December 2021

ROCK Resources: We never know what a month may hold, but we know WHO holds the month. In October ROCK’s multi-language videos had 364,800 views with an average view-time of 32 minutes per click. But on November 1st, most of that traffic stopped. This was due to 1000+ (illegitimate) copyright claims made against certain musical pieces used in the KING of GLORY movie. Many of our videos were blocked, bringing their views to zero. ROCK filed 1000+ disputes and within a week, praise God, the videos were restored. Pray on!

Now scroll forward to the last day of the month. On Nov. 30th, Henri, one of our Senegalese media-ministry coworkers (who has shared KING of GLORY in various ways with thousands) was called up higher by the King Himself. He will be greatly missed, “but the word of God [will continue] to grow and to multiply” (Acts 12:24). Also in November, two new KoG languages were released, Portuguese and Afrikaans. Pray that many will find the movie in their heart language and understand and receive the gospel. And to reach lost people you know, keep in mind FOR THIS REASON, the one-sitting Christmas version of KoG.

ROCKids: From the New Hope Girls’ School in Tanzania, we received this report: As we begin this season one word comes to mind: Gratitude. Gratitude to the Lord, to you, and for all that has happened in the past few years. Since this endeavor began, we’ve seen God provide two classrooms, latrines, the first dorm, the admin office building, the kitchen and dining hall. Local partners provided the well, trees, and a security guard. In the past few months, we have been able to hire Tumaini Jipya’s (New Hope’s) first employee, and have seen two science labs completed, and we are now starting to buy supplies. Thank you for your partnership thus far.”

Meanwhile in Niger, one of the elders in the church sent this message: “We bless the name of the Lord for what He is doing in and through this church. Pray that we would see this neighborhood transformed by Christ.” In the printing ministry, the team is field-testing the Zarma version of KING of GLORY in preparation to print it.

December 2021