One God One Message

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• Obstacles Faced • Mystery Discovered • Curse Reversed

With 10,000 religions worldwide, is CONFUSION our only option?
Weaving together real-life stories, apologetics, emails from skeptics, and a cliché-free, mind-bending, three-stage, 30-chapter (or 30-day) chronological journey through history’s best-loved and most-hated story as revealed in the scriptures of the prophets, ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE helps truth seekers over countless obstacles and offers a framework for rethinking life’s greatest questions. Like all ROCK International chronological resources, this book and its audiobooks are available in many languages (see below).

“This book is for any authentic truth seeker. Believers will be supremely enriched. This deserves global readership.”
– Dr. T.V Thomas, Int’l Network of South Asian Diaspora Leaders

P. D. Bramsen and his wife raised their family in Northwest Africa on the edge of the Sahara. His writings flow from a passion for the Holy Scriptures and from thousands of conversations with Muslim neighbors, friends, and correspondents around the globe. In addition to ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE (released in 2007), Bramsen is writer and producer of The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS radio series (1994) and the KING of GLORY picture book (2011) and movie (2015).

  • I like the changing drawings at the head of each chapter (waxing moon, rising sun, plodding traveler). Your writing style is clean and easy to follow. You present a very convincing case for Christ without belittling people or human differences. You use a good deal of sensitivity to cultural practices, but at the same time give no 'wiggle room' for excuses or evading the truth. Well done!

    Teacher in East Africa
  • I have profoundly enjoyed reading the book One God One Message and am amazed at how much food for thought and how much blessing there was for me in it as a believer, even though it was written with the unsaved in mind. Having grown up in Spain, I also saw a lot that would speak to Roman Catholics. I'm excited about its translation to Spanish so I can give it to some friends.

    MK from Spain
  • One God, One Message is incredible the way it explains the various parts of the Bible as a whole. It is so simple, yet so deep. It is book that I believe everyone should read. I plan to tell as many as I can about it, and point them to your websites.

    Facilities Engineer
  • I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your book has opened my eyes to God's plan for all mankind.... I will share this book with everybody I know. My journey has just started.

    Email Correspondent
  • One God One Message is a 'must read' for anyone serious about sharing what they believe, especially with their Muslim friends. It's not a small book, but the pace is well set. The reader familiar with the Bible will be given the chance to rethink and refresh the way they communicate its truths to unbelieving friends.

    Jabe Nicholson (Uplook Magazine, Aug-Sept 2007)
  • It was very, very fruitful to read your book once again! I suppose one book can't say it all, but you already say so much, it's like the essential is condensed! I didn't expect my proofreading to be another experience - indeed like a journey - You are very thorough and logical and you make the right conclusions unescapable

  • For me, One God One Message will be a ‘back-door’ witnessing tool. I’ll offer it with the comment, ‘This book provides clear insights into what Muslims really believe.’ Of course, in the process they will also discover answers to their deeper questions!

  • A page turner!

    Mother of preschoolers
  • Bramsen's arguments are not superficial, nor are they detailed and complex; as a result the reader is kept engaged... The author provides 32 pages of Endnotes to satisfy the diligent reader of the validity of the sources cited; therein lies a lesson from which we could learn.

    “Believer’s Magazine” in the UK
  • I went into a Starbucks this morning where I had an appointment and saw that the man I had never met before at the table next to me was reading One God One Message. He said that it has been a great blessing in clarifying many different Biblical teachings.

    A friend in Washington
  • I just read the first 7 chapters (Part I)... I think immediately walking a nonbeliever past a buffet of his/her common prejudices and notions about the Bible is a very good way to keep the reader reading.

  • Well written. The concepts are organized effectively and communicated clearly, and you use Scripture carefully. But what sets your manuscript apart is the tone. It is warm, inviting, and informed, rather than strident or blindly critical.

    Writer’s Edge (Manuscript Evaluation Service – after reading 2 chapters…)
  • I just finished reading the book for the 4th time. Each time I discover new things. I think my favorite chapter is chapter 9...

    Bill Woodson, Control mechanic, South Carolina
  • This book reaches to the deeper part of our souls for God to touch. This is not just for Muslims, but for any believer who needs to have their faith strengthened and anyone else who is searching for good answers to tough questions.

    Everett Perkins (Vice-President, Apogee Interactive)
  • What can I say? Whew! I’m impressed! ... I am really learning... I am cheered up by your stories." And once he finished reading it: "I really enjoyed the journey my friend. Don’t be discouraged if I failed to come out with the same conclusion as yours.

    Muslim in Middle East
  • This book is not just for Muslims and skeptics. It’s for all Christians who need to know why they believe what they believe! Reading through it has touched me profoundly. I have been encouraged, challenged and changed. A must-read for marginal Christians.

    Real Estate Agent
  • An excellent journey through the Word of God. I am one who reads with a highlighter in one hand, and as I read One God One Message, I used it frequently. The book is a real blessing and encouragement to me, and I'm recommending it to a number of our folk.

    Dr. John Dreisback, M.D. (Admin. Director of GFP)
  • One God One Message has so impressed me, I would like to purchase another copy. ...I want to send it to an uncle who is an Atheist/Secular Humanist and holds a PhD and has taught in several major colleges...

    Reader in South Carolina
  • I'm not a person who flatters, nor do I promote just any book, but this book is so solid... I've never seen anyone use the six days of creation to teach about God's character. Excellent! This book gives an entry-level theological education...

  • The perfect gift.

    Another wife & mother
  • An easy read, very informative and worthwhile.

    Tommy Bowden (Clemson University [now former] Head Football Coach)
  • I won't bother to critique all the logical and factual errors in the portion of your book I read [3 of 30 chapters]. Suffice it to say that it utterly fails to achieve the mission you set out in the Prologue."

    Atheist in California
  • It reads like a detective story, which, in a sense, it is.

    Theo C. Bouter, Businessman, Nova Scotia
  • I just read the first 7 chapters (Part I)... I think immediately walking a nonbeliever past a buffet of his/her common prejudices and notions about the Bible is a very good way to keep the reader reading.

  • This book is a mine of truth. The writing style is unique; It is full of human interest. I pray that it will enjoy a wide circulation. It surely deserves it.

    William MacDonald (Author of Believer’s Bible Commentary + 80 books)
  • We hope One God One Message is continuing to get widespread circulation. It is an excellent book. I gave a copy to a young woman in our church. 'This should be required reading for all Christians!' she said.'It puts ideas into very understandable words!'

    M.B., Mission team leader, Iowa
  • This book is written with the Muslim in mind but it also provides a sound biblical apologetic for any authentic seeker. New believers studying this book will be supremely enriched and spiritually edified. This deserves a global readership.

    Dr. T.V. Thomas (Co-Chair, Int’l Network of South Asian Diaspora Leaders)
  • I could hardly stop reading. The words were so clear and compelling. With unique literary skill, this engrossing book traces Redemption's story from eternity past to eternity future. Not only is it an excellent read for seeking Muslims, it will charge your own spiritual batteries. One God One Message takes its place with those rare treatises that come across with singular clarity that one cannot easily forget. It will become a part of my arsenal of recommended reading to our constituents.

    Don Darling (Executive Director of Smyrna Ministries International)
  • Your thorough, very personal, and original presentation of the gospel has touched my heart... As a result, I have never been working so enthusiastically at a translation project - or at any project, for that matter. ... I have now found much greater peace, and yes, greater happiness! I never thought this would be possible! Your contacting me to translate your book is another great deed of our mighty Lord. It's good to be loved by the Maker of the Universe! ... The passage about the New Jerusalem got me thrilled beyond words!

    Stéphane Jacquemain (French translator of OGOM, Paris)
  • I want to share with everybody an amazing book I have just read. It is called ‘One God One Message.’ It takes you through the entire Bible and portrays its message beautifully... It is mainly designed for monotheists, but all are welcome. I dare say that most if not all Christians would benefit from reading this. Also for those of you that believe in a God but are not sure, this book is a haven for you.

    Enthused Blogger
  • One God One Message deals with all the obstacles in coming to faith and is designed as a 30-day devotional guide.

    E-mail correspondent
  • I was born a Muslim and received Christ a few years back. I want to say thank you for ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE. NO BOOK OR NO ONE has ever given me a detailed description of God's plan. And you did it in 400 pages!! Over the years, as I read books and listen to sermons, I never had a brighter enlightenment until I read your book.

    Believer in Singapore
  • I am currently reading "One God One Message" by P.D. Bramsen. It is an excellent book filled with excellent illustrations and information especially directed for truth seekers from non-Christian backgrounds with a special appeal to our Muslim friends seeking to know the truth. Bramsen's more than a quarter century of missionary work among Muslims in Africa adds great insight to his book. I highly recommend this book to every evangelist.

    Jim Starr (Coordinator, Vision 2020 Asia)
  • After reading this book the logic in the Bible makes sense and clicks in my mind. It has created an interest in me to read the Bible.

    Mohammed, Middle East
  • If you are an open-minded or searching Muslim and wish to learn more about what Christians really believe or if you are a Christian who wishes to better understand your own belief system in the context of an increasingly Muslim world, then this book is the first book I would read. I have purchased two and plan on buying more to give to my Muslim friends. This book receives my highest recommendation. Five stars hands down. customer review
  • The language of 'One God One Message' is very polite... The book is written in simple, clear English. It is easy to understand by average person. The verses and references taking from the Quran are accurate and correct without any manipulation of word or sentences. ...Thank you once again for sending me such an informative book which clears my mind towards some questions about the non-Muslim religion.

    Muslim in Middle East
  • I've been reading a chapter a day, and chapter 17 is outstanding!!! May we have your permission to make a couple of photocopies of that chapter to share with Muslim friends?

    Bible Teacher
  • The email excerpt on the back cover really draws you in. I love the concept. It's the type of book that should do really well. Excellently written and put together.

  • (not all feedback is positive! The really vulgar parts have been edited out): "You are a religious fanatic. ... I found that your book is more useful in the bathroom as toilet paper than a decent read. Everyday i felt better as I flushed a portion of your book...down the toilet. If you don't stop writing soon, I'll...

    Unnamed writer


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إل ٌه واح ٌد، رسال ٌة واحد ٌة – One God One Message – ArabicArabicإل ٌه واح ٌد، رسال ٌة واحد ٌةarabic
এক আল্লাহ এক বার্তা – One God One Message – BengaliBengaliএক আল্লাহ এক বার্তাbengali
UN DIOS UN MENSAJE – One God One Message – SpanishSpanishUN DIOS UN MENSAJEspanish
One God One Message – EnglishEnglishOne God One Messageenglish
Tek Tanrı Tek Mesaj – One God One Message – TurkishTurkishTek Tanrı Tek Mesajturkish
One God One Message – Urdu – Ek Khuda Ek Pegam – ایک خدا ایک پیغامUrduEk Khuda Ek Pegamurdu

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NJË PERËNDI NJË MESAZH – One God One Message – AlbanianAlbanianNJË PERËNDI NJË MESAZHalbanian
اله واحد رسالة واحدة – One God One Message – ArabicArabicاله واحد رسالة واحدةarabic
唯一的 神 唯一的 信息 – One God One Message – Chinese MandarinChinese Mandarin唯一的 神 唯一的 信息chinese-mandarin
One God One Message – EnglishEnglishOne God One Messageenglish
Un Seul Dieu Un Seul Message – One God One Message – FrenchFrenchUn Seul Dieu Un Seul Messagefrench
يك خدا يك پيغام – One God One Message – FarsiFarsiيك خدا يك پيغامfarsi
Ein Gott – Eine Botschaft – One God One Message – GermanGermanEin Gott – Eine Botschaftgerman
SATU ALLAH SATU PESAN – One God One Message – IndonesianIndonesianSATU ALLAH SATU PESANindonesian
Один Бог, одно послание – One God One Message – RussianRussianОдин Бог, одно посланиеrussian
Un Dios Un Mensaje – One God One Message – SpanishSpanishUn Dios Un Mensajespanish
Tek Tanrı Tek Mesaj – One God One Message – TurkishTurkishTek Tanrı Tek Mesajturkish
ایک خدا ایک پیغام – Urdu – One God One MessageUrduایک خدا ایک پیغامurdu
Your Story – EnglishEnglishYour Storyenglish
এক আল্লাহ এক বার্তা – One God One Message – BengaliBengaliএক আল্লাহ এক বার্তাbengali
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One God One Message – Kurdish KurmanjiKurdish KurmanjiYek Xweda Yek Peyam E-Pub Filekurdish-kurmanji
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One God One Message