January 2021

ROCK Resources
By God’s grace, our new film, FOR THIS REASON, was released before Christmas—in English, Spanish, and Wolof (with more languages to follow). www.for-this-reason.com  Please pray that the clarity and power of this one-sitting abridgment of the more-thorough 15-episode KING of GLORY movie will lead souls into an understanding of the gospel that will drive out the blinding fear of being ostracized by family, friends and society (1 John 4:18). Pray that multitudes will follow the example of Moses who valued disgrace for Christ above the treasures and culture of Egypt, for he was looking ahead to the reward (Hebrews 11:26). On another note, we praise God that Nate’s new discipleship book, PROSPER: Enjoying Intimacy with God, is now available. https://rockintl.org/product/prosper-enjoying-intimacy-with-god This challenging 31-day journaling journey into Psalm 1 was written during Nate’s bout with cancer. It is scheduled for release on Amazon February 1st.

We glorify God for all He is doing in Senegal, Niger, and Tanzania. In Senegal, on the village property, the basketball court is completed and sessions to connect with and train youth have begun. Wolof Radio broadcasts continue to touch families. Pray for lasting fruit. From Niger, this report: “A family we’ve known for a long time, who has been trapped in darkness, just accepted Christ this past week. Rejoice with us and the angels in heaven! … The printing ministry is going well. Pray for wisdom and growth. We have many ideas for how this can be an even bigger blessing to the work here.” Meanwhile, regarding the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School in Tanzania, we praise God for the funds that have come in, making it possible to begin construction on the foundation of the two science labs required by the government. Thank you for your continued prayers and investment into this school that, once opened, will provide opportunity and hope for girls living under the threat of abuse. Thank you for your partnership of prayer and participation in these ministries with eternal dividends.

January 2021