the nearby military shooting range; of cows, horse carts, and people coming through the middle of the school grounds, etc. He also passionately told how, for 16 years, he has tried to get help nationally and locally, but received only empty promises. “How strange,” said he, “that it took people from thousands of miles away to come to our aid!” Flowing from this investment, long term relationships have been strengthened, and gospel seeds planted. In addition to school supplies, each student in the two upper classes (4th and 5th), along with all the teachers, received French KING of GLORY books. Pray for lasting fruit.

The November 2nd celebration for 30 years of Wolof radio broadcasts in Senegal was a special time of reviewing “what God has wrought” (Num. 23:23). Two Muslim men who shared at the mic were station managers from an FM station that has aired The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS  programs since 1998. One “confessed” that he listens to them even when he is not at the station. Pray for opened understanding (Luke 24:44-45).

Last week we received this news from another West African country. A veteran lady mission worker wrote:
“I and my team came across TWOR around 15 years ago, when a [local] follower of Jesus translated it into his language. Since then, we have been using it as a tool to share the gospel with Muslims and to disciple new believers in the faith, especially those with a low literacy level. I can hardly put into words what a blessing this tool has been for so many people in their journey of faith towards new life in Jesus Christ. I can testify that hundreds and probably thousands of Muslims have heard these teachings in many forms – on memory cards for phones and solar charged devices, on our website and on radio stations. Just this month, a Muslim background follower of Jesus, who I have been discipling, went on a ministry trip to [a neighboring country] with a pocketful of memory cards loaded with TWOR to give out to [a nomadic people] who wanted to learn more about Jesus. Some have already chosen to follow Jesus and he had the privilege of baptizing them.” 

Thank you for your prayers and investments into the work of the gospel – from Senegal to Niger to Tanzania to Bangladesh and the rest of the way around the world!

November 2022