July 2023

ROCK Resources
One of ROCK Resources far-reaching roles is to equip God’s servants with multi-language tools that tell and explain God’s plan of redemption and transformation in a way people of all cultures can grasp. Last month, two ROCK board member couples participated in a conference in Malaysia attended by more than 1000 believers from 103 nations. These workers have since returned to their people groups, better equipped to “make the gospel clear” and “to teach other faithful believers who will be able to teach others also.” (Col. 4:4; 2 Tim. 2:2)

Time and space fail us to tell of all the ways we hear of God at work each month – like the case of “Juan,” a migrant worker in Mexico, who, six months ago, had a dream in which he saw the face of a Canadian man (who is a Christ-follower and former mission worker to Mexico). In the dream, Juan received this command, “Listen to this man’s message!” Six months later Juan was in Canada where God led him to an 8-session Bible study in a greenhouse where the very man he saw in the dream was teaching through KING of GLORY in Spanish! Juan and the other 8 men in the photo (see Monthly Updates link) understood and believed the gospel.

Meanwhile in Venezuela, Michael (our 2021 interviewee in www.rockintl.org/spiritual-warfare-in-the-amazon-jungle) writes: “The Yanomamö KoG book has been such a hit. People up and down the rivers comment on how readable it is and how much they are learning from it. Praise the Lord! Even in the last village our team visited, they found one guy who could read. But the more distant villages have no readers, which means much time is spent going over the book and stories – tying the pictures to each story with its embedded teachings about God, man, sin, and salvation – so these skilled oral learners can tell the stories with just the pictures.”
In other KoG tribal news, God is at work in Papua New Guinea (See June 22: www.ethnos360.org/pray).

Thank you for praying for the youth-focused projects and opportunities in West Africa (sports, street kids, prison work, music, concerts, souls turning to Christ following ROCK’s recent well project in Togo…). At the New Hope School in Tanzania, the girls are on summer break for a few weeks. During this time, construction is taking place on the poultry house, a fence around the school, and a washing slab at the girls’ dormitory. Pray that all the government requirements can be met (such as the new classroom block and computer lab). One activity the students did in their last weeks of the opening semester was to go through Psalm 1, where they learned about being rooted and grounded in the Lord and His Word so they can grow strong spiritually and flourish, like a tree planted by a stream. The art project made from local scraps of fabric (see thumbnail) was a huge hit and is now on display in the dining hall. Thank you for your powerful prevailing prayers.

July 2023