ROCK Monthly Updates

March 2025

March 2025

My heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that hey have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. (Romans 10:1-4)

ROCK Resources
This year, Ramadan coincides with the month of March. Keeping in mind that Islam means “Submission” and Muslim means “Submitted one,” perhaps some of us will choose to pray the above prayer for Muslims daily during Ramadan, and that multitudes will find, hear, and understand the gospel story and message in their heart languages. (The Way of Righteousness [TWOR] radio series is in 70+ languages, and the KING of GLORY [KoG] movie is in 60+).

Here are few reports from Asia and Africa, received last month from our ministry partner, Trans World Radio (TWR):
Pakistan: “A man harassed by demons began to listen to The Way of Righteousness in his heart language of Urdu. Over time, he came to faith in Christ and was wonderfully freed from demonic oppression. He got the idea to play the programs loudly enough so his Muslim neighbors could hear too! They became hostile, but in time, some began to listen with interest to the stories of the prophets….”

Nigeria: From 3 listeners to TWOR/TWR broadcasts:
• “I am so blessed to hear these powerful programs. Muslims around me are happy to listen to the messages with me.”
• “As I listen to these teachings, I have a hunger to quit sin and walk in the right way….”
• “’It is not just that you are feeding us with the Word, but you bring it in a language that appeals to us and breaks it down for us to understand,’ wrote a listener of The Way of Righteousness in the Kanuri language. Kanuri is spoken in parts of northern Nigeria where killings and abductions are frequently reported.”

Amid intense challenges and endless opportunities, a massive ongoing ROCK project-focus has been and continues to be on the transport and distribution of multi-language KoG books: 50,000 for Papua New Guinea, 8000 for Haiti, 5000 for Kenya/Tanzania, and 1000 to the Democratic Rep. of Congo, where, on February 13, militants kidnapped 70 Christians and beheaded them in a church. May we not forget our persecuted brothers and sisters worldwide.

• God is faithfully at work in and through the New Hope Girls’ School in Tanzania. The leaders hope to increase teachers’ salaries to match public-school standards. Pray for this.
• In Senegal and Niger, sports, schools, and medical initiatives provide daily opportunities to share God’s love and truth.
• In Venezuela, a private school is using the Spanish “King of Glory book in the “Values” class. As a result, an 11-year-old girl from a Muslim family believed the gospel. When her father found out, he decided to withdraw her. Saying goodbye, she asked her teacher if she could take home the picture book. The teacher asked if she thought her dad would allow it. She sadly replied, “No,” but then brightened, pointed to her head, and said, “It’s OK, I have it in here!”, and then, pointing to her heart, exclaimed, “and Jesus is in here!”

For an understood gospel worldwide,

March 2025
February 2025

February 2025

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psa. 46:10

ROCK Resources

In January’s update, we gave a few glimpses from Earth’s 6 continents, where God’s servants are using ROCK’s gospel tools. One prayer request that flows from their many stories is: Pray for persecuted believers.

You know the expression: “jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.” Some Afghan refugees in Central Asia are experiencing the reversal of that. If Afghanistan is the fire, the surrounding nations – in which Afghan refugees now reside – become the frying panif they turn from man’s religion to a relationship with Christ.

From a border “stan-land”, where Muslim-background believers are fearlessly bearing witness for Christ amid threats and beatings – last week, we received a video testimony from an Afghan believer who, with his wife and 3 kids, were touched two years earlier by God’s love as shown through His people, and by God’s truth as revealed in the gospel. Here is part of this Afghan’s testimony:

“Two years ago, I found Jesus and His salvation. I studied and was taught the Word of God and became a pastor-teacher in the house churches. We shared the gospel boldly. A few months ago, a false brother betrayed us. The secret police arrested me twice. It made them angry that Afghans are becoming Christians. They broke my arm and beat me almost to death. They threatened to deport me back to Afghanistan… but Christ is with me. My Christian brothers and sisters prayed and cared for me and even hid me in their homes. The Christian life is a life full of persecution. Christians before us were persecuted. Despite all these problems I’m so thankful to God that He saved me, and I accept everything from His hand. Brothers and sisters, stay strong…!”


Just in from New Hope Girls’ Secondary School in Tanzania: “Results from the National Exams: Of the 33 other schools in the district, New Hope girls scored 1stand 91st in the country (out of 5,900 schools). Remember: The exam is in English and some of these girls knew little English when they started school two years ago….”

We praise God for His faithful work in the lives of these girls – and we thank Him for your prayers and part in countless ongoing ROCK projects and ministries equipped with ROCK’s tools – from many West African nations (some in horrific turmoil), to Haiti (with film showings, gangs, and 8000 KoG books trapped in Port-au-Prince), to the Amazon rainforest (with its growing church), to Papua New Guinea…

Speaking of PNG, as I write, a colleague (from the ROCK Idaho office) is there, working with Papuans to distribute 18,000 KoG picture books and 2000 Illustrated Study Guides among Papua New Guinea’s 22 provinces. He is also seeking government permission to to prepare the way for English and Tok Pisin KoG books to be used in the public school system. Pray! He also hopes to assist in the video production of the 8-page bonus feature at the back of the KING of GLORY book: The Message in the Story”.

Workers together … with God!

February 2025
January 2025

January 2025

See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it!—The Lord Jesus (Revelation 3:8a)

Anno Domini – “the year of our Lord” – 2024. What a year! Oh, how broken and heartbroken the nations! Oh, how beautiful the gospel that is breaking into hearts and homes as its story and message is told in ways people of all worldviews can understand. While we see only “the mere edges of His ways” (Job 26:14), God has blessed us this past year with daily glimpses into His ongoing work in the lives of millions*, via social media, radio, books, and face-to-face witnessing and distributions by His servants around the world using ROCK’s gospel and discipleship tools. Here’s a small sampling from December – from the six continents:

Asia • From a Central Asian country: “On Christmas day, the full KING of GLORY movie was televised across the nation, not once but twice!” • In another country: “Five guys were arrested for giving out KoG micro-SD cards. But the police found only 47 of the guy’s 275 KoG SD cards (a hole in one of the guy’s pockets had caused the other cards to fall into and get stuck in his pant-leg!). Imagine the police station scene as 47 officers and imams were ordered to check the SD cards’ content (the chronological gospel) on their phones, which also opened a door for all 5 men to share their testimonies! • India: Much to report. Pray for the Church.

Europe/Middle East • Germany: Multitudes are watching KoG and giving feedback. • Yemen: God is touching lives as faithful believers use ROCK media tools to interact with/have personal Bible studies with truth seekers.

Africa • Thank you for your support for believers and ROCK projects in Senegal, Niger, South Africa, and Tanzania. This month, the New Hope Girls’ School in Tanzania begins its 3rd year. • In Rwanda, where Nate recently taught 10,000+ youth at a “Teens for Christ” rally, ROCK will cover the 2025 transportation costs of 34 servants of God so they can continue to bring the gospel into the nation’s schools. • ROCK’s gospel and discipleship tools are regularly shipped to many countries. From Nigeria: “Thanks for the materials! In the schools, “Your Story” booklets and Bibles were received with tears of joy. Scores of students are giving their lives to Christ.” • Sudan: Amid civil war and famine, KoG will soon be recorded in Sudanese. “It is critical for us as the Church to broadcast the love of Christ to this people!”

Oceania • Papua New Guinea: “Our aviation float-plane ministry now uses ‘Tok Pisin King of Glory’ videos and books in our hospital and with our free emergency life flights to remote villages. These materials have been a game changer for our ministry!” • 45,000 more KING of GLORY books are being shipped to Papua New Guinea.

South America • Amazon Jungle: “The Yanomamö KoG books are teaching & equipping the remote villages…”

North America • Haiti: “Amid gang violence, 8000 French & Creole books have arrived. Film showings continue….”

For an understood gospel worldwide,


* In 2024, the KING of GLORY movie, in its 60 languages, had 6 million views on ROCK’s YouTube channel with an average watch-time of 86 minutes per click.

January 2025
December 2024

December 2024

“In everything (all circumstances) give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thes. 5:18

ROCK Resources
Does the above verse describe our lifestyle as believers? ROCK International’s inbox receives weekly updates from ministry partners around the world who are living this out. Here are a few samples.

From Central Asia: “A. and his group of believers were caught worshiping God together. They were arrested and not allowed to sleep for two days. In court, they were accused of evangelizing, as they had 275 KING of GLORY micro-SD phone cards they were distributing. They were fined and warned next time they are caught doing this they will have 15 days in jail. They commented to us: ‘We need to be more careful witnessing.’”

From another Stan country: “Many KoG SD cards were put into hands this week; 37 at a funeral; 60 in a hospital. One Muslim from the Pamir Mountains (see last month’s update) declared Jesus as his Savior and Lord. The believers are also preparing 100 food boxes with KoG SD cards as Christmas gifts.”

Haiti: Pray too for God’s people in this hurting nation. Our colleague, who regularly shows the KING of GLORY and FOR THIS REASON movies in Haitian Creole, awaits 8000 KoG books in French and Creole to clear various obstacles. Please pray. Last week, a pastor friend, who was (and still is) to travel through dangerous territory next week to speak at an annual Bible conference in our colleague’s church, had his house and everything in it burned by gangs. They also burned the church building and homes of several members. A family the pastor didn’t even know offered to let him and his family stay in their house for a month. Another Haitian brother wrote, “I’m praying for $2000 for him so he can rent a house for a year and restart his life. I also hope to be able to give 300 families a bag of rice, beans, and gallon of cooking oil for Christmas. God will be glorified.” Contribute.

Tanzania: On Africa’s largest lake island, here’s a fresh report from the Girls’ New Hope Secondary School:
“As the Lord continues to provide, our prayer is that we can complete the construction of the four-in-one staff housing in time for the teachers to move in before the new school year starts in January 2025. Contribute. Meanwhile, ‘Pre-form 1’ is up and running. This program is for girls from public primary schools who will start secondary school in January. It prepares girls to learn entirely in English instead of the Swahili language used in their primary education. Pray that these new students will thrive in this Christ-centered environment.”

So thankful for each of you who pray and share in what God doing in 110+ languages around the world! As He leads, consider sharing ROCK’s Christmas movie with others this season:

December 2024
November 2024

November 2024

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations…. Amen!”
Ephesians 3:20-21

ROCK Resources | ROCKids

Every other year, ROCK has a 3-day retreat with some of our North American colleagues. Always a sweet and profitable time to review, strategize, praise and pray over challenges and opportunities God is putting before us and His servants around the globe to produce and use ROCK’s multi-language multimedia tools to evangelize, disciple, and equip others to do the same. As one fairly-new-to-ROCK attendee put it, “It’s mind boggling. The details of the things that are being done had me in tears. It’s almost like it’s not humanly possible! And as Rachel (ROCK board member and visionary for the New Hope Girls’ High School in Tanzania) shared in a video she sent to the retreat: “In my time working alongside ROCK, the Lord has been so kind to us in doing far more abundantly above all that we have been able to ask or think. Isn’t that just how God works?

As fuel for praise and prayer, here are a few sample quotes received in October from God’s servants worldwide:

A stan country, Central Asia: “Last month, an Afghan graduate from our Bible Institute went back to Afghanistan with the Gospel. Pray for his safety and that he can lead many to faith in Christ…. We had 15 Afghani refugees place their trust in Christ this past weekend. A great harvest is following much persecution! Yesterday I was able to give TWOR to an Islamic teacher with whom I spent two days last year sharing Christ.”

Malaysia, Southeast Asia: “We have been broadcasting The WAY of RIGHTOUSNESS (TWOR) radio programs from five FM stations since July 2023. We praise God for the response and trust Him for much eternal fruit.”

India, Asia: “Thanks for your trust and prayers. Continue to pray for the distribution of the 6000 One God One Message (OGOM) books in Hindi and Marathi. Pray this book gets into the hands of those whose lives get transformed after reading it!” 

Ethiopia, East Africa (where OGOM was recently completed in Amharic, and KoG is being translated): “We plan to use this teaching material in children and youth ministries, Bible study groups in churches, in seminaries….”

Niger, West Africa: From the Youth Development Center: “We had a concert for the music school this past Friday. The students played so well! Over a hundred friends, family members, and kids from the neighborhood came. Everyone heard the Gospel through word and song. What a night! Such an answer to prayer!”

November 2024
October 2024

October 2024

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17

Last weekend, ROCK International collaborated with Teens For Christ RWANDA as over 10,000 youth gathered (despite having to come in pouring rain) at the ULK Stadium in Kigali to be challenged from God’s Word. The subject was “Identity.” Nate (ROCK’s founder) was one of two speakers. God powerfully worked in young lives. Pray for the local team who will follow up with the hundreds who made decisions to follow Christ.

Thank you too for your continuing support for the ongoing works in Senegal, Niger, Haiti, South Asia, Tanzania, etc. where the Word of the Lord is being planted in countless ways. At the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School on the island in Lake Victoria, as God provides, the goal is to have the teacher housing ready to move into by January 2025, in time for the trauma/biblical worldview training for teachers and staff.

ROCK Resources
God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written, “He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor…” 2 Corinthians 9:8-9

We who work thru the ROCK “channel” often remind ourselves: “ROCK is distribution-driven, not profit-driven.” In Jesus’ all-sufficient name, we thank you for your part in facilitating this rock-bottom principle related to ROCK’s multimedia, multi-language gospel and discipleship tools. If people and ministries can pay for the materials they need, great – and if they can’t, God still provides “all things at all times” according to His will. This He did last month, making it possible for ROCK to arrange for the printing and shipping of 45,000 KING of GLORY picture books, in Pidgin and English, to equip the Lord’s servants to “distribute freely” in public schools, towns, and tribes for the spread of an understood gospel throughout PAPUA NEW GUINEA.

Based on that same “distribution-driven” principle – Samson, a gifted translator/servant of God in INDIA, with whom we have worked on 4 language-projects over the past few years, has arranged for ROCK to have printed 6000 ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE books in Hindi and Marathi. He recently sent to us a long list of places where he plans to distribute these books – such as in 4 prisons, 11 old age homes, 2 Bible colleges, some Hindi-speaking churches, a Christian international ministry that focuses on reaching Muslims and Hindus. Samson wrote: “Considering the effort we’ve invested in translating and publishing OGOM, which I’ve read at least 25 times, I aim to ensure that it reaches those who will engage with its message meaningfully. I pray it transforms lives.”

October 2024
September 2024

September 2024

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
Colossians 3:23

ROCK Resources
Between 2011 and 2015, while working on the KING of GLORY movie, I came across an anonymous quote from a movie director/editor, confirming what we needed to do before we could release the original (English) movie:

“[Making] a movie is like the Tour de France: It’s not necessary to win all the stages. It’s more important to resolve the worst situationsmaintain the consistency, and then arrive in Paris as the winner.”

This director/editor’s practical advice (with spiritual application as well) also summarizes the tasks we (ROCK’s partners & coworkers) seek to fulfill daily from our many locations, e.g., communicate, translate, proof, record, edit, dub, maintain quality, design, print, distribute, ship, finance, update websites, work through problems, etc.

After the English movie’s release in 2015, some asked, “So what is your next project now that this is done?” With a chuckle, we answered, “Done? The work to translate, record, and distribute it in other languages has only just begun!” To the glory of God, nine years later, KoG is now in 60 languages and counting…

On Dec. 6, 2014, KING of GLORY had an Advanced Screening Premiere in a South Carolina theatre. Once the movie ended, an elderly gentleman across the aisle came over to me with tears in his eyes, saying, “Thank you. I believe God will use this movie to reach millions with the gospel!” Praise God, he was right. To illustrate, last month, the movie in its 60 languages on ROCK’s YouTube channel had 126,000+ views with an average of 1 hour per click. And in the past year? 6.47 million views with 1 hour, 21 min. per click. Lots of feedback too. A sample from last month: “Absolutely phenomenal. I will be sharing this with others…”. And this: “I just watched this video, 7 years after you posted it. Thank you for helping me on my journey to find God.” Pray for our worldwide audience. Watch/download ROCK’s videos & podcasts here: 

Last month, we featured the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School in Tanzania. This month in Niger and in “our” South Asian country, amid turmoil and flooding, in answer to prayer, God is opening many special doors of opportunity. In Haiti, a faithful brother with others continue to go to hard areas to show KoG in Haitian Creole. And in Senegal, in the village where ROCK financed a wall for their school (Nov. 2022), the ROCK-connected Senegalese worker (with his family) has formed and is coaching a soccer team with local youth. Just days ago, they won the first match against a good team. All for the blessing of precious people – for time and eternity,

September 2024
August 2024

August 2024

“Pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1

Dr. Rachel reports: “In May, I had the opportunity to bring students and friends to Tanzania from Samford University to the Tumaini Jipya {New Hope} Girls’ Secondary {Boarding} School. We engaged with the girls through Bible studies, games, arts and crafts, while teaching local girls hygiene and safety. We also hosted a two-day conference for local women studying 1 John. Our prayers for Tumaini Jipya to serve both educational and ministry purposes are being beautifully answered!

“At this same time, the students took a major exam alongside three other schools in the area. Out of all the students taking the exams, Tumaini Jipya had 7 out of 10 top performers in Form 2 (2nd year students) and 6 of 10 top performers in Form 1! The girls have a sweet community and enjoy being together. All are learning to garden and raise chickens – projects that add nutrition to the girls’ diet and a small income for the school. We thank God too for His provision of sufficient funds to start Phase 1 of the teacher housing construction: the foundation, framework, and roof. Thank you for your prayers and share in this.” 

Meanwhile in Niger, terrorists are creating much suffering, displaced peoples, and increased poverty – and opportunities for believers to show Christ’s compassion. As the Lord provides, ROCK has been a channel to help believers help displaced peoples with agricultural projects to provide for them a food source in the coming harvest. Another hard place where designated gifts can be invested for the gospel is in gang-invaded Haiti

ROCK Resources
Endless are the opportunities to equip the saved to reach the lost. For example, a few days ago ROCK shipped 7 cases of multi-language gospel tools to church leaders in New York City, who are in a church located among West African migrants. Last week, 75 Senegalese attended a community meal hosted by that church. The local imam was angry, “Why did you attend the church?” Their answer? “They gave us a meal.” An open door.

August 15th marks 3 years since Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. In one border-country, many Afghan refugees are being transformed by the gospel as local believers share with them Christ’s love (in practical ways) and truth (often using ROCK’s Afghan-language gospel tools). Authorities are increasingly arresting and beating many of these former Muslims, accusing them of proselytizing – and threatening their families with deportation. Two of the persecutors, talking in a hallway, were overheard speaking of a Christian who was severely beaten, “How can he endure this? What he believes is real.” The Word of the Lord is being honored.

August 2024
July 2024

July 2024

“Who has despised the day of small things?” —Zechariah 4:10
“A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness in a little thing is a great thing.” —Hudson Taylor, 19th Century, China

The infinitely great works of God through His people flow from “small things” done in obedience to Him. Thank you for your prayers and part in His work. Here’s a sampling of some “small things” connected with ROCK projects: ROCK Resources & ROCKids

  • Over many years, amid endless challenges, a husband-and-wife team have been applying themselves to learn ASL and integrate with a deaf community in their state. They are also working with ROCK International to produce “Where is the Lamb?” – an experimental short film for the Deaf. Pray the Lord to create in the hearts of the Deaf a hunger to understand His redemptive plan and to know and sign The Truth who is Jesus Christ.
  • Last week, God opened a door for ROCK International’s founder to speak in a Central Asian stan-land at a conference for 1000+ youth from all around that “closed” nation. Behind the news headlines, Christ is building His church.
  • Month after month, two sisters in Christ work remotely in high-tech ways with worldwide partners to segment the multi-language KING of GLORY movie into its short, social-media-friendly 70-scene format. To enhance viewership, a strategic, daily, one-scene-per-day, YouTube-algorithm-responsive method is used, which increases views and helps a worldwide audience progressively grasp the gospel’s story and message, “precept upon precept… here a little, there a little” (Isaiah 28:10; Luke 24:27,32).
  • Each year, thousands of hours and dollars are invested to translate, format, print, ship, and distribute ROCK’s multi-language books. These initiatives would not happen apart from the “small things” being done by hidden, faithful servants of God. At present, 18,000 KoG books in French and Haitian Creole are on their way to ten nations. Lord willing, we hope to have 50,000 books in Pidgin and English printed and shipped to Papua New Guinea later this year, “a big, coordinated effort to get the chronological gospel into schools and tribes.” 
  • The regular packing and mailing of ROCK resources (Packing tutorial: to equip believers is another small thing with big impact. Last month, a student in Nigeria wrote: “After my school friends told me of Jesus and I saw their godly lives, I decided to turn from my religion to HIM. This beautiful book I received helped me to know more about Christ and stand on my ground. Thanks for leading me from darkness to light.”
  • For the Girls’ New Hope Secondary School in Tanzania, we praise God for each sacrificial gift, from $10 to $40,000, received last month, which has wonderfully provided for construction on the staff housing to begin. 
  • In Niger and South Asia, ongoing visa restrictions can create obstacles, but, to the glory of God who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens, these too are “small things!”
July 2024
June 2024

June 2024

ROCK Resources
But the word of God grew and multiplied… and prevailed” (Acts 12:24; 19:20). The book of The Acts has been called “The Unfinished Work of Christ.” For all of us who rest and rejoice in Christ’s finished work at the cross and empty tomb, our Lord continues to work in, thru, and with us as He causes His word to grow, multiply, and prevail. Daily. Here are a few stories of His Word and Spirit at work in the most unlikely of places.

Grow. Central Asia. Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban in 2021 produced millions of refugees. We hear regularly of God’s work among Afghan refugees in the surrounding “stan-lands.” A recent text reports: “Big praise, we had 10 more Afghanis come to faith in Jesus Christ this week and they were all in church services today. The family grows! … pray for the believers to stand strong amid the storms and that God would be glorified.”

Multiply. South America (where KING of GLORY has 8 million+ views on YouTube in Spanish and Portuguese). Do you remember the interview “Spiritual Warfare in the Amazon Jungle” we released in 2021? God continues to multiply His gospel in that same Venezuelan rainforest. Michael Dawson and his wife just returned with 1000 more “Torches” (solar-powered flashlight-lantern audio devices) loaded with Yanomamö audio with the New Testament and KING of GLORY audiobooks, along with loads of other gospel and discipleship recordings. Be amazed by this 4-minute video: And as I write, Michael sent this: “Tomorrow a group is leaving heading for the headwaters of the Ocamo river. They hope to get to some of the new faraway villages we discovered using our Sat Map. Prayers appreciated.”

Prevail. Middle East. In Yemen, one of our partners ( reports an average of 150 new correspondents logging in daily to watch KING of GLORY’s 70 scenes in Yemeni Arabic. And serving them are 3 faithful Arabic believers, each doing 4-hour-shifts daily (6 days a week) for a total of 12 hours a day. Last week alone these guys dialogued with 377 Yemenis on Facebook. Some are doing online Bible courses, and some are placing their faith in Christ and His finished work! As one of these workers commented on a recent Zoom call, “God’s Word is a sledgehammer (that breaks the rock in pieces. – Jeremiah 23:29)!” Praise and pray on.

Here’s a fresh word just in from Dr. Rachel who, along with a team of university students, recently returned from Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School in Tanzania. “The girls are thriving, working hard in their studies, and happily learning other tangible skills – such as how to garden and raise chickens. National exams will take place this year for 2nd year students. Please pray that their hard work will pay off. The highlight in being with them the last week was hearing them raise their voices in worship with these words: ‘What the LORD has done for me, I cannot tell it all!’” Praise Him! 

June 2024
May 2024

May 2024

ROCK Resources
We thank you in Jesus’ all-sufficient name for your prayers and gifts which are blessing untold millions. Following last year’s October 7th attack on Israel, God put it into our hearts to contact partners in the Middle East to see if they also had it in their hearts to translate and record KING of GLORY in Hebrew. They did.

Up to that point, by working with partners in the Middle East and Africa, the movie had already been produced in 7 Arabic dialects and in 20 other Muslim-majority languages, but ROCK International had nothing in the Hebrew language of the “nation from which [came] the prophets, the Scriptures, and the Savior of the world.” – Quote from KING of GLORY, Scene 28 of 70

Amid many challenges, over 6 months, מלך הכבוד KING of GLORY in Hebrew was translated, recorded, dubbed, field-tested, and released on April 23rd, KoG’s 60th language. One of its special touches is the background music during the end credits, played and sung by Joshua Aaron, who granted us rights to use his Hebrew rendition of “How Great is Our God (Gadol Elohai).” Here’s his video from which we used part of the audio. As you enjoy Joshua’s music, pray for Jewish people in Israel and around the world – that they will (1) watch and understand this chronological presentation about their true Messiah, and (2) that the Spirit of God will touch their minds and hearts in a way similar to what their prophet Zechariah foretold that the LORD will do for Israel when Messiah returns: I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son…”  (Zech. 12:10). Finally, praise God, one week after the movie was released, as I write, exactly 1,100 visitors have watched the full movie for an average of 1 hour+ per click. Pray. Pray for all the peoples of this region. Their pain is off the charts. But so is the gospel’s power.

We thank God for the sacrificial gifts given in April to projects that will bless youth and their families in West and East Africa. In Niger, “renovations on the third floor for the Youth Development Center are underway for making the wall higher and the space safe for all ages. Additional projects include rebuilding the roof on the prayer room and making a sun cover for the porch area.”  Meanwhile in Tanzania, staff and students are thanking God for “the generous gifts from the many who care about the girls and teachers of Tumaini Jipya (New Hope). These funds will allow the school to begin construction on a block of four teacher houses this summer once the rainy season is over. We thank the Lord too that the school has been gifted with 17 laptops, allowing the girls to soon be able to take computer classes.”

May 2024
April 2024

April 2024

ROCK Resources & ROCKids

In late March, the French version of Nate’s book, “What If Jesus Meant What He Said?” was launched at a Youth Conference in France where he was a speaker. The French title is: Jésus: Et si je prenais ses paroles au séreieux?”, meaning, “Jesus: What if I Took His Words Seriously?” We pray the Spirit of God to use this discipleship tool to impact lives, homes, churches, and communities across French-speaking Europe, Africa, and beyond, as youth face the challenge: “Jesus doesn’t want to be part of your life. He wants it all.” We’re thankful too that the Spanish edition of Nate’s booklet, “Dive-in!” (¡ Sumérgete !) was released in February.

As we hear daily the “faint whisper” of God’s ways and see “the outer fringe of his works” (Job 26:14), we thank Him for your prayers and part in what He is doing worldwide in minds and hearts through ROCK’s multimedia multi-language evangelism and discipleship resources. For example, among the 11 million+ views KING of GLORY has had on our YouTube channel since the English movie was released in 2015, YouTube now lists 179 countries where people are watching it in its 59 languages. The top 5 countries with most views are:

Country: Views: Watch time (in hours): Average view duration (per click):
USA: 1,907,700+ 1,829,500 hours 50 minutes 52 seconds
Mexico: 1,858,300+ 2,297,700 57 min. 33 sec.
Brazil: 1,228,100+ 963,900 47 min. 5 sec.
Tanzania: 599,300+ 68,200 6 min. 48 sec.
Argentina: 375,400+ 469,800 1 hour, 15 min. 4 sec

Comments posted on YouTube provide glimpses into God’s work in lives. As I write, a German man named Berti just posted:
“This is the best film adaptation I have ever seen. Worth watching. Gladly again. Amen.” And why would he post such an accolade? He is surely not referring to some kind of cinematic superiority. Doubtless, his use of the word “best” is because KoG chronologically tells, in cross-culturally understandable ways, the only Story and Message that can satisfy the longing human soul – for time and eternity. As Nora, a Spanish-speaking lady, posted last month: “This wonderful film communicates God’s true revelation for all our questions. Glory to God that through this film my life has been enriched even more. Thank you.”

Thank you too for your faithful part in the New Hope Girls’ School in Tanzania, the Youth Development Center in Niger, ongoing ministries in Senegal, and other investments into kids and their families in other lands rarely mentioned, where God is also at work! 

April 2024
March 2024

March 2024

ROCK Resources

Acts 12 tells of evil and hard times but concludes: “But the word of God grew and multiplied.” (Acts 12:24)

Amid the plethora of challenges, we praise God for the completion and release of the KING of GLORY movie in the Pulaar language. Pray that its powerful story and message will spread rapidly and be clearly understood by this nomadic and often despised people group found in 18 African nations. Pulaars love their language. Our Pulaar narrator shared with us three realities that attracted him to the gospel: 1.] that he and his people were despised by others of their religion, 2.] that Christians showed them love and compassion, and 3.] that he was given a New Testament in Pulaar. He fell in love with the Word of God, grasped the gospel, and was redeemed!

God continues to multiply the reach of ROCK’s resources via broadcasts, podcasts, print, and social media. To illustrate, in January 2024, our “KING of GLORY the Movie” YouTube Channel (with the film in 58 languages) had more than 737,000 views for an average of 74 minutes per click. Here are two of the many comments:

  • In German: “Wow! ❤ Thank you very much. Made the Bible 100% understandable for me.” – Helene
  • In Spanish: “Excellent explanation. I have known the gospel for years, but I learned new things.” – Rosa


One of many countries on our hearts is Haiti, where a brother with whom we are connected regularly shows the KING of GLORY movie in Haitian Creole in many places. A few days ago, he wrote a page of stories, telling of some of the challenges they face. He began: “If only everyone could stay home, they would. Once you step outside – the situation is scary, to say the least. And it is getting worse and worse! The conditions affect every area of life. People are insecure in every respect! Families are being split… Please pray for us!” Yet the word of God is at work as needy believers reach out to needy souls around them. At the believers’ request, we plan to soon have 4000 Haitian Creole and 4000 French KoG picture books shipped to Haiti. The Bread of Life!

Thank you for your continued part in the New Hope Girls’ School in Tanzania. Pray that leadership will be able to identify new sustainability projects. We are excited that the chicken project is not only providing food and new skillsets for the girls but is also generating some income. Pray too for funds to build teachers’ housing.

March 2024
February 2024

February 2024

Thank you for your prayers and part in the many ways God is at work through the channel of ROCK. Here are two samples from the first month of 2024 – in two distinctly different places on the African continent – in East Africa, on Tanzania’s verdant island in Lake Victoria – and in West Africa, in Senegal’s dusty Sahel region.

In early January, three ROCK board members (Rachel, Phil, Paul) traveled to Tanzania to celebrate and participate in the reopening of the 2nd year of the boarding school that opened in January 2023. Rachel reports: Tumaini Jipya {New Hope} Secondary School for Girls started its new school year on January 8th. Eighteen students returned to start year 2, and twenty started their first year. What a gift it was to be with these girls during their first weekend back at school! One highlight was when their “choir” (which includes all the girls) sang at church. There was much joy on their faces as they sang and made melody to the Lord from their hearts. We couldn’t resist singing and clapping along. During our visit, we also were blessed to celebrate the completion of two new classrooms, the successful start of the chicken farm project (chickens are presently laying more than 7 dozen eggs daily), and to prayerfully envision the foundation for the teachers’ houses that will (as the Lord provides) begin construction this year. We praise God for all He has done, is doing, and will continue to do at this school in and through the teachers, staff, and students.

ROCK Resources
In the second half of January, Dennis (audio tech expert) and I traveled to Senegal to work with a team of local believers to record the KING of GLORY movie in Senegal’s 2nd most spoken indigenous language: Pulaar. Many were the obstacles. For example, our Pulaar narrator’s coming was delayed by officials. Then, once in the studio, it was discovered that the 70-scene timed-script had not been properly proofed, requiring loads of retranslation on the fly. Also, our minimally-sound-proofed studio was surrounded by seven mosques, each with its prayer calls at regular intervals. Add to that the daily mortar and pestle poundings of a neighbors’ noon meal preparation. Technical difficulties included the sudden deletion of a chunk of the timed-script text that had just been carefully revised…. “But the LORD delivered [us] out of them all!” (Psalm 34:19), and in 7 days the Pulaar synced recording was completed. Meanwhile, during that same week, up in Jerusalem, the Hebrew version of KING of GLORY was also successfully recorded. We hope to see both films released later this month. Praise the Lord and pray for prepared minds and hearts.

February 2024
January 2024

January 2024

ROCK Resources
“You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.” (Psalm 65:11 NLT)

What a privilege has been ours in AD 2023 to walk together (with you and) with the Lord of the Harvest through countless obstacles and into endless opportunities to communicate His Word to untold millions via radio, social media, print, audio, and video! To give one example, on ROCK’s KING of GLORY YouTube channel, which features the 222-minute KoG movie in 58 languages, the Spanish version, REY de GLORIA, was the most-watched language in 2023 with 2.3 million views, each with an average view time of 73 minutes per click – to the blessing of souls and the glory of God who makes His gospel seed to take root and multiply.

Meanwhile this month, amid the obstacles, “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14), the Hebrew version of KING of GLORY is scheduled to be recorded in Jerusalem (a crucial addition to KoG’s existing 7 Arabic dialects). Also, for some time now, Dennis (ROCK audio technician) and I have been planning to travel to Senegal (January 20-31) to work with local believers to record the movie’s narration track in Pulaar (Senegal’s 2nd primary indigenous language). But then, in December, we learned that our Pulaar narrator and his wife, who live in a North African nation, were arrested along with a couple dozen others after it was made known on social media that they had turned from the majority-religion to follow Jesus. In their country, such “apostasy” is punishable by death. Yet, despite efforts to coerce them to recant, all stood firm for Christ. And in answer to fervent prayer, within two weeks all were released by the authorities! Amazing grace. Our trip to Senegal is on.

As we step into 2024, ROCK International’s Into Your Bible discipleship ministries, which has a bi-weekly podcast hosted by Nate Bramsen, is launching a read-through-the-Bible program inviting participants worldwide to contribute their thoughts and insights. Check out the link: and prayerfully consider joining the journey.

In early January, three of us ROCK board members will meet in Tanzania (on Ukerewe Island of Lake Victoria) to meet with staff and students of Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Girls’ Secondary School and celebrate their first completed year. The 2nd scholastic year will begin on January 8th with two classes: Form 2 (returning students) and Form 1 (incoming students). Learn more/take part:

We thank God too, amid great challenges, for the reassembling of ROCK-connected workers in Niger and South Asia, where God is also wonderfully at work. Pray on!

January 2024
December 2023

December 2023

ROCK Resources

Last month, ten new-language resources were released: Eight of these (for about 275 million native speakers) were The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS ( 100-program radio series. The other two projects were the KING of GLORY (KoG) movie in Yemeni Arabic (heart language of 30 million Muslims on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula), and in Sambalpuri (language of a despised people group on the east side of India). Amid many challenges, each of these KoG projects took about 6 years to reach their finish (start!) lines. 

Due to the Russia/Ukraine and Hamas/Israel wars, we felt led to produce KING of GLORY in Ukrainian and Hebrew (already have it in Russian and 7 Arabic dialects). The Ukrainian version took 8 months to complete; the Hebrew translation, started last month, is slated to be recorded in Jerusalem in January. Pray for multiple open doors for this film to unveil “the mystery of Christ” (Colossians 4:3-4) throughout these suffering regions.


Rachel wrote this update for the Tumaini Jipya [New Hope] School in Tanzania: “Friends, we are thankful. Thankful that after years of prayer, tears, and holding out hope – we witnessed this year’s opening with the first class of girls. What a joy! Since the school year runs with the calendar year, the first class of students in Form 1 are preparing to move on to Form 2. We will also welcome a new class of students in January. The girls are happy, learning, growing, and thriving. Thank you for your part in making this school become a reality. 

“While we are thankful, we confess that we also struggle with moments of anxiety. How are we going to keep building more buildings? Add more students? Get computers? The questions can be overwhelming. Recently I was reminded of a song I used to sing in Sunday school, “He owns the cattle on a thousand hills! The wealth in every mine!” We can trust God to provide all that is needed in His perfect timing. He is faithful!

God is at work in Senegal, but more about that next time. Meanwhile in Niger, following the July coup, while the people continue to suffer from it, conditions are stable enough for foreign workers to get visas and return. One of the recently-returned ROCK-connected couples wrote: We are seeing in a fresh way that it is not “our” work, but God’s work; that it is much more His concern than our concern, and that our task is “simply” to make ourselves and all we have available to Him; to obey and trust the God who says of Himself: “The heart of a king is like streams of water in the hand of the Lord; wherever he wills he will bend it.” (Proverbs 21:1)

December 2023
November 2023

November 2023

ROCK Resources

“A wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” To this day, these words describe the daily experience of Christ’s servants – as do these: “…knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain(1 Cor. 16:9; 15:58). How blessed we are to be workers together with HIM.

In the mix of the horrific news coming from the Middle East is the nation of Yemen. What you won’t hear is that after 5 years of challenges, the KING of GLORY movie should soon be released in Yemeni Arabic! Pray for gospel impact. Yemen has suffered 8 years of internal war, creating one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. But God’s rescue plan is available (Romans 10)! The movie is presently being checked by several Yemeni believers before we release it. The 8 comments received thus far reveal an excited circle of believers who see this as a tool to strengthen and equip believers in their 99% Muslim nation. As one wrote: “Beautiful! The ideas are easy to understand and convey, the dialect is clear, and the voice is calm. At the end, he presents a little bit about the events of the last days from the Book of Revelation that answer the questions of most believers.” 

Another face of ROCK Resources is found in the social media pages of Nate Bramsen, author of What If Jesus Meant What He Said and Prosper: Enjoying Intimacy with God. Nate hosts an every-other-week podcastInto Your Bible). He has also begun to post frequent devotional thoughts – primarily on: Instagram @natebramsen where nearly a million viewers have tuned in over the past month. In the words of one listener, “I’m nearly a hundred and never knew [these things].” Another said, “Don’t ever stop making these videos!” Pray that the gospel and thoughts presented would point people to the Only Source of true peace in an ever-changing world.


From Tanzania and the Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary (boarding) School for girls: “Please pray for continued favor with the local government, and for wisdom in continuing to develop Christ-honoring policies, such as how we screen new students for entrance now that the school is becoming known and sought after. Pray for the hearts of the students and for their protection when they go home (to challenging situations) on break. Pray we will be able to find an affordable solution for staff housing. We praise God for all who are helping us reach the finish on the second block of classrooms. Acquiring computers will be the next challenge.”

From Niger and the Youth Development Center: “Life has become increasingly difficult for most Nigeriens with rising food prices and electricity cuts. Pray that believers would trust in the Lord through this difficult time and find their hope in Christ more than in potential political change.” God is faithful.

November 2023
October 2023

October 2023

ROCK Resources
Praise God, the Ukrainian KING of GLORY movie has been released (KoG Language #56). Pray earnestly for its wide and deep impact through social media channels in this war-torn region, where people are in desperate need of the Hope found in Christ alone – for time and eternity. Pray the same for other regions experiencing great suffering, such as earthquake-ravaged cities in Morocco, Turkey, and Syria, as well as flood-affected areas in Libya (KoG is available in 6 Arabic dialects, soon to add a 7th: Yemeni Arabic).

Last week, we received many testimonies through Trans World Radio (TWR), providing glimpses into God’s work in lives around the globe as TWR airs The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS (TWOR) 100-program chronological radio series. A Rwandan man in central Africa, wrote, “These programs helped me to know Jesus. One of my friends used to send them to me on WhatsApp, and I listened. I used to hate Christians and disagreed with them on everything. But I have repented, and now I am a Christian. How I praise the Lord for his salvation!”

In Muslim nations, many are trading religion for a relationship with Christ as they listen to TWOR in their heart languages and learn of God’s way of true righteousness. Among the testimonies is a 55-year-old widower battling depression, a 72-year-old man who sells cakes and sweets from a pushcart, and the 28-year-old mom who is seeing the gospel transform her family, spiritually and practically. Also, there’s the 22-year-old single guy whose worldview is changing as he follows the 66-program ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE radio series in Urdu.

Please pray too for the believers in Niger (amid the ever-present potential of intensifying persecution) along with ROCK-project connected workers (and many others) as they wait on the Lord for when to return to Niger following the July 26th coup d’état. At the New Hope Secondary School in Tanzania, staff and students thank you for your part in the high-quality education the girls are receiving as they also take in the Word of God daily. In Senegal, church leadership in the north continue to collaborate with believers in Togo where the deep-well-project was completed in April and is blessing many in Jesus’ name. Now a Soap Production project is underway to provide the women in the church an income source for their families during the non-farming season. Thank you for your sacrificial part in all such projects. We thank God for all He is doing. We thank Him for YOU.

October 2023
September 2023

September 2023

ROCK Resources

  • Central Asia: “3 days ago our team gave the entire Afghani national soccer team YOUR STORY booklets in Pashto and Dari. Pray for them to read them and for God to cause His Word to penetrate their souls.”
  • North Carolina: Received a list from Trans World Radio of 64 languages in which they are either broadcasting or translating The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS radio series. Praise God for how TWR is extending TWOR’s reach!
  • South Carolina: From a former tribal missionary to Mexico teaching intercultural missions locally: “This fall we will be heading up a Sunday School-type class on the movie and book KING of GLORY which presents the Word of God from ‘cover to cover.’ The movie, in 55 languages, mirrors how we teach people in tribal locations who have no knowledge of the Bible and no foundation to understand the good news of Christ and His salvation.”
  • Sahara Region: “We are targeting a city in the East for a 3-day evangelization campaign in December. This city is a kind of Islamic capital and a very strategic place. We plan to have at least 1,000 micro-SD cards with the KoG movie distributed in the city during the campaign. Pray.”


  • Haiti: In this hurting nation, ROCK has equipped a faithful Haitian believer with a solar-chargeable projection system. Pray for protection, provision, and impact as the Creole KoG is shown in many (some dangerous) places.
  • Senegal: Pray for believers in the villages. Pray for the kids’ and older youth who love the basketball training programs. Pray for open minds and hearts regarding the gospel. Pray that their parents will ask questions too.
  • Tanzania: “Much has happened at Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School. While the girls were away on break, a construction crew worked on the next classroom block, built a wall behind the dorm (to better protect the students at night), constructed a slab where the girls can wash their clothes, and completed the chicken house. Since their return, the girls have taken practice exams to simulate the national exam context and get a measure of how they are doing against girls from another school. Several students did well, but those behind in English still struggled. The teachers are coming up with strategies to help the girls who are behind….” Pray.
  • Niger: From a ROCK-project-connected worker (following last month’s military coup): “Pray for wisdom. Pray the church would act with Christ’s love. Pray for joy in trials. Through all this, what an encouragement to know that our Sovereign God was not surprised by any of this, and He knows the events of tomorrow! ‘The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. The LORD of hosts is with us!’ (Psalm 46:6).”
September 2023
August 2023

August 2023

ROCK Resources
We thank you in Jesus’ name for your part in making the gospel available to the world’s untold billions.

ধন্যবাদ, বাংলা ভাষায় তাওরাত, জবুর,নবীদের কিতাব, ইঞ্জিল কিতাবের সারমর্ম তুলে ধরবার জন্য

Can you read the above language? How would you feel if God’s story and message were only available in languages you don’t understand? The above comment is one of many posted last month on the KING of GLORY YouTube channel with its 54 (& counting) languages ( This comment is in the Bengali language of Bangladesh, written by a truth-seeker by the name of Assad. English translation: Thank you for highlighting and clarifying the essence of the Torah, Psalms, Prophets, and Injil (the gospel [book]) in Bengali.” 

Also last month, a Spanish listener, impacted by the chronological gospel (Luke 24:27,32) wrote, “Wonderful! It was the most beautiful movie I’ve ever seen.” And from Romania: “I like it so much, continue your videos, don’t stop.” And from Germany, “Beautifully beautiful. This film should be shown in every religious education class.” (In this month alone, the movie received 15 comments from German-speakers. God is doing something special!) And from a listener of The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS ( radio series in Indonesia, aired on 36 FM stations, wrote: I’m so grateful for the program. I get new understanding every time I listen to it.” 

In French-speaking West African countries, where ROCK has media & kids’ projects, in the past 3 years, 6 coup d’états have taken place. The most recent is in Niger (where, in 2014-2015, ROCK was the channel for the construction of the Youth Development Center). On July 26th a coup was carried out by Niger’s military against the current president. Meanwhile in Senegal, a nation known for its democratic stability in the region, is going through great political tension. And that’s just a sample of our hurting, troubled world. Thank you for praying for truth seekers and the Lord’s servants in the countries and language groups mentioned in this update.

This just in from Tanzania: At Tumaini Jipya [Swahili for “New Hope”] Secondary School, the girls returned from their summer break at the beginning of July. Practice exams have shown that most girls are doing fairly well in their studies, though some still struggle, especially those who are behind in their English acquisition. Please pray they will be able to catch up to their peers. While the girls were out on break, construction on the school wall (behind the dorms), two classrooms, and the chicken house (which will provide more diverse nutrition for the school and a source of income). Thank you for your part in the high-quality education the girls are receiving where they are also hearing the truth of the gospel daily.

August 2023
July 2023

July 2023

ROCK Resources
One of ROCK Resources far-reaching roles is to equip God’s servants with multi-language tools that tell and explain God’s plan of redemption and transformation in a way people of all cultures can grasp. Last month, two ROCK board member couples participated in a conference in Malaysia attended by more than 1000 believers from 103 nations. These workers have since returned to their people groups, better equipped to “make the gospel clear” and “to teach other faithful believers who will be able to teach others also.” (Col. 4:4; 2 Tim. 2:2)

Time and space fail us to tell of all the ways we hear of God at work each month – like the case of “Juan,” a migrant worker in Mexico, who, six months ago, had a dream in which he saw the face of a Canadian man (who is a Christ-follower and former mission worker to Mexico). In the dream, Juan received this command, “Listen to this man’s message!” Six months later Juan was in Canada where God led him to an 8-session Bible study in a greenhouse where the very man he saw in the dream was teaching through KING of GLORY in Spanish! Juan and the other 8 men in the photo (see Monthly Updates link) understood and believed the gospel.

Meanwhile in Venezuela, Michael (our 2021 interviewee in writes: “The Yanomamö KoG book has been such a hit. People up and down the rivers comment on how readable it is and how much they are learning from it. Praise the Lord! Even in the last village our team visited, they found one guy who could read. But the more distant villages have no readers, which means much time is spent going over the book and stories – tying the pictures to each story with its embedded teachings about God, man, sin, and salvation – so these skilled oral learners can tell the stories with just the pictures.”
In other KoG tribal news, God is at work in Papua New Guinea (See June 22:

Thank you for praying for the youth-focused projects and opportunities in West Africa (sports, street kids, prison work, music, concerts, souls turning to Christ following ROCK’s recent well project in Togo…). At the New Hope School in Tanzania, the girls are on summer break for a few weeks. During this time, construction is taking place on the poultry house, a fence around the school, and a washing slab at the girls’ dormitory. Pray that all the government requirements can be met (such as the new classroom block and computer lab). One activity the students did in their last weeks of the opening semester was to go through Psalm 1, where they learned about being rooted and grounded in the Lord and His Word so they can grow strong spiritually and flourish, like a tree planted by a stream. The art project made from local scraps of fabric (see thumbnail) was a huge hit and is now on display in the dining hall. Thank you for your powerful prevailing prayers.

July 2023
June 2023

June 2023

ROCK & Prison Ministries
“Until I read One God One Message, I thought heaven was earned. This book gave me a sinner’s hope for salvation and drove me to learn all I can about Jesus Christ.”
– Inmate in a US maximum-security prison, in the (high risk) Administrative Segregation section

Another prisoner in that same section commented: “Up to this point and time I’ve viewed the Bible as hypocritical but after reading One God One Message, I’m a firm believer that it’s God’s Word.”

The ministry that sent this feedback works primarily in three max prisons, training inmates to work as instructors for Emmaus Bible Correspondence Courses. A few weeks ago, the director wrote: “One God One Message and its testimony to our Lord’s great plan of redemption is touching many lives….” Earlier this year,
he wrote, “We have had 30 offenders graduate from our special program in Admin. Seg. We are very excited to see God using the materials we are distributing to reach those who are broken and in need of help from Him.”

In another city, a chaplain (who, over 14 years, has personally planted more than 3000 OGOM books in a network of prisons) tells of two inmates who came to Christ. “Both these men refused my other Christian literature and asked for a Quran, saying they were Muslims. When men do this, I say something like, “I don’t have any Qurans, but I have a book written by a Christian for Muslims, called One God One Message” (about 8 of 10 accept it). One who believed is a juvenile; the other an adult, excitedly thanked me for ‘turning him back to the right path’, and asked me to send literature to his wife, saying he is going to witness to everyone!”

We thank God too for the decades-old prison ministry in Senegal, W. Africa, now being carried on by the son of Henri (called to heaven 1½ years ago) and by Malick’s eldest son. Both these guys are talented musicians, so are teaching the gospel and music to younger inmates. Women prisoners are also being served and reached.

ROCKids & ROCK Resources
As summer season gets underway and schedules change, pray for our worldwide partners in ministry. Political turmoil, war, poverty, persecution, and spiritual opposition are realities, but so is 1 John 4:4 (“Greater is HE…”)! Part of our ministry is not only to help national teams realize each project, but also to encourage the individual workers during the season God gives us to work together with them. Pray too for continued blessing and provision for the New Hope Secondary Boarding School for girls in Tanzania. Please pray too for more help in certain realms of ROCK International. We thank the Lord for you and for your participation with us.

June 2023
May 2023

May 2023

ROCK Resources
Last month was typical. Just scrolled through 600+ emails answered in ROCK’s home office in April and made a list of 40 ROCK-project-related stories that could be shared, but space only allows us to mention 3. Thank you for your prayers and part in what we are privileged to hear of God doing around the globe.

March-April was a time of breakthroughs in Papua New Guinea for the Tok Pisin KING of GLORY translation. After recording the audio script for the movie in March and having 9000+ copies of KING belong GLORI picture books arrive, in April each of these books have been strategically allocated to distribution points around the country. The request for 10,000 more books has increased to 30,000. We hope to release the Tok Pisin movie in June. Six individuals or teams have been equipped with solar-powered video projector units to show the film in jungle villages. Cell phones will also be used to share it. Many mission workers plan to use the KoG picture book and movie in villages to reinforce the creation-to-Christ teaching already given. Thank you for praying.

In another jungle setting, on the opposite side of the globe, Michael (with whom we did the spiritual warfare interview and his wife have just returned to the Amazon jungle in Venezuela, armed with solar flashlight audio players and 200 copies of the KING of GLORY books in Yanomamö, with the hope to soon have another 5000 books printed and shipped. They also plan to record the movie script soon. While the KoG movie is usually produced before the book, in the jungle, where tech options are minimal, the KoG picture book is the most useful tool to equip believers to share the gospel.


On the island on Lake Victoria, Tanzania, the Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary Boarding School for Girls reports: As you know, the school opened with the first class of students in January. However, we wanted to have a special celebration to pray for and dedicate the school, which took place on April 14th. We had a wonderful time reflecting on and celebrating all that God has done over the past several years. Speeches were made, choir performances (the students sang, as did a choir from a local church), and the girls did some “academic” presentations (science experiments, as well as explanations in both English and Kiswahili of other things they have been learning). As one of the teachers told the girls: “Here at this school, we believe that you are made in the image of God and that is what gives you value. If anyone tells you that you don’t have worth, don’t believe them. Remember that you are valuable because God says so.” Hearing these kinds of things taught with such passion and conviction is a HUGE blessing. Girls are so often not valued in Tanzania, which is why there is such a need for this school, where girls are safe, valued, and won’t be exploited.”

May 2023
April 2023

April 2023

ROCK Resources
Earth’s most linguistically diverse country, Papua New Guinea, with 837 tribal tongues, has a trade language called Tok Pisin (‘talk’ + ‘pidgin’), an English-based creole spoken by about half the population. Amid countless challenges, two ROCK colleagues traveled to PNG where, in six days, they were able to record the 3½-hour narration track for “KING bilong GLORI.” Excitement is now building among national believers and missionaries to find ways to share the movie in a nation where internet and cell phones are limited but slowly expanding.
Also, after a 3-month sea voyage from Northern Ireland to PNG, 9000+ KoG Pidgin picture books have just arrived in port. Pray for their strategic distribution to equip followers of Christ to present the foundations and framework of the gospel to those who have never understood it. All the books have already been spoken for.
A MAF pilot says he sees potential to plant 10,000 books a year across this topographically challenging land.

Yesterday we received this report from a former missionary to Mexico who now works with immigrants in one of Canada’s largest cities: “To be honest, it is a little overwhelming what God is doing – though I should not expect Him to do less! I use the REY de GLORIA movie & book with any Spanish-speakers willing to do a study with me. Last week, in a study-group with Cubans, as I am challenging them to put their trust in Jesus the Lamb of God, the young lady in the group speaks up and says, ‘Teacher! Believe me when I tell you that we all want to believe and trust Him!’ I was kind of stunned for a moment and then she goes around the table to each one present and says, ‘Do you want to know Him?’ Each indicated that they did, and a couple of the comments were, ‘The Bible explains the message of life and, yes, I want to know Him.’  Pointing to his Bible, another said, ‘The whole story flows from beginning to end and makes sense. Yes, I want to know Him!!’ I’ll start discipleship with them this week. And in another class where I teach English (using KoG), Luisa from Colombia tells her own story in this 3-MINUTE VIDEO (CLICK HERE) – Make sure the CC subtitles are on to understand her fully.”

God is at work through various ROCK projects on the African continent, but space only allows for this report from the New Hope Girls’ Secondary Boarding School in Tanzania: “We are taking the girls through KING of GLORY, which they are loving. What a joy to see these teenage girls, from a variety of hard backgrounds, growing in their understanding of God and His purpose for them, forming close friendships, studying, working, and playing together. They have planted hundreds of fruit trees and are already reaping vegetables from their gardens. We look forward to setting up a large chicken farm for the girls and staff to raise chickens for eggs and meat to both eat and sell. We estimate that within a year it will begin to make money and feed the students. This is one of many ways we are hoping to create sustainability for the school.”

April 2023
March 2023

March 2023

ROCK Resources
This just came from a TWR listener in Pakistan: “I’m 50 years old and have 4 children…. I do all my prayers on time but have lacked something crucial… feeling peaceful. I found peace after listening to The Way of Righteousness (Urdu) programs. I now know that Christ gives inner peace. I am learning a lot from these programs.”

Meanwhile in Malaysia, a TWR team is recording the completed translation of these 100 chronological radio programs in the Malay language. In East Africa, another TWR partner writes: “TWOR will soon be printed as a book in the Kirundi language. This will be an excellent resource for churches in reaching out to Muslims. Also, we are getting an excellent response to TWOR from Bhojpuri speakers in Nepal. Many of these listeners have shared that they love the program and listen to it intently and regularly.” Praise God.

After years of work, the Japanese, Romanian, and Haitian Creole KING of GLORY (KoG) movies could all be released this month. Each of these 3 language projects have intense backstories, but it is when this big-picture gospel movie is released (on YouTube and other media channels) that the real battle for souls begins. Pray. Meanwhile in Senegal, colleagues are translating KoG into Pulaar, the language of Senegal’s 2nd largest people group. Over in Zambia, workers are translating KoG into Lunda with the plan to produce the movie and book. Also this month, Lord willing, the Yanomamö KoG picture book will be distributed in the jungles of Venezuela. And in mid-March, two ROCK colleagues fly to Papua New Guinea with a two-fold mission: to record the translated KoG movie script in Pidgin (PNG’s trade language) and to help distribute 10,000 KoG Pidgin books, which are presently on a ship traveling from the UK to PNG. Pray that all comes together in perfect sync.

In Tanzania, at the recently opened New Hope Girls School, a colleague writes: “Things are going wonderfully. The girls are so happy, and they are learning well! Praise God, we hired a matron who will start March 1st.” Meanwhile in Senegal, we are encouraged to watch God work in and through the believers and ROCK projects. Last week two men were baptized, testifying how the gospel has transformed their minds, hearts, and lives.

From the ROCK well-digging project in Togo, West Africa, a local believer reports: “Here in our village, clear pure water has been struck (drilling 150 meters through granite). Brothers and sisters, as I see the water gushing forth, I am overwhelmed with emotion, on the verge of tears. You have done so much, beyond the expectations of the villagers. May the Lord repay you a hundredfold. Persevere in prayer that this huge blessing will lead to transformed lives by people drinking of the ‘Water of Life’ – Jesus the Savior of the world!”

March 2023
February 2023

February 2023

ROCK Resources
Due to the confines of space on a page and the scope of the global ministry, it can be hard to make room for a sampling of daily feedback received via email & social media. But here are 4 short stories from this past week:

  • Two days ago, the Taliban arrested 3 believers who were on their way to prayer meeting. We believe these men are now being tortured to force them to recant their faith. Probably if they refuse, they will be martyred. Pray. I believe they came to Christ by gospel packages we threw across the river. KoG was in it.” (See — From a mission worker near the Afghan border
  • We were told wrong stories up to now!
    — A Hazaras Afghan Mullah who escaped from Afghanistan to Pakistan, watched the KoG movie in Dari with some relatives. During the movie he was silent, but afterwards, he shook his head and made the above confession.
  • Something wonderful happened to me! I accepted Isa Al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah) into my life.
    — An Iranian man after he had watched the full King of Glory movie in Farsi (and then slowly watched it again).
  • Chad’s National TV broadcasted KING of GLORY on December 24th and 25th. On January 29th, the Chadian Arabic KoG Dedication Ceremony took place in the largest evangelical church of N’Djamena. Choirs from several churches celebrated and worshiped the King of Glory. We promoted the KoG movie, book, and coloring book as an evangelization, discipleship, and children ministry tool. Personalized KoG USB keys are being distributed. In recent weeks, training has been provided in 7 different churches. In February we plan to take the training to the East of Chad (900 km from N’Djamena). Talks will also take place with mission leaders reaching out to UPGs (Unreached People Groups) on how to use the Chadian Arabic KoG as a primary tool.”
    — A Chadian servant of God

Wish we had space to tell more stories, but we rejoice that amid and through all the projects, God is at work in beautiful and powerful ways in people — from Senegal to Niger to Tanzania to South Africa to Bangladesh…

Flowing from last month’s report, we close with this update from our sister in Tanzania: “We praise God for the 23 schoolgirls that have joined Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School, and we expect two others to join by the end of this week. The girls have been so happy to be here. It has been such a joy to be with them, the schoolteachers, and staff. This week we have two seamstresses on site sewing school uniforms – which the girls have been delighted to receive. Currently, one of the teachers is serving as the school matron, but we will have interviews for the matron position later this week. Pray for the right person to fill that critical role.”

February 2023
January 2023

January 2023

Tanzania, East Africa. This month – on Africa’s largest lake island – we celebrate the opening of Tumaini Jipya (Swahili: New Hope) Secondary School for Girls! (In Tanzania, the academic year starts in January and runs through December.) Praise the Lord, this project, which, from conception to construction, has been underway for nearly a decade has at last reached its official “start line”! We thank God for His perfect timing and continuing provision. Last month, our partners in the region were able to recruit and hire four teachers and a headmistress. Thank you for your prayers for these believers/professionals as they invest into these at-risk girls in this first semester, that they will not only inspire academic excellence, but that Christ’s love and truth will be magnified through them and embraced by the students.

Togo, West Africa. Meanwhile, on the Continent’s other side, a Soap & Water Project has been approved – flowing from a gospel-resource relationship established two decades ago with a Togolese evangelist. In November, with the mission being to listen and encourage (and quietly assess if ROCK can help), two of our Senegalese brothers traveled to Togo. In the main region they visited, one practical problem for believers and neighbors alike is the lack of clean water, causing sickness and even death. Another struggle Christian families face is how to generate more income (in addition to what their seasonal field crops provide). Long story short, in fellowship with the Senegal team, these dire needs will be met through two self-sustaining projects: One is a soap-making business for these Proverb 31 ladies. The other is a well/pump system, dug through the 150-meter-deep solid rock on which the town is built. Our evangelist friend just wrote: “We hope to start the drilling project soon. We pray the Lord to guide us to a good water table with plenty of water. By providing these funds and counsel, you have honored us, and the name of Christ is being lifted up among this population!”

ROCK Resources
Amazon Jungle, South America. Last month’s update listed 32 new-language resources released in 2022. One of those resources was the KING of GLORY picture book for the Yanomamö people of Venezuela. For more about what God (and Satan) is doing there, watch this interview with our friend and faithful servant of Christ who was born in that jungle more than 6 decades ago. Next month he will begin to distribute 200 Yanomamo KoG books to key believers and readers deep in the Amazon Forest. And some months later, the plan is to ship 5000 KoG books into the Amazon region – to evangelize, edify, and equip.

As we enter 2023, the spiritual and physical needs and gospel opportunities before and beyond us are endless. May each of us know what God would have us to do – and not do – “That [His] way may be known on earth, [His] salvation among all nations!” Psalm 67:2

January 2023
December 2022

December 2022

ROCK Resources

As we walk through 2022’s final month, we do so with hearts filled with thanksgiving to the LORD for all He has done with His people for the spread of His kingdom and glory. Thank you for your part in it all through your prayers and practical investments. At least 32 new-language resources reached their finish lines in 2022:
FOR THIS REASON Christmas movie: Portuguese, French, Arabic.
KING of GLORY movie: Serbian, Egyptian Arabic, Bislama (Vanuatu), Burmese (Myanmar), Marathi (India), Filipino, Khmer (Cambodia), Thai, Chadian Arabic. 
KING of GLORY picture book: Pidgin (Papua New Guinea), Yanomamö (Amazon region).
KING of GLORY Coloring Book: Arabic.
ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE  book: Amharic, Bengali, Bosnian, Somali.
Your Story booklets: Dari & Pashto (Afghanistan), and Somali.
Your Story audiobooks: Dari & Pashto.
The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS radio series: Dagbani (Ghana/Togo), Javanese (Indonesia), Punjabi (Pakistan), Kasem (Ghana/Burkina Faso), Uyghur (Kazakhstan/China).
Spiritual Warfare in the Amazon Jungle interview: Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Thai.
• Also produced in 2022: 27 new Into Your Bible podcasts. 

And why do we produce these multi-media tools?  “That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise You, O God … Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy!”  Psalm 67


With grateful hearts, in Tanzania, E. Africa, we celebrate the official registration of Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School for Girls. This registration clears the school to open as soon as January 2023, Lord willing. We are currently in the process of recruiting teachers and other staff (as well as staff salaries). Please pray for us to find the right people for these critical roles. The next step will be to register students. The effort to start this school represents nearly a decade of work. We praise the LORD for the faithfulness and perseverance of our community partners who want to see their girls live flourishing lives. Please pray with us for wisdom, and that if the Lord would have us open this January that He will provide all we need. His timing is always perfect.

In Niger, W. Africa, we just received this testimony. A 13-year-old boy has been coming to music class at the Youth Development Center to learn guitar. Recently, he began coming to our church and started attending our Scripture memory kids club. Our first Scripture memory book contains 30 verses, and this past week, he finished the whole book! We know that the Word of God is living and powerful, and we trust the Lord to use His Word in this boy’s life. He was the first non-church-family kid to complete his book.

December 2022
November 2022

November 2022

ROCKids & ROCK Resources

Writing from the Sahel region of Senegal: Last week, yet another door was opened to share God’s love and truth – this time in the context of the recognition ceremony of the ROCK-funded village school wall (see last month’s update) with about 150 kids, plus teachers and guests, seated under the school’s central shade tree. Many officials expressed their profound thankfulness. The school principal told of endless problems without a surrounding wall: of snakes and the nearby military shooting range; of cows, horse carts, and people coming through the middle of the school grounds, etc. He also passionately told how, for 16 years, he has tried to get help nationally and locally, but received only empty promises. “How strange,” said he, “that it took people from thousands of miles away to come to our aid!” Flowing from this investment, long term relationships have been strengthened, and gospel seeds planted. In addition to school supplies, each student in the two upper classes (4th and 5th), along with all the teachers, received French KING of GLORY books. Pray for lasting fruit.

The November 2nd celebration for 30 years of Wolof radio broadcasts in Senegal was a special time of reviewing “what God has wrought” (Num. 23:23). Two Muslim men who shared at the mic were station managers from an FM station that has aired The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS  programs since 1998. One “confessed” that he listens to them even when he is not at the station. Pray for opened understanding (Luke 24:44-45).

Last week we received this news from another West African country. A veteran lady mission worker wrote:
“I and my team came across TWOR around 15 years ago, when a [local] follower of Jesus translated it into his language. Since then, we have been using it as a tool to share the gospel with Muslims and to disciple new believers in the faith, especially those with a low literacy level. I can hardly put into words what a blessing this tool has been for so many people in their journey of faith towards new life in Jesus Christ. I can testify that hundreds and probably thousands of Muslims have heard these teachings in many forms – on memory cards for phones and solar charged devices, on our website and on radio stations. Just this month, a Muslim background follower of Jesus, who I have been discipling, went on a ministry trip to [a neighboring country] with a pocketful of memory cards loaded with TWOR to give out to [a nomadic people] who wanted to learn more about Jesus. Some have already chosen to follow Jesus and he had the privilege of baptizing them.” 

Thank you for your prayers and investments into the work of the gospel – from Senegal to Niger to Tanzania to Bangladesh and the rest of the way around the world!

November 2022
October 2022

October 2022

ROCK Resources

“Pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you” (1 Thes. 3:1). November 2nd marks the 30th anniversary of “The Way of Righteousness” (Yoonu Njub) radio series in Wolof, with Malick as the voice, first broadcast on Senegal’s national radio station in 1992. Today, by God’s grace and the collaboration of thousands of partners, this well-loved, Creation-to-Christ-to-New Creation 100-program chronological Bible series continues to be broadcast not only in Wolof, but in scores of other languages worldwide. “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23). 

In obeying Christ’s command to make disciples of all nations, the role of gospel radio (& social media) is akin to the air force in a nation’s military. While human wars are not won with air power alone, an air force can make the difference between victory and defeat by preparing the way for the ground soldiers. Similarly, over the past 3 decades, we have heard countless testimonies of how the “air force” of our radio programs have prepared the way for the Lord’s “ground troops.” Here’s one testimony from 1998: A gospel team showed the Jesus Film in a village in central Senegal. After the showing, two elderly Muslim men told the team, “We believe in Jesus the Messiah as our Savior, and we want to follow Him.” In cross-examining these men, the team members were amazed at their understanding of what the Bible teaches about God, man, sin, and salvation. “Where did you learn all this?” a team member asked. The men replied, “Listening to ‘Yoonu Njub’.”

In other media projects, our Spiritual Warfare video, in 3 languages – Portuguese, Thai, and Haitian, reached their finish (start!) lines last month. The translation and recording process was not without spiritual warfare. Haitian Creole was the most intense and challenging, taking a full year to complete. Pray the Lord to use this video to awaken souls, whose minds the god of this age has blinded… lest the gospel… should shine on them (2 Cor. 4:3-4).” As one viewer put it, “Wow! Helps me understand why this world is so angry. People all over the world are deceived by Satan.”


We praise God that the wall project financed through ROCK for a Senegal village public grade school is complete and people in this Muslim village and surrounding villages are talking about how, after decades of unkept promises by others, it was the followers of Jesus who built a wall for their school. Pray that the resulting gospel opportunities will touch many. Speaking of schools, please keep praying for the New Hope Girls Secondary School in Tanzania to have all it needs to be able to open asap – in the Lord’s perfect time, of course. And we thank God too for all that is going on in the Youth Develop Center in Niger. Praise and pray on.

October 2022
September 2022

September 2022

ROCK Resources

God is faithful. Yearly. Monthly. Daily. While translation & recording projects being worked on by our worldwide media partners usually take years, almost every month we have new-language resources reaching their finish lines. Last month, The Way of Righteousness radio series was released in Dagbani (Ghana), Punjabi (Pakistan & India), and Javanese (Indonesia). And One God One Message, a book for skeptics, was completed in Amharic (Ethiopia) and Somali (Somalia). Grouped with Afghanistan and North Korea, Somalia is listed as one of the top 3 countries where Christians are most persecuted. Nonetheless, a Somali worker just wrote, “My hope/dream is to see this tremendous resource widely disseminated and widely used.” And a ministry to Afghan refugees recently shared: “We are excited about your video, audio, and printed resources in Dari and Pashto and will share this info with other believers in the city who are reaching out to Afghans.” Pray for open doors.

Pray for God’s mighty working in the minds and hearts of the millions being impacted by gospel media and for the billions of souls yet to be reached. YouTube stats show that in the past 365 days, KING of GLORY (in its 50 languages) has had well over 4 million views with an average watch time of 47 minutes per click. Each day brings comments from around the globe. Here are a few recent samples from Roman Catholic Latin America:

  • “Lord, help us to spread your love through this film to hospitals, charity homes, marriage and catechism classes….”
  • “I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful film. This is the kind of movie that social media needs….”
  • “This should be shown to the public on giant screens in parks and recreational places as they do to watch soccer games.”
  • “Wow. I’m studying the Bible, and this has helped me. I felt emotion and the Lord’s presence as if I was transported there.”



Last time we told of the team of couples, with their little ones, preparing to move to South Asia. After 30 hours of travel, on August 31st these ambassadors for Christ stepped into the land to which God has called them. How thankful we are for His promise: “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14). Pray.

Meanwhile, Tanzania sends this report: “Praise God, the New Hope Girls Secondary School has passed inspections and is now officially registered with the Tanzanian government! We continue to look to God to provide all that is still needed before it can open.” To learn more:

In Niger, God is at work in and through the growing local church and activities of the Youth Development Center. Last month, a worker wrote: “Pray the Lord to give us discernment – not just in when to say ‘Yes!’ but also in what needs a ‘No.’ There are about a million different directions we could go as a team, so pray that we would have clarity in how, where, when and with whom we need to focus our efforts in this season.”

September 2022
August 2022

August 2022

We thank God for your prayers and eternal investments into ROCK projects. An initiative conceived and bathed in prayer for some years now is about to be launched. Lord willing, on August 29th, three couples (initially assisted by a fourth) with their young families will move to South Asia to invest their lives into one of the world’s most crowded nations. The plan is to spend the first two years learning language and culture, building relationships, and laying foundations for projects God is putting into their hearts to do to bless a people who, through the gospel, are “loved with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:23). Pray on (Matthew 9:36-38)!

Meanwhile in Tanzania, as funds come in, work continues with the prayerful goal to open next year the New Hope Secondary School for Girls. In Niger, people are being blessed daily through the Youth Development Center and printing ministry. In Senegal, believers in town and villages are showing and sharing God’s love and truth through projects involving sports, education, music, etc. – and across the nation, Senegalese continue to be touched and transformed through the Yoonu Njub (Wolof: Way of Righteousness) radio broadcasts, which the son of Yoonu Njub’s voice is now making available on YouTube, TikTok, and other social media platforms.

ROCK Resources
To follow up on last month’s update, the Premiere for the Khmer KING of GLORY movie in Phnom Penh (Watch: went wonderfully with loads of excited comments from the audience. Here are three:

  • “God will greatly use this movie in Cambodia.” (Campus ministry worker)
  • “It explains the gospel in a logical way which is needed, especially for the new generation.” (NGO founder)
  • “Now I have a better understanding of what my son preaches….” (Unbelieving father of a Christian worker)

To the glory of the One who said, “My Father is working until now, and I am working” (John 5:17), we close with a few stats from the KING of GLORY YouTube channel. During the 31 days of July, a record high of 678,000 people watched the movie in 50 languages for an average of 68 minutes per click for a total view time of 789,000 hours. That’s 90 years of nonstop watch time in a single month. Pray for multiplied, lasting fruit.

August 2022
July 2022

July 2022

ROCK Resources
Amid countless challenges and opportunities, we thank you for your prayers and part in what God is doing through this humble channel called ROCK. To name a few among dozens of ongoing projects…

As Nate & family & 2 other couples prepare to move to Bangladesh, God is using his discipleship books & Into Your Bible podcasts to challenge many. Don’t miss the Exodus series.

In Cambodia, the Khmer version of the KING of GLORY will be officially launched on July 9 with a premiere in Cambodia’s leading cineplex theatre located in the heart of Phnom Penh. This is KoG’s 50th language. As the Khmer team wrote: “Our plan is to show it in the commercial movie theatre and to invite Christian leaders, missionaries, believers, and the production team for a time of dedication and thanksgiving, and to encourage the wide use and distribution of this clear gospel movie for people of all ages across Cambodia and beyond.”

From Central Asia: “This last week our national team went up the border of Afghanistan evangelizing. They were in 18 homes where they shared the gospel orally, watched the film, ‘King of Glory’ and distributed all our Dari and Pashto ‘Your Story’ booklets. While they were there, violence broke out and the government shot and killed 29 militants. Our guys were detained several times but were released as “lovers of peace.” They will go again in two weeks. The Pashto Bibles have been well received.”

Thank you for your prayers for ongoing ROCK projects across Africa. For example, in Senegal, the Wolof radio programs, now in their 30th year, continue throughout the land on 10 stations and the village school wall is finished. In Niger, national-language gospel resources coming off our press are reaching nomads in the desert where many are boldly turning to Christ. In Kenya, Somali ROCK materials are being produced. In South Africa, the Xhosa KoG translation progresses. And in Tanzania, the vision and passion to open the New Hope Girl’s Secondary School grows as the believers look to the Lord to supply and guide them to the start line!

July 2022
June 2022

June 2022

ROCK Resources
• “We have never seen anything like this before!” (Mark 2:12; KING of GLORY, Scene 50 of 70) = What the amazed crowd exclaimed after they witnessed Jesus forgiving and healing the crippled man.
We have never heard anyone speak like this!” (John 7:46; KoG, Scene 54) = What the temple guards told the chief priests as to why they could not arrest Jesus.
I have never heard or seen anything like this! Thank you so much for sharing this very good information.” = What one lady commented this morning on ROCK’s KING of GLORY YouTube Channel. She is one of more than half a million people in 168 nations who watched the movie in whole or in part during the month of May. Through the gospel, the Lord Jesus continues to amaze, forgive, and transform souls around the world today…

FRESH UPDATE from the not-yet-opened NEW HOPE GIRLS’ SECONDARY SCHOOL in Tanzania:
One of our board members just returned from Tanzania where she spent time at the school and with community leaders after not being able to travel for the last few years due to COVID. She wrote: Praise God, much progress has been made! Walking around the campus and seeing all that has been accomplished over the last several years was amazing. We thank you for the role you play through prayer and funding. God is working in Tanzania to transform communities. Thank you for your prayers, gifts, advice, and encouragement. 

The community and local church are aching for this school to open as soon as possible. Please pray that we will be able to maintain a good, open relationship with the government officials that will need to inspect and approve the school. We would really like to open January 2023, if the Lord wills, so please pray that we will have all that is needed to finish up the required buildings and purchase supplies early enough to complete the school registration process this fall and hire the staff we will need. In addition, we anticipate that once we begin to enroll students, we will have more students want to enroll than we can accept. Please pray that even now we will have wisdom in knowing who to accept and how to turn away others graciously. Please pray that even now the Lord will begin to prepare the future staff.

June 2022
May 2022

May 2022

ROCK Resources
Last month was blessed as a dozen of ROCK’s multi-language in-production media tools moved closer to their finish lines and as God multiplied the impact of gospel-media among the nations. But here’s a story of God’s work of multiplication right here in Greenville where ROCK’s home office is located. Yesterday a local ministry leader serving the business community sent this report about WHAT IF JESUS MEANT WHAT HE SAID?:

Nate gave me the book at a seminar a couple of years back. After reading it, I told a colleague about it. He and I went through it together. Little did we know then how much this book would begin a refining process in us that continues to this very day. We both were so “wrecked” by the book, that we eventually decided to use it as a guide for discussion in five businessmen discipleship groups, and in several one-to-one relationships. In February, the Foundation hosted a half-day retreat with about 30 guys from these various groups. Nate came to speak. It was an encouraging and challenging time in the Lord. Over the past year, several of the guys in the groups have multiplied the impact by leading other individuals and groups through the book, including 13 young married couples, 20 students/interns, a men’s group, a group of ex-militaries, and a young singles group. Some have purchased entire cases to give out. One gave them as Christmas presents. My daughter has passed the book out to many university students. These are some of the ripple effects. We are blown away watching God multiply the Kingdom-impact of His WORD through this book! Our lives will never be the same.



Also yesterday – we received this note from a ROCK-connected worker in Niger: Just a little update on the KING of GLORY in Zarma. A 26-year-old convert in our church just finished reading it. He was so encouraged. He isn’t super-educated but has been reading his Zarma Bible a lot. It is cool to hear his excited and fresh perspectives from God’s Word. Also, an expat worker is encouraged by this book and wants to distribute it in a hurting region where they are doing a food distribution, providing rice for 600 families over three months. At the end, they want to present them KING of GLORY picture books. We will probably do the printing for them.

May 2022
April 2022

April 2022

ROCK Resources
What a world! What opportunities! What a responsibility-privilege is ours to be where we are “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14)! Today (March 31) the printing of 10,000 Marathi KING of GLORY books was completed. These chronological gospel resources will now be shipped to 38 regions in India to equip God’s people to make God’s good news “clear as [they] ought” (Col. 4:4). Also, as of today, after years of work, the Pidgin KoG picture book for Papua New Guinea is ready to send to the printer. Meanwhile, last week, this comment was posted on the REY de GLORIA (Spanish KoG) movie: “Perfecto. Now I understand God’s plan. This movie should go around the world.” Another wrote, “I really liked the movie, what I like the most is that it sticks to God’s word.” And yet another, “This film changed my life.” The full Spanish movie on YouTube now has more than a million views with an average view-time of 47 minutes per click. On the day before Ramadan begins, believers in a nearby state are giving out friendship/food baskets to Afghan refugees. They will also invite them to watch KING of GLORY in their heart languages of Dari and Pashto. One lady who pours herself into refugees, writes: “Pray for a harvest among the Afghan people here in the States and Muslims worldwide.”

n a village in Senegal where a few Christians live, ROCK is financing the construction of a much-needed wall around the village grade school. This month, 100 French KoG picture books will be given out to the older students. Meanwhile in Ecuador, we just received this report from a children’s worker: “Our Sundays are extra full these days, having added a Bible study after each service. Kids under 12 have their own Bible study. The course, Rey de Gloria (King of Glory) covers Genesis to Jesus in book form with beautiful pictures. We watch a short video for each lesson, followed by a group reading, each taking a turn to read a paragraph, and then do a worksheet. Many of the 35 young people who signed up for this course are not regular church attenders, yet they are coming on Sundays faithfully, even hiking through the rain. For those that don’t make the Sunday class, they can come by during the week to do the makeup session, which gives us more one-on-one time. It’s fun to teach such interested students. Pray they will understand the Word, believe the truth, and grow.”

April 2022
March 2022

March 2022

ROCK Resources
By God’s grace and the perseverance of His servants, last month, the KING of GLORY movie reached the finish line in 5 new languages: Serbian, Egyptian Arabic, Filipino, Bislama, and Burmese. Due to a variety of setbacks, 4 of these 5 languages each took more than 5 years to produce. Psalm 47:2 reminds us: “The LORD Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth.” How comforting to know that amid the world’s evil and chaos, our God is OVER all and is personally at work IN people’s lives. Last month, a ministry partner (whose wife is Ukrainian – pray for her people!) reported from Central Asia: The mess of the withdrawal of forces in Afghanistan has taken an awful toll, yet amid the bloodshed, terrorism, pain and loss, God is being glorified by many coming to faith in Him. He goes on to tell of opportunities to share God’s good news with 600 refugee Afghan students and their teachers, and to provide them with Bibles, ROCK’s resources in their heart languages, and thousands of school supplies in the name and love of Jesus Christ. He also wrote: I met with the Afghani Consul General again today. The meeting was good. He read “Your Story” and asked me for a handful to share with others! He said it answered questions he had always wondered about and did it in a very clear and organized way. He has also been reading the Bible I gave him. He said, “I read that you are to love God with all your person and your neighbor as yourself. Your team are the only true followers of Jesus I have ever met, and I know this because I see you obeying these two commands.” Pray for transformed lives.

Amid some significant projects being continued and launched in both Senegal and Niger, we share this report from the New Hope Girls’ School in Tanzania: Our dear brother and project manager is working on the school registration process. Please join us in praying that this process will go smoothly with as few setbacks as possible. For the school to be approved to open, the government requires a certain number of classrooms, labs, and dorms available not only for the first class, but for the next class of students that would join the following year. So far, we are in good shape for the first class, but we have learned that we need to build at least one more dorm and have two more classrooms “in progress” before we can be approved. Please pray.

March 2022
February 2022

February 2022

ROCK Resources
Many new language media gospel tools (video, radio, audio, books) are in the works – each with their own set of challenges. Several new KING of GLORY languages are nearing the finish line – others feel like they will never get there. But they will! Several have been in the works for over 5 years. Pray for wisdom as we work with partners around the world. Pray that each language translation would be meaning-based, accurate, clear, and natural. Pray too for quality recordings. Last month, the Spanish Spiritual Warfare video was completed.  ( Amid intense obstacles, we are also working to create this video in Creole for Haiti. A new translation and printing of the Marathi KoG picture book should soon come off the press in India and be shipped to 38 regions. YOUR STORY booklets are now available in Dari and should soon be making their way into the hands of Afghan refugees in the U.S. and Central Asia. Pray for open doors and hearts! Thousands of Spanish KoG books are being delivered in Latin America to equip believers. In the past four months more than a million Spanish-speakers have watched REY de GLORIA on YouTube. We can no longer keep track of how many are watching KING of GLORY online since, praise God, an increasing number of other ministries are using it on social media platforms. Last month, ROCK’s YouTube channel alone (with 40+ languages) had more than 250,000 views with 200,000 hours of view time. Hundreds of comments are being posted that reveal God’s ongoing work of transformation in lives. The work is endless. “So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (Matthew 9:38)

Thank you for your continued prayers and part in God’s work in and through His servants where ROCK is a channel for projects. Pray for the printing ministry and computer classes in Niger, radio broadcasts and youth ministries in Senegal, KoG thumb-drive distributions in South Africa, printing and distribution of ROCK’s Arabic resources combined with food relief in Lebanon, the New Hope secondary school for girls in Tanzania which still has many needs before it can open its doors, and for the developing vision and preparations for Bangladesh.

February 2022
January 2022

January 2022

­ROCK Resources
2021 was another year watching God work, lifting us over countless obstacles and multiplying our feeble efforts in ways we could not have imagined or planned. For example, despite November’s unsubstantiated copyright disputes to block ROCK’s 1000+ videos on YouTube, within a week all were reinstated and in the final 3 months of 2021 one of those videos (REY de GLORIA ) received nearly 600,000 views with an average watch time of 41+ minutes per click. Such stats along with daily viewer feedback remind us that our God is at work! Here’s a comment from yesterday: “Wow. This is the most beautiful story I have seen on YouTube. It made me cry what they did to Jesus…” and from this morning: “Wow, thank you so much for the effort. I understand it so well… God bless all who made this movie. I will definitely watch this over and over again. I love it.” In another realm, while the world was shocked by the rapid Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, our loving heavenly Father was not. Back in 2015 He put into the hearts of His servants in Central Asia a plan to produce KING of GLORY in the languages of Afghanistan (Dari and Pashto) AND in the five languages of the countries that surround it: Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Over the past two years, 9 of our 24 monthly updates include stories of Afghanis transformed by the gospel, discipled, and equipped with ROCK’s media tools to reach others also.

By God’s grace, 2022 promises to be a year filled with many more multi-language resources reaching their finish lines (i.e., start lines), ready to shine Christ’s light into people who sit in darkness. By God’s grace, this new year will find ROCK team members doing the same kind of things we did in 2021, collaborating with hundreds of worldwide partners – handling daily demands and long-term projects, overseeing translating, proofing, troubleshooting, recording, broadcasting, formatting, editing, printing, publicizing, and distributing ROCK’s multi-media multi-language videos, radio programs, books, social media content, etc. Thank you for your prayers and participation.

This past year in Niger, the Youth Development Center has been used in many fresh, impactful ways, such as a place from which the growing church is reaching out to its neighbors, offering computer courses, kids clubs, and a print-on-demand press producing materials in national languages that grow and equip God’s people. In Senegal, through the Lord’s people working together, many relationships and ministries are flourishing, touching individuals, families, and communities. In Tanzania the science labs have been completed as local believers continue to look to the Lord for the wisdom and provision yet needed to open the New Hope Secondary School for Girls.

In 1874 Frances R. Havergal wrote a poem for a New Years greeting card, which later became a hymn. Here’s an excerpt:
Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be – In working or in waiting, another year with Thee;
Another year of progress, another year of praise – Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.

January 2022
December 2021

December 2021

ROCK Resources: We never know what a month may hold, but we know WHO holds the month. In October ROCK’s multi-language videos had 364,800 views with an average view-time of 32 minutes per click. But on November 1st, most of that traffic stopped. This was due to 1000+ (illegitimate) copyright claims made against certain musical pieces used in the KING of GLORY movie. Many of our videos were blocked, bringing their views to zero. ROCK filed 1000+ disputes and within a week, praise God, the videos were restored. Pray on!

Now scroll forward to the last day of the month. On Nov. 30th, Henri, one of our Senegalese media-ministry coworkers (who has shared KING of GLORY in various ways with thousands) was called up higher by the King Himself. He will be greatly missed, “but the word of God [will continue] to grow and to multiply” (Acts 12:24). Also in November, two new KoG languages were released, Portuguese and Afrikaans. Pray that many will find the movie in their heart language and understand and receive the gospel. And to reach lost people you know, keep in mind FOR THIS REASON, the one-sitting Christmas version of KoG.

ROCKids: From the New Hope Girls’ School in Tanzania, we received this report: As we begin this season one word comes to mind: Gratitude. Gratitude to the Lord, to you, and for all that has happened in the past few years. Since this endeavor began, we’ve seen God provide two classrooms, latrines, the first dorm, the admin office building, the kitchen and dining hall. Local partners provided the well, trees, and a security guard. In the past few months, we have been able to hire Tumaini Jipya’s (New Hope’s) first employee, and have seen two science labs completed, and we are now starting to buy supplies. Thank you for your partnership thus far.”

Meanwhile in Niger, one of the elders in the church sent this message: “We bless the name of the Lord for what He is doing in and through this church. Pray that we would see this neighborhood transformed by Christ.” In the printing ministry, the team is field-testing the Zarma version of KING of GLORY in preparation to print it.

December 2021
November 2021

November 2021

ROCK Resources:
While God is not impressed with stats (but with “hearts fully committed to Him” 2 Chron. 16:9), statistics can remind us that the same Lord who multiplied the 5 loaves and 2 fish is at work in lives around the world in ways we cannot imagine. Having said that, our hearts are encouraged to notice that, in the month of October, the KING of GLORY movie has had about half a million views on YouTube – in the Spanish language alone! Pray for the Spirit’s deep and wide working in hearts and Spanish-speaking communities around the world as they contemplate the big picture of the gospel. We are blessed to read daily heart-thrilling comments from this segment of our worldwide audience. Also please keep praying for Afghan refugees who are receiving the KoG business cards that lead them to watch the movie in their heart language.

ROCKids: Both Niger and Senegal had recent visits from ROCK board members:

Niger: Nate writes: Since the Youth Development Center’s opening in 2015, the facility has been used for activities such as kids’ clubs and camps, youth athletic training programs, art and music classes, literacy programs, flood-refugee housing, Bible training, computer classes, a local church facility, printing ministry, and more. The printing press has become a hub of blessing for mission efforts across the country with resources being printed in most of the major languages in Niger. This is an answer to a prayer we have prayed for years, “that the youth center would impact the far reaches of the nation.” We rejoice in God building His church in this neighborhood and beyond.

Senegal: Paul & Carol write: Our recent visit reminded us of the great spiritual blindness – and of the great privilege to broadcast God’s word of hope via radio in this land since November 1992. We were thankful to spend quality time with the believers and to equip some with media resources to use in the wide variety of ministry opportunities the Lord is giving them, and to hear stories of how they see Him at work in lives.

Tanzania: This request comes from those overseeing the construction and establishment of the Secondary School for Girls: Pray the Lord will guide us as we continue to raise awareness about the need for the school and that He would call individuals, churches, and other groups to partner with this school even now.

November 2021
October 2021

October 2021

ROCK Resources: Amid worldwide horror and heartache, God is at work in lives. A few examples: 1.) Last week in a South American hospital, an unconscious man to whom a stranger read the Spanish YOUR STORY booklet, testified 3 days later, after regaining consciousness, that he had heard, understood, and believed the gospel! 2.) More than 300,000 people have watched KING of GLORY videos in 40+ languages on YouTube this past month. 3.) We hear reports of God using WHAT IF JESUS MEANT WHAT HE SAID? and PROSPER: ENJOYING INTIMACY WITH GOD to stir up His people in churches and small groups in North America and beyond.

Two days ago, we received this report: Please be praying for our team of guys evangelizing their way up the border of Afghanistan. They are engaging the Taliban and others they encounter by sharing the gospel verbally and by distributing SD cards with the film King of Glory.’ Yesterday they were in a village where the Taliban and our country had been fighting the day before. They were heartbroken as they saw Taliban drive up in Humvees and execute a group of refugees that had been sent back to the Afghani side. Pray for our guys as they minister Life amid death. Pray that multitudes of Afghans, Taliban included, will encounter Christ (Acts 9).

In Afghan refugee camps in the USA, believers are sharing God’s love and truth. KoG QR code business cards (see pic) and micro-SD cards are being distributed with clothing, etc. In partnership with the team in Central Asia, ROCK is preparing the Your Story booklet in Dari and Pashto for Afghans on both sides of the globe.

ROCKids: This month a ROCK board member and his wife will spend time with the believers in northern Senegal, visit neighbors, and see first-hand the growing media and youth ministries. • Pray for a time of encouragement for all. • Please pray for the next steps in Tanzania to register the school with the government and for the process to find godly and gifted personnel. • Pray too for the KoG flash drive distribution in South Africa. We leave you with this just in from Niger. Please pray: • For the organization of new computer courses at the Youth Development Center. • For relationships with people open to the gospel. • For growth and devotion of the brothers & sisters in the church. • For God’s work in hearts so that many will seek & find Him.

October 2021
September 2021

September 2021

ROCK Resources: Amid the daily challenges in ROCK’s ongoing multi-language media projects with partners around the world, the heartrending, horrific situation in Afghanistan has us feeling what Paul described in Romans 9:2, i.e. “great sorrow and unceasing anguish in [our] heart[s]” as we try to imagine what people (lost and saved, but in different ways) are experiencing as the Taliban inflict extreme Sharia on them. E.g., today’s news informs us that a well-known folk singer was executed and a public ban on music throughout Afghanistan is in effect. On a positive note, if you have not yet done so, check out the August ROCK Review which tells of ways God has been at work among Afghans amid the ongoing visible and invisible warfare. It includes our video-interview on Spiritual Warfare, which, as someone commented today, “vividly describes what is rampant in our own country and around the world.”

ROCKids: Here is a fresh update from one of the visionaries behind the Secondary School for Girls in Tanzania: We are so grateful to be able to share that we have transferred the funds needed to complete the final phase of the physics and chemistry labs! This is a huge milestone, as these are the last buildings we need before we can move forward with registering the school with the government (a process required even for private schools). More buildings will be needed in the future as the school grows, but for now we rejoice to be at this point.

In July, we hired our first staff member, brother W., who has been serving as project manager on a voluntary basis over the last several years. During that time, the Tumaini Jipya [New Hope] school was only one of his many projects. Now he will be able to spend 75% of his time focused on getting the school registered, local financial participation, and sustainability. Many of you have played a role in our ability to hire this godly and capable brother – thank you for your partnership in this. The next few months will be critical as we begin to go through the government’s approval process for the school. Please pray too that the LORD will raise up the right head mistress and teachers who will pour into the lives of the future students. Thanks for your part in all this!

September 2021
August 2021

August 2021

Thank you for your part in what we see God doing among the nations. The 300-word limit of these updates doesn’t allow us to report much, but that’s OK since we see only “the mere edges of His ways” anyways (Job 26:14)! Here are a few stats and a story for prayer and praise.

Stats: YouTube analytics revealed that during the month of June, the multi-language KING of GLORY movie had 61,500 views for a total of nearly 230,000 minutes of watch time. That’s an average of 2050 views per day for a total of 127 watch hours daily.

In March, we mentioned the secular “King of Glory” video game (with its 80 million daily users) that was unwittingly leading some of their players to the English Old Testament KING of GLORY movie. As a result, in the past 8 months, 108,000 visitors have unintentionally found and clicked on this chronological gospel movie. Would you pray that the word of the LORD would take root in the hearts of those who watch it? God’s word says: “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. I said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’ to a nation that was not called by my name.” (Isaiah 65:1)

Stories: A couple of days ago, a brother who works in Central Asia called to tell us what is happening just across the border in Afghanistan, where the Taliban are rapidly seizing Afghan territory. Afghan soldiers are fleeing into surrounding “stan” countries. Afghan mothers are pleading for the lives of their children. And teams of local believers are taking risks to seize the opportunities to demonstrate God’s love by providing food bags, showing KING of GLORY in Afghan languages (Dari and Pashto), then giving out phone cards with the movie. Some are being saved. The brother also reported that 45 new believers have been baptized in the past two months. As he put it, “It’s been an amazing summer!” Amen. Praise God.


August 2021
July 2021

July 2021

ROCK Resources
Thank you for your prayers and part in what God is doing. “As workers together with Him” (2 Cor. 6:1), each day, the multi-language media ministry takes us (remotely) to various nations. Here are some of the countries we “worked in” today (June 30th). Germany: To bless this nation’s vast refugee and immigrant population, ROCK International is working with a ministry that has the vision to publish and distribute ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE in 10 languages. Northern Ireland: A 70+ year-old printing ministry is working with us to produce a color-picture version of the YOUR STORY booklet for worldwide distribution—and will also soon print 55,000 Spanish KING of GLORY picture books and ship them to many locations in Latin America. Myanmar: In the nation with the world’s longest ongoing civil war (70+ years), a small, gifted team has been quietly working to translate, field-test, and record KoG in Burmese (45 million speakers). Central Asia: A colleague texted: “Pray for the ongoing soccer camp with 47 Afghanis. 3 Hazara Afghani men have come to Christ.” And from another location: “3 Uzbek men and 1 Kyrgyz young lady turned from dead religion to the living Savior. Next week, 19 new followers of Christ will be baptized. Praising God for our growing family!”

In a Senegalese village, located in front of the basketball training court, the multi-service building is completed. It will provide a venue from which the local couple will run their small business, sell sports equipment, repair computers, sell and install solar panels, etc. It will also include a boutique, which “will give us more contact with young men and women and opportunities to build relationships and discuss life’s great themes from the perspective of the Scriptures.” In Tanzania, the believers hope to soon begin Phase 3 of the Girls’ Secondary School’s science labs, which will include plumbing, electrical, and finish work, along with the required lab installations. In Niger, the team hopes to soon print and field-test the KING of GLORY picture book in Zarma.

July 2021
June 2021

June 2021

ROCK Resources
Each month, Trans World Radio (TWR) sends us listener feedback from The WAY of  RIGHTEOUSNESS (TWOR) programs, broadcast in dozens of languages from their transmitters around the world. A few recent samples:

  • Indonesia: “Thank you for this series. I’ve been blessed by this program and my faith is strengthened.”
  • Turkey: “I listen to this program only to be informed. I’m an atheist and can say that until recently I had not really thought much about God, however, I realize that I need to give this topic importance in my life.”
  • Morocco: “I know now that my real identity is through Jesus, who saved me and redeemed me by His blood!”
  • Saudi Arabia: “To worship God with Christian believers is strictly forbidden here, but I praise Him for the opportunity to listen to The Way of Righteousness, learn about the Bible and hear his voice in this Arab land.”
  • Ethiopia in the Tigrinya language: “My friends and I benefit from listening to the Bible series broadcast. There are sixteen of us fellowshipping together.”
  • Burundi in Kirundi language: “The Way of Righteousness is like a Bible school. I thank you for the clarity of the messages. Please pray for me as I have so many problems and needs in my daily life as a mother….”
  • Uganda in the Nubian language: “My twelve-year-old daughter and I listen on our way to work and school every morning. We enjoy this program every day!”

One event that happens each year in Senegal is the distribution of Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child boxes. Last month, 469 children received boxes at an elementary school in a village in northern Senegal. The overseer of the distribution wrote, “Each child also received in each box a gospel story booklet. May the Lord touch the hearts of any of the parents and siblings who will also read it!” Thank you too for your prayers and part to see the construction of the girls’ secondary school in Tanzania reach its finish line. For more on this, check out last month’s ROCK Review – CATCH THE VISION!

June 2021
May 2021

May 2021

ROCK Resources
To give a few updates in the multi-language media ministry, the KING of GLORY picture book in Malayalam was sent to the printer in India. New KoG movie translations have started (like Romanian and Burmese). Also, Senegalese colleagues have launched a new Wolof website and added a telephone number to the 28-year-old Wolof WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS broadcasts to facilitate more interaction with listeners. In Indonesia, TWOR radio programs have been added to a 35th FM station. Pray for open minds and hearts during this month of Ramadan. The new book PROSPER: Enjoying Intimacy with God is strengthening believers and equipping leaders of families, youth groups and small group Bible studies.


• Niger: Through your gifts, to better facilitate the many activities in the Youth Development Center under the blistering Sahel sun, the amphitheater roof was finished, complete with lights and fans. Also, LED lights have been added to the volleyball court/soccer space, allowing Bible students and others to play into the evenings. This provides a space for community growth between believers and neighbors, who meet at least three days a week to play volleyball. One of the YDC guards has also been teaching some of the youth volleyball. And, as a worker wrote, “We finished the baptismal on Friday, April 9, and it was used on Sunday to baptize three guys. Then we hosted a training for Fulani men from the bush – and two of them were baptized yesterday!”
• Senegal: With the basketball court on the village property completed (a venue for sports activities, building relationships and communicating God’s Word), construction of a multi-purpose building adjacent to the court is nearing its Phase 1 finish line. This first floor will be used to hold classes, run a small business, and more.
• Tanzania: Anticipating the day when the New Hope Secondary School for girls can open, construction of the government-required science labs continues. Pray for all that remains to be done and for wisdom in the hiring process of the future staff, including the selection of the headmistress – that she will be a woman of integrity, above reproach, gracious, and in love with the Lord and His Word. Thank you for your part in all these projects!

May 2021
April 2021

April 2021

ROCK Resources

These monthly updates are hard to write. Why? Because God gives us daily glimpses into His work via media around the world – and it is hard to know what to share with you in this one-paragraph update. Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph and Morse code, expressed the power of media in 1844 in history’s first electronic message, telegraphed from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, which said: “What hath God wrought?” (Numbers 23:23b). Indeed. God has done and is doing infinitely great things through the airwaves He created for His glory and the blessing of the nations. On an average day we find ourselves involved in one or two dozen projects – in that many countries – where God’s servants are working to translate, proof, revise, record, print, broadcast and/or distribute ROCK’s multi-language multi-media gospel tools – resources made freely available to untold millions. All electronically. All in a day. “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made…” (Psalm 118:23-24). To hear more of God’s work through your gifts and prayers, click here: . One story you’ll hear in this podcast comes from a coworker in a restricted-access country, where believers use and distribute ROCK’s multi-language gospel resources. He writes: “Today brother ‘A’ was arrested for engaging in our evangelistic distribution. A woman saw him and turned him into the police. He was detained; they tried to confiscate his car, but God gave ‘A’ great boldness and he started to share the Gospel with the police. The police were so shocked by his witness that they forgot to take the car and released him. God’s power trumps the police!”


Thank you for your prayers and part in the ongoing construction projects and ministries to youth in Niger, Senegal and Tanzania. In this past month, each nation has faced heart-rending events with terrorist attacks in Niger, political upheaval and riots in Senegal, and the death of the president in Tanzania. Yet in the midst of it all, God is at work by His Spirit, through His Word, via His faithful servants. Praise the Lord!

April 2021
March 2021

March 2021

ROCK Resources
As our worldwide partners continue to translate and produce ROCK’s audio, video, and print resources into new languages, we thank God for ministry partners already using these tools in 60+ languages. Even “completed” resources can bring new production demands. Recently, an international media ministry asked us to provide KING of GLORY for their platform in 70-social-media-friendly-scenes – in 3 of the completed languages. This meant producing 210 more videos – to their specs. All for the sake of the gospel! God is at work through social media—often in surprising ways. For example, over the past 2½ months a popular secular video game named “King of Glory” has unwittingly led 28,000 people to click on one particular KING of GLORY video on YouTube. Some of these unintentional visitors have left comments on how it touched them. “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me.” (Isaiah 65:1) Please pray for ROCK’s old and new-language projects – and that multitudes would be reached through them.

“Slowly, slowly you catch the monkey in the forest,” says an African proverb. Over the past 6 years, prayerful planning and incremental construction has been taking place on the island of Ukerewe on Lake Victoria in Tanzania to fulfill a vision on the part of local believers to open the New Hope Secondary School for Girls. Amid many challenges, this project has been moving forward, slowly, slowly – in God’s time and way! The physics and chemistry labs are the last two government-required buildings before the first class of girls can be welcomed. Here are 4 prayer requests just in from one of the school’s visionaries: • Pray that God would provide all we need to complete the science labs in His perfect timing. We praise Him that we are finished with Phase 1 of two labs and pray that we will be able to quickly start Phase 2. • Pray for the future headmistress of the school, that she will be a woman of integrity, above reproach, gracious and kind. • Pray for wisdom in the hiring process. • Pray that the Lord would continue to call people to support and partner with this school.

March 2021
February 2021

February 2021

ROCK Resources
Thank you for your share in what God is doing through ROCK’s multi-language multi-media resources via radio, TV, internet, social media and the printed page. Among many projects, last month, funds were sent to a translation partner in Western India to print 500 field-test copies of the KING of GLORY book which they translated and formatted in Marathi – a language spoken by 95 million people. Here’s a video from the Marathi team to show us what they did with the books. Pray for impact. As the Lord provides, this Indian media ministry hopes to print 5000 more copies to further evangelize the region and equip church leaders. One of the women who received the book said, “I was always wondering about God’s Creation and His purpose for human beings. … This great book I have now has very impressive pictures and easy to understand stories of the Bible. THANKS!” We are thankful too that Nate’s new discipleship book, PROSPER: Enjoying Intimacy with God, is now available on Amazon (as well as in ROCK’s store) and is encouraging many individuals and small groups in their walk with God.

In Senegal, construction is about to begin on a multi-purpose building (next to the new basketball court mentioned last month). This will be used for business (to help believers in ministry be self-supporting) and ministry. The Senegalese family who live in this village and oversee the ministry there wrote: “We just hosted three days of training focused on doing Christ-centered sports ministry. About 20 people came to participate in the training. I thank God that He has prepared this place for those who seek Him and for believers who want to be encouraged and plan strategies to proclaim His gospel….” In Tanzania, construction on the science labs has also begun. Keep praying that New Hope Girls’ Secondary School will have all it needs to open soon. Meanwhile in Niger, a coworker is using her skills and heart for Nigeriens to teach computer classes at the Youth Development Center. All these are opportunities to bless both young and old for time and eternity.

February 2021
January 2021

January 2021

ROCK Resources
By God’s grace, our new film, FOR THIS REASON, was released before Christmas—in English, Spanish, and Wolof (with more languages to follow).  Please pray that the clarity and power of this one-sitting abridgment of the more-thorough 15-episode KING of GLORY movie will lead souls into an understanding of the gospel that will drive out the blinding fear of being ostracized by family, friends and society (1 John 4:18). Pray that multitudes will follow the example of Moses who valued disgrace for Christ above the treasures and culture of Egypt, for he was looking ahead to the reward (Hebrews 11:26). On another note, we praise God that Nate’s new discipleship book, PROSPER: Enjoying Intimacy with God, is now available. This challenging 31-day journaling journey into Psalm 1 was written during Nate’s bout with cancer. It is scheduled for release on Amazon February 1st.

We glorify God for all He is doing in Senegal, Niger, and Tanzania. In Senegal, on the village property, the basketball court is completed and sessions to connect with and train youth have begun. Wolof Radio broadcasts continue to touch families. Pray for lasting fruit. From Niger, this report: “A family we’ve known for a long time, who has been trapped in darkness, just accepted Christ this past week. Rejoice with us and the angels in heaven! … The printing ministry is going well. Pray for wisdom and growth. We have many ideas for how this can be an even bigger blessing to the work here.” Meanwhile, regarding the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School in Tanzania, we praise God for the funds that have come in, making it possible to begin construction on the foundation of the two science labs required by the government. Thank you for your continued prayers and investment into this school that, once opened, will provide opportunity and hope for girls living under the threat of abuse. Thank you for your partnership of prayer and participation in these ministries with eternal dividends.

January 2021
December 2020

December 2020

ROCK Resources

As announced in the December ROCK Report, we are excited to launch three new ministry-tools this month for evangelizing the lost and equipping the saved. A new website. Click your way around the site with its intuitive layout, powerful language search features, free downloads, one-stop store and much more.
A new movie. Made to be watched in one sitting, FOR THIS REASON is a feature-length adaptation of the 15-episode KING of GLORY movie. It’s a film for Christmastime and all seasons. A new book. PROSPER: Enjoying Intimacy with God. This 31-day discipleship journey flows from Psalm 1:2-3. Filled with probing questions, the book is designed for reflection, journaling, discussion, and group studies. On another note, we praise God for what He has done and will yet do in 2020. Reports from Central Asia tell of believers giving out food parcels in Jesus’ name to the needy along with “hundreds of King of Glory movies. We are praying for and expecting a great harvest. In [one place] so many Muslims are coming to Christ that they have started another church.”



Current reports from Senegal, Tanzania, and Niger also provide fuel for praise and prayer. Senegal. “The construction of the basketball court is completed. We trust God to open more doors for us to evangelize and see His transforming work in the lives of children and young people who will come to learn to play basketball.”  Tanzania. “In the past few years, we have seen the campus of Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School for Girls take shape. Pray that God would provide in His perfect time all that we need to build the required science labs!” Niger. “Jesus promised that He will build his church, and we confidently rest in this claim. The Youth Development Center offers a variety of programs to reach out to the surrounding community through word and deed. Kids clubs. Literacy programs. Music classes. The on-demand printing press is used for evangelism and discipleship to bless the churches in Niger and other neighboring countries. It is our hope that many would grow in love for Christ through these materials.”

December 2020
November 2020

November 2020

ROCK Resources

We praise God who is doing “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20-21) in opening doors for ROCK’s resources to equip believers and evangelize the lost. For example, this report just came in from a worker in Central Asia: We are planning a wide scale evangelistic push [for 7 language groups in 5 “closed” countries]. This project will meet physical needs which will open doors for local believers to share the gospel. We will distribute packages of food basics: rice, beans, flour, oil, and sugar. In these bags we will add a copy of the film King of Glory as well as a MP3 player loaded and protected with the audio New Testament. These packages will be distributed to families with whom our national church planters have contact. They will endeavor to sit down with the recipients and share the plan of Salvation with them. One of our partners in [one of these countries] has been doing this for the last two weeks and has led about 13 Muslims to Christ. The fact is that COVID is a huge open door for the Gospel of Jesus Christ as people are hurting. 


Thank you for partnering with us through your prayers and gifts to enable ROCKids projects to move forward. In Tanzania, our prayer is that the last buildings needed to open the Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School for Girls will soon be completed. We still have quite a way to go before we have the designated funding needed to break ground to build the science labs required by the government. Please join us in prayer to the Lord to provide all that is needed in His perfect time. Praise Him for all that He has provided so far. We are especially grateful for the faithful partnership with the churches in the region. Pray too that the local believers will not grow weary in the waiting. To watch a fresh video about this project, visit: Pray too for our Niger workers who have just returned to their ministries since evacuating earlier this year; for strength and blessing in their many opportunities.

November 2020
October 2020

October 2020

ROCK Resources
Thank you for your prayerful and sacrificial part in what God is doing worldwide. What a month brings! Many stories could be told from a dozen lands where new language projects are being initiated. This month we received photos and videos from believers on the border of Afghanistan who are copying the KING of GLORY movie (in Dari and Pashto) on SD cards, putting them in match boxes with some pebbles and throwing them across the river to Afghan shepherds and others. A worker to that region writes: “The King of Glory movie is creating excitement and questions. It was shown in 11 homes near the Afghani border. It was well received and followed by questions and redemptive conversations. One Afghani trusted Christ.”

As they were watching KoG in another home, the area Imam walked in. He was furious and commanded them to shut it off and reject it. The homeowner replied, “You expect us to spit on our culture and shame our hospitality?” The Imam left. The next day, our men went to visit him. They gave him a Swiss army knife and a flashlight as tokens of their friendship. He was amazed by their genuineness and invited them in for tea. As they were leaving, he accepted a King of Glory SD card. He asked them to come visit again and stay with him, and to bring him a Bible in Arabic. Pray.

Funds were sent to Senegal recently to build a basketball court in a village where a follower-of-Jesus couple with their three children live among their Muslim neighbors. This will be great for connecting and building relationships for the sake of the gospel. Please pray too for a ROCK-connected couple (also with three children) and single girl who plan to return to flood-damaged Niger this month. And continue to hold before the Lord the needs and challenges in the construction of the New Hope Secondary School to see it, in God’s perfect time, completed and opened on the island in Lake Victoria for at-risk girls.

October 2020
September 2020

September 2020

ROCK Resources

Thank you for your share in the multiplicity of ways God is using the channel of ROCK and our coworkers around the world to produce and distribute multi-language chronological gospel presentations via radio broadcasts, audiobooks, books, and videos. Last month we reported the completion of the KING of GLORY movie in two more languages, Vietnamese and Pashto. Since then we have received reports of the movie being used in youth camps in Vietnam and we have received photos and videos of believers (in one of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries) putting thumb drives loaded with KING of GLORY in Pashto and Dari (Afghanistan’s two main languages) in matchboxes with pebbles as weights and throwing them across the river to Afghan men on the other side. Pray for protection and lasting fruit from these seeds planted. We praise God too that this month KoG language #41 will be distributed. That language is Tumbuka, spoken in Malawi, Southern Tanzania, and Eastern Zambia.


A new ROCKids project is about to get underway in Senegal: the construction of a basketball/multi-sport court in a Muslim village where a Christian Senegalese family lives. This court will facilitate recreation and development for youth, strengthen relationships, and create a context for showing God’s love and sharing His story and message. Thank you for praying for blessing upon the very process of constructing the court—that this and all such projects will be used of God to draw young and old to His love and truth. Please pray too for the people of Niger during this hard time where about 250,000 have been displaced due to flooding. Pray also for the ROCK-connected workers who plan to return to Niger this month. Thanks too for your continued prayers that the final buildings of the Girls’ secondary school in Tanzania might soon be provided for and completed.

September 2020
August 2020

August 2020

ROCK Resources

Thank you for your part in the many ways the Lord is using ROCK to reach people around the world. Last month several projects reached their finish lines. To name a few: After more than a year of working with partners in the regions of Vietnam and Afghanistan, the KING of GLORY movie’s 39th and 40th heart-languages were completed and released. Vietnamese and Pashto. By God’s faithfulness and the diligence and support of His servants, on the average, a new language is released every 6 weeks. Also completed in July was the KING of GLORY audiobook, which will reach new audiences, such as people who are blind or visually impaired. It is also being used on solar-powered audio players to reach oral learners, and a mission to the Amish plans to use it on a dedicated phone line that Amish people (who are forbidden to watch movies) can dial to hear each episode. Work also continues on FOR THIS REASON, a one-sitting version of KING of GLORY. Also in the final editing stages is a new book by ROCK founder Nate Bramsen, PROSPER: Enjoying Intimacy with God.


Despite the unknowns we all face, we know nothing is a surprise to our God. Please join us as we pray for those throughout the world that have been impacted by COVID-19. We are concerned especially right now for those who collaborate with us in Tanzania, in particular, one friend who is overseeing the building of the girls’ school. He is employed by the local church with which we partner. His work is mostly doing gospel-centered community development and education, but due to COVID, his funding may be cut and he may be forced to look for employment elsewhere. Will you pray with us for this dear brother? Pray too for others who are being forced to choose between their livelihood and safety for themselves and their families. Thank you for the way in which you partner with us through your prayers and gifts to enable ROCK projects to move forward.

August 2020

July 2020

ROCK Resources

Thank you for your part in what God is doing through ROCK’s media ministry worldwide. We are blessed to receive regular stories of individuals and families being touched and transformed as they come into a clear understanding of the gospel. A worker in Nairobi, Kenya wrote to us a few days ago telling us that the Swahili version of KING of GLORY is being shown on television. They receive a lot of feedback. A man named Musa said that he and his sisters are able to relate to the stories because of what they were taught in the madrasa (Islamic school). A newly converted couple told how they watched the movie together with their two small children. They loved it so much and it made them understand the Bible. Another man commented that the Bible is answering their questions as they watch KING of GLORY on television and their children are very excited. He wants to introduce his Muslim friend to it. During COVID, Christians have been giving out food parcels along with SC cards and thumb drives with the movie on it. One who received a parcel wrote: “I was continuously listening to the King of Glory movie on the SD Card. My three siblings thank you for it. It’s so interesting. Those I gave the SD cards too are really enjoying it and saying ‘Thanks-a-lot.’” This week we received requests from workers in 3 language groups that want to produce the movie in their languages.


Thank you too for your continued prayers and support for what God is doing in Senegal, Niger, and Tanzania. Concerning the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School on the island of Ukerewe on Lake Victoria, the construction of the dining hall and kitchen are close to complete. The government required science rooms will be next as the Lord provides. Thank you for your prayers for God’s provision and for wisdom in putting together the staff of Christian ladies who will invest themselves into this ministry to girls at risk. Amid the chaos, God is at work.

July 2020

June 2020


Thank you for your continued prayers and support for what God is doing in Niger, Senegal, and Tanzania. Dr. Rachel Hagues, ROCK board member and liaison with the believers in Tanzania writes, “Progress on the building of the Girls’ School is being made as the dining hall and kitchen are nearly complete. Thank you for your part in moving it towards completion. This is a build-as-funds-come-in project and 100% of donations go directly to the construction. Please also pray for the ways in which COVID-19 is taking its toll on families around the world and that the LORD would use ROCK to minister to people during this difficult season wherever He sees fit.” In Senegal, quarantine laws have brought great hardships on the people and great opportunities for the church to show Christ’s love. Prayerfully and intentionally, Senegalese believers have distributed rice and cooking oil along with sanitation kits and government-required masks (made by the girls of the vocational school). Hundreds of Muslim families have been prayed with and relationships strengthened. We pray that through these tangible acts of compassion, hearts will be opened to the hope found in the gospel.

ROCK Resources

Due to the diligent work of coworkers, the KING of GLORY movie is being segmented into 70 short scenes in many languages to make it more social-media-friendly. Multitudes in closed countries are being reached via YouTube and Facebook. We praise God for the many ministries worldwide that are requesting to use ROCK’s resources. We pray that in this difficult time of isolation, hurting souls will seek and find the true and living God. Pray for the Muslim world. A brother working in Central Asia recently wrote, “Muslims are exceptionally open right now it seems. Many are no longer arguing, they are just listening and asking questions.”

June 2020

May 2020

ROCK Resources

Thank you for your prayers and part in what God is doing through ROCK International. Last month, in one of the stan countries in Central Asia, amid strong opposition, God opened the way for the entire KING of GLORY movie to be broadcast twice on national TV. Individuals and communities are being impacted as the film captures their attention and communicates to them in their heart language God’s story and message revealed in the Scriptures of the prophets. One of the believers wrote: I've been rejoicing all day. During this time of quarantine, Muslims are exceptionally open right now it seems. Those with whom I am dialoging (on social media) haven't even been arguing, just listening and asking questions.

Please join us in looking to the Lord to touch minds and hearts worldwide during this year’s Ramadan (April 23 – May 23), which is like no other in history due to the imposition of social distancing. Typically, after breaking the day’s fast, Muslims spend evenings going to the mosque and socializing in their neighborhoods or in town, but not this year. Here’s another report from Central Asia: Though the world remains in quarantine, the gospel is not bound. The country is severely locked down, nobody is on the streets, so even the believers’ already outlawed underground church services are impossible. Yet, praise God for the trials, although no one can be out, we have found ways to continue meeting and evangelizing on almost a nightly basis. Over the last two weeks we have seen six Muslims come to Christ. Thank you for your prayers. God is being magnified.


Thanks too for praying for Niger, Senegal and Tanzania, where believers face like challenges and opportunities.
Pray too for the ROCK team members who have had to make quick and difficult decisions to return to their
homelands for a time. As one wrote, “We trust in the Lord’s sovereignty and His perfect peace….”

May 2020

April 2020

ROCK Resources & ROCKids

Thank you for your prayers and part in the continuing ministries of ROCK International – for the spread of a clearly understood gospel worldwide “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). While the coronavirus pandemic (a divinely ordered “time-out” for the world) has forced upon us the unique and uncomfortable practice of social distancing, with it also comes unique opportunities to connect and communicate God’s story and message to anxious, seeking souls via social media. Please join us in prayer:

1. that each of us will have the wisdom and readiness to seize the opportunities to spread the hope of the gospel in a contagious kind of way.
2. for God’s good news to spread like never before throughout the Muslim world and beyond. God is at work. One worker wrote recently of Muslims “who were very open to receiving prayer and responding to the gospel.”

3. for the Lord’s people to know His peace, protection, and provision, and for the growth of the church worldwide spiritually and numerically. Thanks for remembering ROCK-project connected workers in Niger, Senegal, and Tanzania during this hard time of social distancing in community/event-oriented societies.
4. that the Lord will guide the ROCK team as we seek to develop and implement a social media strategy that will help God’s people worldwide multiply their use of ROCK’s multi-language gospel resources to reach into communities and countries – to impact hearts and homes for time and eternity.

Thanks again for your faithful part in what God is doing. Take courage in these facts and promises from Him:
The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth… “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a
thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you,
for the world and its fullness are mine. … Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
(Psalm 50:1,10-12,15 ESV)

April 2020

March 2020

ROCK Resources

ROCK Resources
KING of GLORY languages #36 (Dari of Afghanistan) and #37 (Telugu of India) were released last month.
Here’s some early feedback from one of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries: “Got to watch KoG in Dari with
the team and a few Afghani friends today. What a time! They are very excited about it.
” And posted on
YouTube by a Telugu viewer: “Thank you! This is a much-awaited film!!
If you like statistics, here are a few: •To produce the movie in a new language (translate, record, dub, and
field test) takes many teams 1 to 2 years, but since numerous KoG teams are working concurrently on such
projects, on the average, a new language is completed and released every 6 weeks. •In the month of January,
the KING of GLORY movie in its 35 languages had nearly 30,000 views with each person watching it for an
average of 12 minutes and 15 seconds each. •Since its release in 2016, the Swahili KoG Movie has had more
than 600,000 views for a total of 73,000 hours of watch time. 420,000 of those views have been in Tanzania.


Thank you for your part and prayers for the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School in Tanzania, which is about to
resume construction after working through a variety of challenges. Thanks too for praying for the team in Niger as
they press on in many realms. The new print-on-demand press at the Youth Development Center is a blessing to
the servants of God in that land for the growth of the church and the spread of the gospel. In Senegal, the radio
and movie media ministries, youth work, and girls’ vocational school continue to bless many for time and eternity.
The ROCK Idaho office team has launched a new Facebook page called ROCKin Homeschool, which features the
KING of GLORY Curriculum (KoG picture book, movie, study guide and coloring book). Share it!

March 2020

February 2020

ROCK Resources

Due to the many multi-language media gospel tools being produced and/or disseminated simultaneously, it is challenging to know what to mention in these short updates. This month we focus on one resource: The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS Radio programs in one great language: Chinese Mandarin—being produced in a dialect intended to reach and bless the largest Muslim-majority ethnic group in China. This TWOR series will be good for the rest of China as well, but for a number of reasons this project has dragged on for more than two years. Please pray. The cost is $20K. The translation and editing of the 100 programs are nearly complete and, Lord willing, the recording will soon begin. We recently received this note from the translation team in China:

We would like to thank ROCK International for the opportunity to work on this project. For the last 24 months, we have seen a much-tightened situation in China. It has taken much time in working not only on the scripts, but also in finding the right voice, to ensure that the presentation will be highly acceptable to the [people group it is designed to reach]. Our local friends commented that they were very glad to know that their people group is not being left out and that churches and [believers connected with] ROCK International are helping them to develop this radio series. … We understand that [such] resources for both believers and non-believers [in our people group] are very limited. Hence, we really look forward to the fruition of this production project and, God willing, the ground distribution of the programs afterwards. … As the situation in China gets more bleak over time (and now with the Wuhan coronavirus), we feel the urgency for the production work to be done. Our team hopes to start the recording soon.


In Senegal and Niger, God continues to do His work in lives through the faithful everyday witness of His servants. The New Hope Secondary School for Girls construction project in Tanzania has come to a standstill for the moment due to some unforeseen challenges that the local believers are working through. Pray for wisdom and the Lord’s provision to see this project to its finish line—and to its starting line, so the school can open. Thank you for your part and prayers in what God is doing through this channel of blessing called ROCK International.

February 2020

January 2020

ROCK Resources

At the start of a new decade, we ask you to continue in prayer that the production and dissemination of ROCK’s multi-language multi-media films, radio broadcasts, and books will be used of God in even greater ways to open blinded minds and hearts, and to encourage and equip believers around the world “to make the gospel clear as [they] ought” (Col 4:4). To the glory of God, here is some recent feedback:

  • “Your book has been a great blessing to many Muslims and others.”
    – Chaplain who has distributed about 3000 copies of ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE in detention centers and prisons in the USA
  • “The Turkmen version of TWOR radio series will be going on the air in Central Asia starting in January!”
    – TransWorld Radio, broadcasting The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS in some 20 languages worldwide
  • “The King of Glory movie in Turkmen is in the lineup for airing this week on our Satellite stations. Praying it has a huge impact on the dear people in this very closed country.”
    – Russian/Ukrainian TV ministry partner that broadcasts KING of GLORY in various languages


Thank you for your part in the ongoing ministries in Senegal, Niger and the Girls’ Secondary School construction project in Tanzania. Will 2020 be the year the school is completed? While ROCK is a channel for projects, the workers connected to the projects are the ones who daily represent Christ in unique and daily ways. Here’s a recent story from Niger: “An older Tuareg woman who lives near us has been seeing things as blurry blobs with ongoing pain in her eyes and back. We prayed for her. To her surprise and joy, God opened her eyes to be able to see everything clearly. The next day she exclaimed how she never once woke up in the night from back pain. I reminded her that God loves her, and that Jesus has power to heal and to save. Please join us in prayer that God would open her spiritual eyes to know that the message she has heard is truth. Today we began listening to the audio Bible in her language. Pray for a continued desire to hear God’s Word.”

January 2020

December 2019

ROCK Resources

At the close of another year, to the glory of God, as a result of your share in this worldwide media ministry, it can be “said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad!” (Psalm 126:2-3) Last month we received this feedback from a listener in Tanzania who follows our 100-program chronological series broadcast by TransWorld Radio: “I need to thank you for this program, The Way of Righteousness in Kirundi language. It is rich in information with different stories we find in the Bible. Here in our country we receive this program perfectly and we are really happy to hear it.” Another wrote: “I heard someone saying that it is a program to evangelize Muslims, but I see that it is helpful to all people who need the Word of God.” Through your part with us in 2019, the KING of GLORY movie has been completed in 8 new languages, the KING of GLORY Coloring Book should be in stock by mid-December, and The Way of Righteousness English book has been revised and is going to the printer for a January release.


Also, in 2019, God has brought about some wonderful victories in Tanzania, Niger, and Senegal. In Tanzania where the secondary school for girls is being built, the Lord has helped the local believers overseeing the project work through some challenges, during which time, through your gifts, sufficient funds have come in to construct the next building. In Niger, we thank the Lord for last month’s arrival of another worker, a godly sister who brings many gifts and abilities to the team. In northern Senegal, the Senegalese couple and their three boys who moved into the village in August continue to put roots down, build relationships, and, in fellowship and collaboration with the church in the nearby city, are believing the Lord to do great things in this community and beyond.

December 2019

November 2019

ROCK Resources

Twenty-seven years ago, on November 2, 1992, the first Yoonu Njub (Way of Righteousness) chronological, creation-to-Christ-to-new-creation radio program was broadcast in the Wolof language of Senegal, West Africa. Here is a sampling of feedback received from Senegalese in the first three months of those broadcasts:

  • “I’ve never heard anything so profound.” —University student
  • “The words are so clear; we have no choice but to listen.” —Young man
  • “It makes my heart very cold (happy) to hear such pure Wolof.” — Older man
  • “The men are gathering at the mosque to hear and discuss Yoonu Njub.” —Neighbor
  • “I gather my children around the radio every Monday evening. Everybody listens well.” —Mother

Today this 100-program series in Wolof continues to be aired on 9 stations across Senegal—and in many other languages worldwide. It is through the prayers and gifts of God’s people that His message of hope is being proclaimed to those who have been taught an anti-gospel from their youth. TransWorld Radio, presently broadcasting it in 20 languages says: “’The Way of Righteousness’ is a radio program that is expanding rapidly around the TWR world because of its proven ability to explain the Scriptures to Muslims. Airing across the regions, it generates great feedback from listeners including a remarkable number deciding to follow Jesus.”


Thank you for your prayers and participation in ongoing projects designed to bless youth and their families in Niger, Senegal, and Tanzania. You will find fuel for prayer related to these projects at Also, we praise God that after two years of work, by this time next month the KING of GLORY Coloring Book (a companion tool for the KoG movie, book, and study guide) should be in print. Another way to introduce kids to Jesus!

November 2019

October 2019

ROCK Resources

God is at work in lives. Here are two recent comments. From a young man in South Africa: “I watched the whole movie. Absolutely brilliant! it’s really life-changing. Exactly what I needed. I showed my friends and they think it’s amazing.” From a dad in Zambia: “Thank you much for this wonderful narration of the word of God as we gather as a family to listen.” Thank YOU for your part in making the chronological gospel available and clear to individuals, families, communities, and nations devoid of the true word of God. ROCK has many projects going on right now such as THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS radio series being produced in Mandarin for China’s 1.1 billion people, an audiobook of ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE in Bengali for Bangladesh and West India’s 200 million Muslims, and the movie KING of GLORY already in 35 languages, with a dozen more in production. We also hope to soon publish the KING of GLORY coloring book for kids around the world—all for the furtherance of the gospel and the glory of our wonderful Lord.


Thank you too for your prayers and participation in projects in Niger, Senegal, and Tanzania. In Senegal, we praise God for how He has recently led a young couple with 3 boys to leave a good job in the capital city and settle in the north of Senegal, in the village where ROCK’s medical clinic is located. After a little more than a month, solid relationships are being established. In fellowship with the believers in the nearby city, this couple’s passion and vision is to use sports, information technology, ladies’ gatherings, community events, film showings, medical services, etc. to see the younger generation and their communities blessed for time and eternity—through the gospel. ROCK is a critical channel for some of those developing ministries. Thanks for your part and prayers in what God will do in this spiritually dark region.

October 2019

September 2019

ROCK Resources

We thank God for all who partner with us in this multi-language multi-media ministry to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Because of your prayers and gifts, the good news is going into the most unlikely of places. Last month, following 3½ years of opposition, the KING of GLORY movie was finally completed in Turkmen. Praise God! To give an idea the challenges, here’s an email excerpt from two years ago from the overseer of the project. “Please be in prayer about this. Opposition is incredible. Our guys there are currently under unofficial house arrest. All their Bibles were confiscated. They are looking at possibly 15 days in jail to begin with.” This same brother wrote, “It is increasingly difficult to operate in the traditional sense of missions. Doors may be more difficult to go through, but they are not welded shut. God is still being glorified, souls are still being saved, disciples are still being made and churches are still being born. God has given us an opportunity to seize the moment. We are storming the very gates of Hell; please join with us through your ministry of prayer to see the darkness of man’s religion shattered by the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”


Thank you too for your prayers and participation in projects in Senegal, Tanzania, and Niger. Last month, one of the Niger team members had a motorcycle accident the night before he and his family were scheduled to fly back to the country after a visit to the USA. He has since undergone surgery and the family plans to return later this month. Also in Niger a new believer was baptized, and the on-demand printing press arrived and has been set up in the Youth Development center. This will be used to produce materials in Zarma and other languages. Good things are also happening in the expanding soccer ministry, giving youth exposure to God’s love and truth. “It has been encouraging to us to see their excitement about God’s word.”

September 2019

August 2019


This update just came in from the team in Niger: “The Youth Development Center has had a lot of excitement over the last months. New believers have been coming to the center for Bible study and encouragement for some time but have now started meeting there on Sundays as the early formation of a church. They have gone out several times into the community for evangelism and talked with many neighbors, boldly proclaiming the name of Jesus. We were able to get a piano for the music center as music classes continue. The soccer team has outgrown the center’s courtyard they play in. We are working to prepare a regulation-size field for them. We were also able to finish the automotive shop and the tech school should start back in the next few weeks. We pray for open hearts and minds as well as open doors to see lives transformed here by the gospel.” Thank you too for your continued prayers for all that is needed to complete the buildings for the New Hope Secondary School in Tanzania. We are thrilled that local partners there were able to get funding for a deep well and that the government has agreed to subsidize the running of pipes. In Senegal, a Senegalese couple with three young boys are taking a step of faith this month by moving from Dakar to a village in the north with the vision to do youth and media ministry in fellowship with the church in Saint Louis and with ROCK International.

ROCK Resources

Last month KING of GLORY’s 32nd and 33rd languages were released, Russian and Iraqi Arabic. We receive comments of all kinds. A YouTube viewer in Russia wrote, “There was no king of glory.” And in Afghanistan, “The movie was amazing.” From Iraq, “Respect the majority [religion] and don’t go astray [with] fictional writings.” And in Indonesia, “It’s a very beautiful video. You make me realize how great God is. Thanks!” Keep praying for the dozens of ongoing projects and productions with ROCK’s multi-language multi-media tools.

August 2019

July 2019

ROCK Resources

God is at work in lives worldwide through ROCK’s multi-language multi-media tools—via radio, printed page, internet, and video. A few days ago, KING of GLORY’s 31st language was completed ( Kazakh ), with at least five more languages nearing their finish lines (Egyptian, Iraqi, and Mauritanian Arabic, along with Russian and Telugu). Other projects, such as KoG in Vietnamese and OGOM audio book in Muslimi Bengali, await their start lines—as funds become available. As for THE WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS radio series, twelve new languages have been released in recent times. “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes!” (Psalm 118:23)


Following a season of hindrances, we rejoice to report that Saturday Kids’ Club has started back at the Youth Development Center in Niger.

Last month, Dr. Rachel Hagues (ROCK board member and Girl’s school visionary) spent 2+ weeks in Tanzania. Here is her fresh report: The Kazilankanda village is beginning to be excited about the establishment of Tumaini Jipya (New Hope) Secondary School and are anxious to know when it will open. We thank God for continuing to provide funds in His timing – some of those funds through many of you. In a recent visit to the village, girls expressed their desires to one day become teachers, doctors, nurses, seamstresses, the list goes on. Lord willing, many of these same girls will complete secondary school at Tumaini Jipya, putting them on track to fulfill these dreams. Soon a headmistress for the school will need to be hired. Please join with us in praying for the person who will fill that position even now. We also are so thankful to the Lord for godly on-the-ground oversight provided by the Africa Inland Church in the Mara (mainland) & Ukerewe (island) districts.

July 2019

June 2019

ROCK Resources

In addition to the already completed Modern Standard Arabic, Lebanese Arabic, and Moroccan Arabic, the KING of GLORY movie is being produced in several other Arabic dialects, including Yemeni Arabic which is presently in translation. We praise God that the recording of Egyptian Arabic was recently completed and is ready to be dubbed. Pray for wisdom and diligence for the teams working on these productions and for the distribution of ROCK’s many multi-language chronological gospel tools. Recently, a church leader in Uganda wrote, “This is my favourite Christian movie. I use it to train others and through it many have come to really understand the Word of God. My family and children like to watch it almost every day.” The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS radio programs continue to be produced and aired in new languages. Here are the latest additions: Kirundi (Congo, Tanzania, Uganda), Tigrinya (Eritrea and Ethiopia), and Kotokoli (West Africa). These programs are being broadcast into these regions by TransWorld Radio. Thank you for your prayers and part in the production of such resources.


In Tanzania, construction on the secondary school for high-risk girls continues as the Lord supplies through His people. In Jesus’ name, we thank each of you who have given recently. The Niger team is restarting the kids’ club at the youth center. Pray for God’s mighty working in lives. In Senegal, a believer is planning to move his family from the capital to the northern region of the country to establish a business so that he and his family can minister to village youth and their families in years to come. Pray for provision, strength, wisdom, and courage for the Lord’s servants in these three nations.

June 2019

May 2019

ROCK Resources

The most recent language into which KING of GLORY has been dubbed is Mongolian. This is the 30th KoG language to be released, with many more in progress. Last month, two team members worked hard to improve Search Engine Optimization for the hundreds of KING of GLORY multi-language videos on YouTube, but ultimately our dependence for reaching a confused world is not in SEO, but in God working through your prayers. He is at work! A few days ago, we received this report from a ministry partner that has been broadcasting (for well over a decade) ROCK’s “Way of Righteousness” chronological radio programs in West Africa in a dialect spoken by 7 million. The overseer of these broadcasts wrote of this language group, “about 100 people have formed a church with 10 other cell groups which are becoming churches as well” and “in [another nation] 7 groups/churches started through listening to the radio programs” and “in [yet another country], coffee and cocoa plantation workers are turning to Christ and a church group has been created.” Please pray for these new believers, that they will be firmly established in the Word of God.


Thank you for your part in ROCK projects in Tanzania, Niger, and Senegal. Continue to pray for all that is needed to complete the Girls’ School in Tanzania (See: ROCK-connected workers who just returned to Niger, wrote: Please pray for us as we transition back into life in West Africa in the extreme heat. We appreciate you for keeping up with us and surrounding us in prayer. How great is our God! What a mighty work He is doing. May He be glorified among the nations and in the hearts of many in [West Africa]!” Amen. “Brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you” (2 Thessalonians 3:1).

May 2019

April 2019

ROCK Resources

God is at work (and sometimes we get to hear of it)! Here are 2 reports from the first and last days of March:

  • March 1: A believer in Central Asia called via WhatsApp to tell of a Muslim lady who, with her young son, had checked into their women’s center, a hideaway for hurting, abused women. On the second day of her stay, she watched the entire KING of GLORY movie in her heart language. She then returned to her room where she wept for hours. Later, when the staff asked her why she had been crying, she said, “This film gave me the answers I’ve been searching for for most of my life.” As the women spoke to her of God’s way of forgiveness, her child came saying, “Mommy, don’t listen to these people, they are telling you lies! Don’t listen to them, they lie!” But she sent her boy out of the room, fell to her knees and called on the name of the Lord Jesus to save her. After this, the believers said, “It was like an evil spirit had left the area.” Before coming to the refuge, in her hopelessness, this dear lady had tried to kill herself several times. But by the love shown to her through His people and by the power of the gospel, she is now a new creation in Christ.
  • March 31: A Senegalese elder wrote to tell of a young Muslim lady who has been listening to The Way of Righteousness Wolof broadcasts over a long period of time. On Sunday, she attended the church meeting in northern Senegal to declare her faith in Christ. Pray for her spiritual growth and boldness in the gospel.


Thank you for your part in ROCK projects in Tanzania, Niger, and Senegal. Please pray the provision of all that is needed to complete the Girls’ School in Tanzania (See:, for God’s guidance and blessing on the youth work in Niger, and for the 100 girls attending the Girl’s Training Center in Senegal.

April 2019

March 2019

ROCK Resources

Glory to God, the 16-language KING of GLORY DVD Edition 3 is finished with 20,000 copies en route to 14 locations. And since two of those languages are French and Wolof, one of those locations is Senegal, West Africa. Pray that minds and hearts would be opened to understand and believe the gospel as they watch and listen to God’s story and message in their heart language. Pray also for those watching it on YouTube (in 29 languages). In the month of January, nearly 33,000 people clicked on the movie to watch it for a combined total of 4233 hours. On a daily basis, we also hear from those watching it on TWR360, TransWorld Radio’s website. Here’s a bit of feedback from the last two weeks: India: “I want to know God more and teach my kids about the Lord.” Iran: “It’s very good. Thank you.” United Arab Emirates: “[Thank you for this] knowledge about how to teach children the words of God.” Liberia: “The program is rewarding.” Kenya: “I love the teachings in the animation.” Uganda: “It’s such a great program.” South Africa: “What a wonderful way to meet God and the plan He has for us. Amen” USA: “I enjoyed the program! Hi from Knoxville, TN!”


Thank you too for your part in ROCK projects in Niger, Senegal, and Tanzania. Please continue to pray for the completion of the Tanzania girls’ school on the Island on Lake Victoria. The goal is still to open in January 2020, but much construction must be completed before that can happen. As you pray for this school destined to offer at-risk girls a safe and Christ-centered learning environment, it may interest you to know that it was the local believers who gave the land and who are now providing the on-the-ground oversight. Once the school is built, they will also have the major role of hiring the teachers, selecting students, etc. Meanwhile in Niger, praise God, at last, the team has in hand the revised, legal paperwork which will open the way for various ministries. Pray for two of the couples as they will soon return to the work, each with a new baby in arms!

March 2019

February 2019

ROCK Resources

Just one month into 2019, we have been blessed to see God work in so many ways. Here’s a sampling from January: A hospital team in Togo, West Africa, which uses ROCK’s resources, writes of their desire to translate them into some of the 8 local languages. A team of evangelists in Haiti has been showing a field-test version of the KING of GLORY movie in Creole to reach remote mountain villages. One of the team-members wrote: “I’ve never seen a response like this! We showed the Jesus film in some places before and it was good. But now they are seeing the gospel from Genesis to Revelation. All we’ve been trying to communicate is wrapped up in this film!” In Kyrgyzstan, the movie was shown twice on a major TV network. Also, KING of GLORY will be released in both Creole and Malayalam this month. And 20,000 copies of a new 16-language KoG DVD are scheduled to be replicated and sent around the world. Thank you for your prayers and part in what God is doing.


Thank you too for your share in ROCK projects in Niger, Senegal, and Tanzania. Please continue to pray for the completion of the construction of the Tanzania girls’ school. The goal is to open in January 2020. Many of the stories we receive have to do with the daily relational opportunities. A ROCK-connected couple in Niger recently wrote: “Tech classes continue…. We continue to use the King of Glory movie in many contexts…. Sometimes there are frustrations. A couple months ago R. visited a family whose little boy had a broken leg. They showed her an X-ray of his misaligned broken bones. Sadly, they had opted to use traditional medicine wrapping his leg with a small bamboo splint. R. asked them several times to please allow her to take him to the hospital for a proper cast which we would pay for. They refused possibly out of fear of the local witch doctor. So now the little boy walks with a limp and now they are willing for him to be taken to a real doctor. This month we will be trying to find out if he can be helped. We know that God can use even this frustrating situation for good.”

February 2019

January 2019

ROCK International is a channel; a conduit with a two-fold purpose:

  • to reach into neglected nations with projects thatdemonstrate God’s love (ROCKids).
  • to produce and propagate resources that declare God’s truth(ROCK Resources).

By God’s faithfulness, for a dozen years ROCK has been a conduit. But a conduit is nothing by itself. Webster defines conduit as “a natural or artificial channel through which something is conveyed; a means of transmitting or distributing.” It is by your sacrificial gifts that ROCK has been an effective channel through which God’s love and truth is being conveyed and transmitted to millions of people worldwide. We thank God for each of you who have partnered with us over the years. In all of its worldwide ministries, ROCK continues to operate on the principle of total commitment to God’s faithfulness to supply the financial needs connected with each project and all it involves. We thank Him for His faithfulness through you.

Speaking of conduits, we want to make you aware that, thanks to the diligent work of ROCK’s webteam, ROCK has a new online system (donorbox) for receiving contributions. ROCK’s contribute page now has 4 buttons:
1. ROCK Resources. 2. ROCKids. 3. Niger Ministries. 4. Tanzania Girls’ School.

It is important to understand that while the Niger and Tanzanian projects are a part of ROCKids, the ongoing projects in both Niger and Tanzania are financed primarily through funds designated specifically for them. Your designated gift can be given online on the contribute page or mailed to ROCK International’s P.O. Box.

NOTE: If you have set up your giving for automatic monthly contributions, at your convenience, please cancel that and sign up again on ROCK’s contribute page: This will switch you over to the new system. Thank you! Also, if you do not receive ROCK International’s updates, you can sign up at: or write to:

January 2019