October 2023

ROCK Resources
Praise God, the Ukrainian KING of GLORY movie has been released (KoG Language #56). Pray earnestly for its wide and deep impact through social media channels in this war-torn region, where people are in desperate need of the Hope found in Christ alone – for time and eternity. Pray the same for other regions experiencing great suffering, such as earthquake-ravaged cities in Morocco, Turkey, and Syria, as well as flood-affected areas in Libya (KoG is available in 6 Arabic dialects, soon to add a 7th: Yemeni Arabic).

Last week, we received many testimonies through Trans World Radio (TWR), providing glimpses into God’s work in lives around the globe as TWR airs The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS (TWOR) 100-program chronological radio series. A Rwandan man in central Africa, wrote, “These programs helped me to know Jesus. One of my friends used to send them to me on WhatsApp, and I listened. I used to hate Christians and disagreed with them on everything. But I have repented, and now I am a Christian. How I praise the Lord for his salvation!”

In Muslim nations, many are trading religion for a relationship with Christ as they listen to TWOR in their heart languages and learn of God’s way of true righteousness. Among the testimonies is a 55-year-old widower battling depression, a 72-year-old man who sells cakes and sweets from a pushcart, and the 28-year-old mom who is seeing the gospel transform her family, spiritually and practically. Also, there’s the 22-year-old single guy whose worldview is changing as he follows the 66-program ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE radio series in Urdu.

Please pray too for the believers in Niger (amid the ever-present potential of intensifying persecution) along with ROCK-project connected workers (and many others) as they wait on the Lord for when to return to Niger following the July 26th coup d’état. At the New Hope Secondary School in Tanzania, staff and students thank you for your part in the high-quality education the girls are receiving as they also take in the Word of God daily. In Senegal, church leadership in the north continue to collaborate with believers in Togo where the deep-well-project was completed in April and is blessing many in Jesus’ name. Now a Soap Production project is underway to provide the women in the church an income source for their families during the non-farming season. Thank you for your sacrificial part in all such projects. We thank God for all He is doing. We thank Him for YOU.

October 2023